import org.apache.fop.apps.FopFactory;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.EmbedFontInfo;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontCache;
+import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontEventAdapter;
+import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontEventListener;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontManager;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontResolver;
boolean strict = factory.validateUserConfigStrictly();
FontCache fontCache = fontManager.getFontCache();
+ FontEventListener listener = new FontEventAdapter(
+ renderer.getUserAgent().getEventBroadcaster());
List/*<EmbedFontInfo>*/ embedFontInfoList = buildFontListFromConfiguration(cfg,
- fontResolver, strict, fontManager);
+ fontResolver, strict, fontManager, listener);
if (fontCache != null && fontCache.hasChanged()) {;
* @param fontResolver the FontResolver to use
* @param strict true if an Exception should be thrown if an error is found.
* @param fontManager the font manager
+ * @param listener a font event listener
* @return a List of EmbedFontInfo objects.
* @throws FOPException If an error occurs while processing the configuration
public static List/*<EmbedFontInfo>*/ buildFontListFromConfiguration(Configuration cfg,
FontResolver fontResolver,
- boolean strict, FontManager fontManager) throws FOPException {
+ boolean strict, FontManager fontManager,
+ FontEventListener listener) throws FOPException {
FontCache fontCache = fontManager.getFontCache();
String fontBaseURL = fontManager.getFontBaseURL();
List/*<EmbedFontInfo>*/ fontInfoList
- fontCache
+ fontCache,
+ listener
} catch (IOException e) {
- fontCache
+ fontCache,
+ listener
} catch (IOException e) {
LogUtil.handleException(log, e, strict);
// load fonts from classpath
- fontInfoList, fontResolver, fontCache);
+ fontInfoList, fontResolver, fontCache, listener);
- fontInfoList, fontResolver, fontCache);
+ fontInfoList, fontResolver, fontCache, listener);
// directory (multiple font) configuration
- fontCache
+ fontCache,
+ listener
} catch (IOException e) {
LogUtil.handleException(log, e, strict);
Configuration[] font = fonts.getChildren("font");
for (int i = 0; i < font.length; i++) {
EmbedFontInfo embedFontInfo = getFontInfoFromConfiguration(
- font[i], fontResolver, strict, fontCache);
+ font[i], fontResolver, strict, fontCache, listener);
if (embedFontInfo != null) {
private static void addFontInfoListFromFileList(
List fontFileList, List/*<EmbedFontInfo>*/ embedFontInfoList,
- FontResolver resolver, FontCache fontCache) {
+ FontResolver resolver, FontCache fontCache, FontEventListener listener) {
for (Iterator iter = fontFileList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
URL fontUrl = (URL);
// parse font to ascertain font info
FontInfoFinder finder = new FontInfoFinder();
+ finder.setEventListener(listener);
//EmbedFontInfo fontInfo = finder.find(fontUrl, resolver, fontCache);
//List<EmbedFontInfo> embedFontInfoList = finder.find(fontUrl, resolver, fontCache);
* @throws FOPException if something's wrong with the config data
private static EmbedFontInfo getFontInfoFromConfiguration(
- Configuration fontCfg, FontResolver fontResolver, boolean strict, FontCache fontCache)
+ Configuration fontCfg, FontResolver fontResolver, boolean strict,
+ FontCache fontCache, FontEventListener listener)
throws FOPException {
String metricsUrl = fontCfg.getAttribute("metrics-url", null);
String embedUrl = fontCfg.getAttribute("embed-url", null);
if (fontFile != null) {
FontInfoFinder finder = new FontInfoFinder();
+ finder.setEventListener(listener);
EmbedFontInfo[] infos = finder.find(fontUrl, fontResolver, fontCache);
return infos[0]; //When subFont is set, only one font is returned
} else {