const { createFilePath, createRemoteFileNode } = require('gatsby-source-filesystem');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
-function loadNodeContent(fileNode) {
+function loadNodeContentSync(fileNode) {
const content = fs.readFileSync(fileNode.absolutePath, 'utf-8');
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let newContent = cutSonarCloudContent(content);
- newContent = removeRemainingContentTags(newContent);
- resolve(newContent);
- });
+ let newContent = cutSonarCloudContent(content);
+ newContent = removeRemainingContentTags(newContent);
+ newContent = handleIncludes(newContent, fileNode);
+ return newContent;
+function loadNodeContent(fileNode) {
+ return Promise.resolve(loadNodeContentSync(fileNode));
function removeRemainingContentTags(content) {
const regexBase = '<!-- \\/?(sonarqube|sonarcloud|static) -->';
return content
- .replace(new RegExp(`^${regexBase}(\n|\r|\r\n|$)`, 'gm'), '') // First, remove single-line ones, including ending carriage-returns.
- .replace(new RegExp(`${regexBase}`, 'g'), ''); // Now remove all remaining ones.
+ .replace(new RegExp(`^${regexBase}(\n|\r|\r\n|$)`, 'gm'), '')
+ .replace(new RegExp(`${regexBase}`, 'g'), '');
function cutSonarCloudContent(content) {
return newContent;
+function handleIncludes(content, fileNode) {
+ return content.replace(/@include (.*)/g, (_, path) => {
+ const relativePath = `${path}.md`;
+ const absolutePath = `${__dirname}/../../src/${relativePath}`;
+ if (relativePath === fileNode.relativePath) {
+ throw new Error(`Error in ${fileNode.relativePath}: The file is trying to include itself.`);
+ } else if (!fs.existsSync(absolutePath)) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `Error in ${fileNode.relativePath}: Couldn't load "${relativePath}" for inclusion.`
+ );
+ } else {
+ const fileContent = loadNodeContentSync({ absolutePath, relativePath });
+ return fileContent
+ .replace(/^---[\w\W]+?---$/m, '')
+ .replace(/^#+ *(toc|table[ -]of[ -]contents?)$/gim, '')
+ .trim();
+ }
+ });
exports.createFilePath = createFilePath;
exports.createRemoteFileNode = createRemoteFileNode;
exports.loadNodeContent = loadNodeContent;
render() {
const page =;
- let htmlWithInclusions = page.html.replace(/<p>@include (.*)<\/p>/, (_, path) => {
- const chunk = data.allMarkdownRemark.edges.find(edge => edge.node.fields.slug === path);
- return chunk ? chunk.node.html : '';
- });
const realHeadingsList = removeExtraHeadings(page.html, page.headings);
+ let htmlWithInclusions = page.html;
htmlWithInclusions = removeTableOfContents(htmlWithInclusions);
htmlWithInclusions = createAnchorForHeadings(htmlWithInclusions, realHeadingsList);
htmlWithInclusions = replaceDynamicLinks(htmlWithInclusions);