settings.authentication.github.confirm.insecure=Potentially insecure configuration
settings.authentication.github.confirm.AUTO_PROVISIONING.description=Once you transition to automatic provisioning, groups, users, group memberships, and permissions on GitHub projects will be inherited from GitHub. You will no longer have the ability to edit them within SonarQube. Do you want to proceed with this change?
settings.authentication.github.confirm.JIT.description=Switching to Just-in-Time provisioning removes the automatic synchronization of users, groups, and group memberships. Users are provisioned and group memberships are updated only at user login. Are you sure?
-settings.authentication.github.provisioning_change.confirm_changes=Confirm changes
+settings.authentication.github.provisioning_change.confirm_changes=Confirm change
settings.authentication.github.provisioning_change.insecure_config=Please be aware that your configuration is potentially insecure because you didn't add any organization to the allowlist. If your GitHub App is public, anyone can install it and gain access to your instance.
settings.authentication.github.configuration=GitHub Configuration
settings.authentication.github.form.not_configured=GitHub App is not configured
settings.authentication.gitlab.confirm.AUTO_PROVISIONING.description=Once you transition to automatic provisioning users and groups on GitLab projects will be inherited from GitLab. You will no longer have the ability to edit them within SonarQube. Do you want to proceed with this change?
settings.authentication.gitlab.confirm.JIT.description=Switching to Just-in-Time provisioning removes the automatic synchronization of users and groups. Users are provisioned and updated only at user login. Are you sure?
settings.authentication.gitlab.confirm.insecure=Potentially insecure configuration
-settings.authentication.gitlab.provisioning_change.confirm_changes=Confirm Changes
+settings.authentication.gitlab.provisioning_change.confirm_changes=Confirm change
settings.authentication.gitlab.provisioning_change.insecure_config=Please be aware that your configuration is potentially insecure because you didn't add any groups to the allowlist and you allowed users to sign up. Anyone can install it and gain access to your instance.
settings.authentication.gitlab.form.provisioning_with_gitlab=Automatic user and group provisioning
settings.authentication.gitlab.form.provisioning_with_gitlab.description=Users and groups are automatically provisioned from GitLab. Once activated, users and groups can only be created and modified from GitLab. Existing local users will be kept and can only be deactivated. {documentation}