+ @Test
+ void testDateFormatNumbers() throws IOException {
+ TimeZone tz = LocaleUtil.getUserTimeZone();
+ LocaleUtil.setUserTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("CET"));
+ try {
+ runFormatTests("DateFormatNumberTests.xlsx", Cell::getNumericCellValue);
+ } finally {
+ LocaleUtil.setUserTimeZone(tz);
+ }
+ }
void testElapsedFormat() throws IOException {
runFormatTests("ElapsedFormatTests.xlsx", Cell::getNumericCellValue);
private final DateFormat dateFmt;
private String sFmt;
- private final Calendar EXCEL_EPOCH_CAL =
+ private static final Calendar EXCEL_EPOCH_CAL =
LocaleUtil.getLocaleCalendar(1904, 0, 1);
+ private static final double NUM_MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
private static /* final */ CellDateFormatter SIMPLE_DATE;
class DatePartHandler implements CellFormatPart.PartHandler {
value = 0.0;
if (value instanceof Number) {
Number num = (Number) value;
- long v = num.longValue();
+ // Convert from fractional days to milliseconds. Excel always rounds up.
+ double v = Math.round(num.doubleValue() * NUM_MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY);
if (v == 0L) {
value = EXCEL_EPOCH_CAL.getTime();
} else {
Calendar c = (Calendar)EXCEL_EPOCH_CAL.clone();
- c.add(Calendar.SECOND, (int)(v / 1000));
+ // If milliseconds were not requested in the format string, round the seconds.
+ int seconds = (int) (sFmt == null ? Math.round(v / 1000) : v / 1000);
+ c.add(Calendar.SECOND, seconds);
c.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, (int)(v % 1000));
value = c.getTime();
int pos = toAppendTo.length();
try (Formatter formatter = new Formatter(toAppendTo, Locale.ROOT)) {
long msecs = dateObj.getTime() % 1000;
+ if (msecs < 0) {
+ msecs += 1000;
+ }
formatter.format(locale, sFmt, msecs / 1000.0);
toAppendTo.delete(pos, pos + 2);