+++ /dev/null
-# makefile for fop
-# use gmake
-include $(BASEDIR)/Makefile.rules
-FONTXMLBASE=Courier.xml \
- Courier-Oblique.xml \
- Courier-Bold.xml \
- Courier-BoldOblique.xml \
- Helvetica.xml \
- Helvetica-Oblique.xml \
- Helvetica-Bold.xml \
- Helvetica-BoldOblique.xml \
- Times-Roman.xml \
- Times-Italic.xml \
- Times-Bold.xml \
- Times-BoldItalic.xml
-CHARLISTXML =$(CODEGEN)/charlist.xml
-CHARLISTXSL =$(CODEGEN)/code-point-mapping.xsl
-PACKAGES=org.apache.fop.apps \
- org.apache.fop.datatypes \
- org.apache.fop.fo \
- org.apache.fop.fo.flow \
- org.apache.fop.fo.pagination \
- org.apache.fop.image \
- org.apache.fop.layout \
- org.apache.fop.pdf \
- org.apache.fop.render \
- org.apache.fop.render.awt \
- org.apache.fop.render.pdf \
- org.apache.fop.render.xml \
- org.apache.fop.svg \
- org.apache.fop.viewer \
- org.apache.fop.fo.properties \
- org.apache.fop.render.pdf.fonts
-all: codegen allsubs
-clean: cleansubs
- rm -f *~
-clobber: clean
- rm -rf $(GENDIR)
- rm -rf $(JARTEMP) $(JARTOC) $(JARFILE)
- rm -f $(SRCJAR)
- rm -rf $(APIDOCDIR)
-codegen: $(GENDIR) compilegen
-compilegen: properties charlist fonts
- cd $(GENDIR) && \
- ($(FIND) . -name \*.java -print > javafiletoc) && \
- for javafile in `cat javafiletoc` ; do \
- echo $(JAVAC) $(GEN_JAVAC_ARGS) $$javafile ;\
- $(JAVAC) $(GEN_JAVAC_ARGS) $$javafile ;\
- done
- mkdir -p $(GENDIR)/org/apache/fop/fo/properties;
- mkdir -p $(GENDIR)/org/apache/fop/render/pdf/fonts;
-fonts: $(FONTXML) $(FONTXSL)
- cd $(GENDIR) && for font in $(FONTXML) ; do $(XALAN) -IN ../$$font -XSL ../$(FONTXSL) ; done
-docs: all $(APIDOCDIR)
-dist: all $(JARTEMP) distgen distorg
- rm -f $(JARFILE)
- cd $(JARTEMP) && $(JAR) -cf ../$(JARFILE) *
- rm -rf $(JARTEMP) $(JARTOC)
-srcdist: clobber
- $(JAR) -cf $(SRCJAR) .
- mkdir $(JARTEMP)
- mkdir $(APIDOCDIR)
- cd $(GENDIR) && \
- rm -f $(JARTOC) && \
- ($(FIND) . -name \*.class -print > $(JARTOC)) && \
- ($(TAR) -cf - -T $(JARTOC) | (cd ../$(JARTEMP); $(TAR) -xf - ))
- cd src && \
- rm -f $(JARTOC) && \
- ($(FIND) org -name \*.class -print > $(JARTOC)) && \
- ($(TAR) -cf - -T $(JARTOC) | (cd ../$(JARTEMP); $(TAR) -xf - ))
-$(TARGETS:%=%subs): %subs :
- for dir in $(SUBDIRS) ; do \
- (cd $$dir && pwd && $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $*) || exit 1 ; \
- done
-Things worked on:
-rewrite of the org.apache.fop.layout in a new package (implements xsl 2000) [James Tauber]
-image support [Eric Schaeffer, Pankaj Narula]
-simple-links [Arved Sandstrom]
-SVG support [Keiron Liddle][Torsten Friebe]
-more borders, padding and absolute positioning [Jon Smirl]
-smooth shading in PDF [Steve Coffman]
-Things to do:
-Get images working
-[PARTIAL] Get padding working
-[DONE] Incorporate Arved Sandstrom's simple-link implementation
-[PARTIAL] Implement basic keeps
-[PARTIAL] Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's further table fixes
-Implement MessageHandler (or similar)
-Support XSL Working Draft 12 January 2000
-Other Bugs to fix:
-colour not continued onto subsequent pages if coloured block goes over page
-simple-link doesn't seem to work (I think I, JKT, broke it)
-with AWT Previewer:
-- currently the layout process uses PDF fonts. This gives sometimes
+**** COMMITTERS ****
+Arved Sandstrom (release coordinator)
+James Tauber (started it all and wrote most of the code)
+Steven Coffman
+Fotis Jannidis
+Eric Schaeffer
+Jon Smirl
+**** THINGS WORKED ON *****
+rewrite of the org.apache.fop.layout in a new package (implements xsl 2000) [James Tauber]
+image support [Eric Schaeffer, Pankaj Narula, Andreas Rueckert]
+simple-links [Arved Sandstrom]
+SVG support [Keiron Liddle][Torsten Friebe]
+more borders, padding and absolute positioning [Jon Smirl]
+smooth shading in PDF [Steven Coffman]
+tables: fo: table-header, table-and-caption,
+ properties:
+ column-number,
+ number-columns-repeated
+ number-columns-spanned
+ number-rows-spanned
+ general properties wrt tables
+ [Karen Lease]
+docs, message handler [Fotis Jannidis]
+**** THINGS TO DO ****
+Support XSL Working Draft 27 March 2000
+1.One category of tasks will be to implement missing formatting objects.
+ There are 6 (7) such objects:
+ fo:character (?)
+ fo:external-graphic
+ fo:leader
+ fo:table-and-caption
+ fo:table-header
+ fo:multi-case
+ fo:wrapper
+2.A second category of tasks will be to update existing objects.
+ This typically entails renaming modifications. There are at least 3 of these:
+ fo:page-sequence-master
+ fo:single-page-master-reference
+ fo:repeatable-page-master-reference
+3.A third category of tasks is to retire obsolescent objects. The primary issue
+ here seems to be the migration of FOP from officially supporting
+ DisplayGraphic and InlineGraphic FO's to officially supporting at least an
+ ExternalGraphic FO, and ideally also the InstreamForeignObject FO, the latter
+ aimed at SVG support.
+4.A fourth, and not insignificant, category of tasks is to decide upon and
+ implement all reasonable properties required by the specification. This
+ also means that at this point, until further review, no FO can be considered
+ to be compliant.
+ 11.href (Dropped/Changed)
+ 14.page-master-even (Dropped/Changed)
+ 15.page-master-first (Dropped/Changed)
+ 16.page-master-name (Dropped/Changed)
+ 17.page-master-odd (Dropped/Changed)
+ 18.page-master-repeating (Dropped/Changed)
+ 21.space-after.optimum (Incomplete)
+ 22.space-before.optimum (Incomplete)
+ 25.white-space-treatment (Dropped/Changed)
+ b) NEW
+ 1.alignment-adjust 26.min-width
+ 2.baseline-identifier 27.number-columns-repeated
+ 3.baseline-shift 28.number-columns-spanned
+ 4.block-progression-dimension 29.number-rows-spanned
+ 5.character 30.orphans
+ 6.clip 31.overflow
+ 7.column-number 32.page-break-after
+ 8.content-type 33.page-break-before
+ 9.direction 34.precedence
+ 10.display-align 35.ref-id
+ 11.dominant-baseline 36.reference-orientation
+ 12.font-variant 37.region-name
+ 13.format 38.relative-align
+ 14.grouping-separator 39.role
+ 15.grouping-size 40.rule-style
+ 16.inline-progression-dimension 41.source-document
+ 17.keep-with-previous 42.space-after
+ 18.leader-length 43.space-before
+ 19.leader-pattern 44.space-end
+ 20.letter-value 45.space-start
+ 21.line-stacking-strategy 46.src
+ 22.master-name 47.visibility
+ 23.max-height 48.widows
+ 24.max-width 49.writing-mode
+ 25.min-height 50.z-index
+5.A fifth category of tasks is the ongoing effort to promote maintainability,
+ more and better documentation, and to refine the build process.
+ a) Don't use 'make' any longer and make sure that build.sh and build.bat work
+ b) Add the property files to the source code (how is the vote on this?)
+ c) update the examples to the new spec
+ d) add examples so that all the FOs supported are used in some example
+Get images working
+[PARTIAL] Get padding working
+[DONE] Incorporate Arved Sandstrom's simple-link implementation
+[PARTIAL] Implement basic keeps
+[PARTIAL] Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's further table fixes
+Other Bugs to fix:
+- colour not continued onto subsequent pages if coloured block goes over page
+- simple-link doesn't work properly
+- no SVG support in AWTCommandLine
+with AWT Previewer:
+- currently the layout process uses PDF fonts. This gives sometimes
trouble with java.awt.Font
-- we need some progress messages even if the process itself is fast
-- GIF format is supported by the viewer, but disabled in FOP. BMP is
- not done, because there are no standard libraries.
-- more comments/english comments
-- first preview is painted twice (flashing screen)
-- should "preview" be an option when calling FOP instead of having
- it's own main method?
-Done since 0.12.1 release
-- using Ant to build Fop instead of make [Giacomo Pati]
-- borders, padding and absolute positioning [Jon Smirl]
-0.12.1 release
-to make the bug fix on XTCommandLine available to non developers
-basic support for padding-{top,left,bottom,right} on blocks.
-implemented simple-link (don't think it works, though)
-XTCommandLine now works again
-background color works on list-block
-list-blocks can now be in table-cell
-Done for 0.12.0 release:
-Make sure Makefiles work
-Switch to using Status object as return from layout()
-Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's fix to tables in static-content
-Incorporate Kelly Campell's fixes to GifJpegImage
-Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's background colour implementation
- (actually used different approach with background colour as trait)
-A list of changes to the fo and properties implemented in FOP in the WD XSL 2000
-(contributed by Pankaj Narula)
-Formatting Objects
-root Yes
-layout-master-set Yes
-simple-page-master Yes
-region-body Yes
-region-before Yes
-region-after Yes
-page-sequence Yes
-sequence-specification changed to page-sequence-master
-sequence-specifier-single changed to single-page-master-reference
-sequence-specifier-repeating changed to repeatable-page-master-reference
-sequence-specifier-alternating changed to repeatable-page-master-alternatives
-flow Yes
-static-content Yes
-block Yes
-list-block Yes
-list-item Yes
-list-item-label Yes
-list-item-body Yes
-page-number Yes
-display-sequence nuked tbd the equivalent tag is block-container
-inline-sequence nuked tbd the equivalent tag is inline-container
-display-rule nuked tbd the equivalent thing
-display-graphic nuked now two tags external-graphic instream-graphic
-table (minimal support) Yes
-table-column (minimal support) Yes
-table-body (minimal support) Yes
-table-row (minimal support) Yes
-table-cell (minimal support) Yes
-end-indent Yes
-page-master-name nuked replaced with master-name
-page-master-first implemented using conditional page reference object
-page-master-repeating do
-page-master-odd do
-page-master-even do
-margin-top (only on pages and regions) Yes
-margin-bottom (only on pages and regions) Yes
-margin-left (only on pages and regions) Yes
-margin-right (only on pages and regions) Yes
-extent Yes
-page-width Yes
-page-height Yes
-flow-name Yes
-font-family Yes
-font-style Yes
-font-weight Yes
-font-size Yes
-line-height Yes
-text-align Yes
-text-align-last Yes
-space-before.optimum Yes
-space-after.optimum Yes
-start-indent Yes
-end-indent Yes
-provisional-distance-between-starts Yes
-provisional-label-separation Yes
-rule-thickness Yes
-color Yes
-wrap-option Yes
-white-space-treatment Yes
-break-before Yes
-break-after Yes
-text-indent Yes
-href Yes
-column-width Yes
-background-color Yes
-padding-top (in conjunction with bgcolor) Yes
-padding-left (in conjunction with bgcolor) Yes
-padding-bottom (in conjunction with bgcolor) Yes
-padding-right (in conjunction with bgcolor) Yes
+- we need some progress messages even if the process itself is fast
+- GIF format is supported by the viewer, but disabled in FOP. BMP is
+ not done, because there are no standard libraries.
+- more comments/english comments
+- first preview is painted twice (flashing screen)
+- should "preview" be an option when calling FOP instead of having
+ it's own main method?
+**** HISTORY ****
+Done since 0.12.1 release
+- using Ant to build Fop instead of make [Giacomo Pati]
+- borders, padding and absolute positioning [Jon Smirl]
+0.12.1 release
+to make the bug fix on XTCommandLine available to non developers
+basic support for padding-{top,left,bottom,right} on blocks.
+implemented simple-link (don't think it works, though)
+XTCommandLine now works again
+background color works on list-block
+list-blocks can now be in table-cell
+Done for 0.12.0 release:
+Make sure Makefiles work
+Switch to using Status object as return from layout()
+Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's fix to tables in static-content
+Incorporate Kelly Campell's fixes to GifJpegImage
+Incorporate Eric Schaeffer's background colour implementation
+ (actually used different approach with background colour as trait)
\ No newline at end of file