runtime and must be redistributed with any system built using AspectJ.
This module has no external dependencies and produces a tiny ~30KB jar.
The AspectJ compiler accepts both AspectJ bytecode and source code and
produces pure Java bytecode as a result. Internally it has two stages.
When parsed, this program will produce the following tree.
==== PointcutDeclaration processing
pointcut entries(Main o): execution(void doit()) && this(o);
The pointcut declaration is implemented as a subtype of a method
declaration. The actual pointcut is parsed by the weaver module. This
are added for the special thisJoinPoint forms that could be used in the
At this point the statements field which will hold the body of the
advice is still null. This field is not filled in until the second stage
The main classes in this module are shown in the following diagram:
=== Weaving back-end (weaver)