local fun = require 'fun'
+local meta_functions = require "lua_meta"
local lua_util = require "lua_util"
local common = require "lua_selectors/common"
local ts = require("tableshape").types
'Returns the result table. See task:get_metric_result()',
['args_schema'] = {ts.string:is_optional()}
+ -- Get list of metatokens as strings
+ ['metatokens'] = {
+ ['get_value'] = function(task)
+ local tokens = meta_functions.gen_metatokens(task)
+ if not tokens[1] then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local res = {}
+ for _, t in ipairs(tokens) do
+ table.insert(res, tostring(t))
+ end
+ return res, 'string_list'
+ end,
+ ['description'] = 'Get metatokens for a message as strings',
+ },
return extractors
['description'] = 'Extracts tld from a hostname represented as a string',
['args_schema'] = {}
+ -- Converts list of strings to numbers and returns a packed string
+ ['pack_numbers'] = {
+ ['types'] = {
+ ['string_list'] = true
+ },
+ ['map_type'] = 'string',
+ ['process'] = function(inp, _, args)
+ local fmt = args[1] or 'f'
+ local res = {}
+ for _, s in ipairs(inp) do
+ table.insert(res, tonumber(s))
+ end
+ return rspamd_util.pack(string.rep(fmt, #res), lua_util.unpack(res)), 'string'
+ end,
+ ['description'] = 'Converts a list of strings to numbers & returns a packed string',
+ ['args_schema'] = {ts.string:is_optional()}
+ },
transform_function.match = transform_function.regexp