--- /dev/null
+# jQuery
+> jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
+For information on how to get started and how to use jQuery, please see [jQuery's documentation](http://api.jquery.com/).
+For source files and issues, please visit the [jQuery repo](https://github.com/jquery/jquery).
+If upgrading, please see the [blog post for @VERSION](@BLOG_POST_LINK). This includes notable differences from the previous version and a more readable changelog.
+## Including jQuery
+Below are some of the most common ways to include jQuery.
+### Browser
+#### Script tag
+<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-@VERSION.min.js"></script>
+#### Babel
+[Babel](http://babeljs.io/) is a next generation JavaScript compiler. One of the features is the ability to use ES6/ES2015 modules now, even though browsers do not yet support this feature natively.
+import $ from "jquery";
+#### Browserify/Webpack
+There are several ways to use [Browserify](http://browserify.org/) and [Webpack](https://webpack.github.io/). For more information on using these tools, please refer to the corresponding project's documention. In the script, including jQuery will usually look like this...
+var $ = require( "jquery" );
+#### AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition)
+AMD is a module format built for the browser. For more information, we recommend [require.js' documentation](http://requirejs.org/docs/whyamd.html).
+define( [ "jquery" ], function( $ ) {
+} );
+### Node
+To include jQuery in [Node](nodejs.org), first install with npm.
+npm install jquery
+For jQuery to work in Node, a window with a document is required. Since no such window exists natively in Node, one can be mocked by tools such as [jsdom](https://github.com/tmpvar/jsdom). This can be useful for testing purposes.
+const { JSDOM } = require( "jsdom" );
+const { window } = new JSDOM( "" );
+const $ = require( "jquery" )( window );
module.exports = function( Release, files, complete ) {
- var
- fs = require( "fs" ),
- shell = require( "shelljs" ),
- pkg = require( Release.dir.repo + "/package.json" ),
- distRemote = Release.remote
- // For local and github dists
- .replace( /jquery(\.git|$)/, "jquery-dist$1" ),
- // These files are included with the distribution
- extras = [
- "src",
- "LICENSE.txt",
- "AUTHORS.txt",
- "package.json"
- ];
+ const fs = require( "fs" ).promises;
+ const shell = require( "shelljs" );
+ const inquirer = require( "inquirer" );
+ const pkg = require( `${ Release.dir.repo }/package.json` );
+ const distRemote = Release.remote
+ // For local and github dists
+ .replace( /jquery(\.git|$)/, "jquery-dist$1" );
+ // These files are included with the distribution
+ const extras = [
+ "src",
+ "LICENSE.txt",
+ "AUTHORS.txt",
+ "package.json"
+ ];
* Clone the distribution repo
function clone() {
Release.chdir( Release.dir.base );
- Release.dir.dist = Release.dir.base + "/dist";
+ Release.dir.dist = `${ Release.dir.base }/dist`;
console.log( "Using distribution repo: ", distRemote );
- Release.exec( "git clone " + distRemote + " " + Release.dir.dist,
+ Release.exec( `git clone ${ distRemote } ${ Release.dir.dist }`,
"Error cloning repo." );
// Distribution always works on master
* Replace the version in the README
* @param {string} readme
+ * @param {string} blogPostLink
- function editReadme( readme ) {
- var rprev = new RegExp( Release.prevVersion, "g" );
- return readme.replace( rprev, Release.newVersion );
+ function editReadme( readme, blogPostLink ) {
+ return readme
+ .replace( /@VERSION/g, Release.newVersion )
+ .replace( /@BLOG_POST_LINK/g, blogPostLink );
* Copy necessary files over to the dist repo
- function copy() {
+ async function copy() {
// Copy dist files
- var distFolder = Release.dir.dist + "/dist",
- externalFolder = Release.dir.dist + "/external",
- readme = fs.readFileSync( Release.dir.dist + "/README.md", "utf8" ),
- rmIgnore = files
- .concat( [
- "README.md",
- "node_modules"
- ] )
- .map( function( file ) {
- return Release.dir.dist + "/" + file;
- } );
+ const distFolder = `${ Release.dir.dist }/dist`;
+ const externalFolder = `${ Release.dir.dist }/external`;
+ const readme = await fs.readFile(
+ `${ Release.dir.repo }/build/fixtures/README.md`, "utf8" );
+ const rmIgnore = [ ...files, "node_modules" ]
+ .map( file => `${ Release.dir.dist }/${ file }` );
shell.config.globOptions = {
ignore: rmIgnore
+ const { blogPostLink } = await inquirer.prompt( [ {
+ type: "input",
+ name: "blogPostLink",
+ message: "Enter URL of the blog post announcing the jQuery release...\n"
+ } ] );
// Remove extraneous files before copy
- shell.rm( "-rf", Release.dir.dist + "/**/*" );
+ shell.rm( "-rf", `${ Release.dir.dist }/**/*` );
shell.mkdir( "-p", distFolder );
files.forEach( function( file ) {
- shell.cp( "-f", Release.dir.repo + "/" + file, distFolder );
+ shell.cp( "-f", `${ Release.dir.repo }/${ file }`, distFolder );
} );
// Copy Sizzle
shell.mkdir( "-p", externalFolder );
- shell.cp( "-rf", Release.dir.repo + "/external/sizzle", externalFolder );
+ shell.cp( "-rf", `${ Release.dir.repo }/external/sizzle`, externalFolder );
// Copy other files
extras.forEach( function( file ) {
- shell.cp( "-rf", Release.dir.repo + "/" + file, Release.dir.dist );
+ shell.cp( "-rf", `${ Release.dir.repo }/${ file }`, Release.dir.dist );
} );
- // Remove the wrapper from the dist repo
- shell.rm( "-f", Release.dir.dist + "/src/wrapper.js" );
+ // Remove the wrapper & the ESLint config from the dist repo
+ shell.rm( "-f", `${ Release.dir.dist }/src/wrapper.js` );
+ shell.rm( "-f", `${ Release.dir.dist }/src/.eslintrc.json` );
// Write generated bower file
- fs.writeFileSync( Release.dir.dist + "/bower.json", generateBower() );
+ await fs.writeFile( `${ Release.dir.dist }/bower.json`, generateBower() );
- fs.writeFileSync( Release.dir.dist + "/README.md", editReadme( readme ) );
+ await fs.writeFile( `${ Release.dir.dist }/README.md`,
+ editReadme( readme, blogPostLink ) );
console.log( "Files ready to add." );
- console.log( "Edit the dist README.md to include the latest blog post link." );
console.log( "Adding files to dist..." );
Release.exec( "git add -A", "Error adding files." );
- "git commit -m \"Release " + Release.newVersion + "\"",
+ `git commit -m "Release ${ Release.newVersion }"`,
"Error committing files."
console.log( "Tagging release on dist..." );
- Release.exec( "git tag " + Release.newVersion,
- "Error tagging " + Release.newVersion + " on dist repo." );
+ Release.exec( `git tag ${ Release.newVersion }`,
+ `Error tagging ${ Release.newVersion } on dist repo.` );
Release.tagTime = Release.exec( "git log -1 --format=\"%ad\"",
"Error getting tag timestamp." ).trim();
Release.chdir( Release.dir.dist );
console.log( "Pushing release to dist repo..." );
- Release.exec( "git push " + ( Release.isTest ? " --dry-run " : "" ) +
- distRemote + " master --tags",
- "Error pushing master and tags to git repo." );
+ Release.exec(
+ `git push ${
+ Release.isTest ? " --dry-run" : ""
+ } ${ distRemote } master --tags`,
+ "Error pushing master and tags to git repo."
+ );
// Set repo for npm publish
Release.dir.origRepo = Release.dir.repo;