// runTest("new pointcut designators in a reference pointcut");
// }
+ //public void testDecpProblemWhenTargetAlreadyImplements_pr169432() { runTest("declare parents problem when target already implements interface");}
+ public void testVariousLtwAroundProblems_pr209019_1() { runTest("various issues with ltw and around advice - 1"); }
+ public void testVariousLtwAroundProblems_pr209019_2() { runTest("various issues with ltw and around advice - 2"); }
+ public void testVariousLtwAroundProblems_pr209019_3() { runTest("various issues with ltw and around advice - 3"); }
+ public void testVariousLtwAroundProblems_pr209019_4() { runTest("various issues with ltw and around advice - 4"); }
public void testAbstractAnnotationStylePointcutWithContext_pr202088() { runTest("abstract annotation style pointcut with context");}
public void testNoErrorForAtDecpInNormalClass_pr169428() { runTest( "no error for atDecp in normal class");}
<!-- AspectJ v1.6.0 Tests -->
- <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr202088" title="abstract annotation style pointcut with context">
+ <!-- very basic with all code style, should be fine -->
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr209019/case1" title="various issues with ltw and around advice - 1">
+ <compile options="-1.5" files="A.java,DurationMethod.java,AbstractDurationMethod.java,Runner.java"/>
+ <run class="Runner">
+ <stdout>
+ <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m3())"/>
+ <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m2())"/>
+ </stdout>
+ </run>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <!-- switch from code style sub-aspect to annotation style sub aspect -->
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr209019/case2" title="various issues with ltw and around advice - 2">
+ <compile options="-1.5 -XnoInline" files="A.java,AtDurationMethod.java,AbstractDurationMethod.java,Runner.java"/>
+ <run class="Runner">
+ <stdout>
+ <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m3())"/>
+ <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m2())"/>
+ </stdout>
+ <stderr>
+ </stderr>
+ </run>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <!-- same as case2 but without -XnoInline -->
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr209019/case2" title="various issues with ltw and around advice - 3">
+ <compile options="-1.5" files="A.java,AtDurationMethod.java,AbstractDurationMethod.java,Runner.java"/>
+ <run class="Runner">
+ <stdout>
+ <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m3())"/>
+ <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m2())"/>
+ </stdout>
+ <stderr>
+ </stderr>
+ </run>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <!-- now loadtime weaving -->
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr209019/case3" title="various issues with ltw and around advice - 4">
+ <compile options="-1.5" files="A.java,AbstractDurationMethod.java,Runner.java"/>
+ <run class="Runner" ltw="aop.xml">
+ <stdout>
+ <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m3())"/>
+ <line text="Proceeded at joinpoint call(Object a.b.A.m2())"/>
+ </stdout>
+ <stderr>
+ </stderr>
+ </run>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr169432" title="declare parents problem when target already implements interface">
+ <compile options="-1.5" files="NonMarkerInterface.java,ClassThatAlreadyIncludesRequiredMethods.java,DeclareParentsForNonMarkerInterfaceToAClassThatAlreadyIncludeRequiredMethods.java"/>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs154/pr202088" title="abstract annotation style pointcut with context">
<compile options="-1.5" files="Bug.java"/>
<compile options="-1.5" files="Bug2.java">