<li><link href="http://gump.cocoondev.org/xml-fop-maintenance.html">Gump build for the Maintenance Branch</link></li>
+ <section id="basic">
+ <title>Basic/API Testing</title>
+ <p>There is a group of basic API tests that are included in the build process.
+For these tests to occur, JUnit must be available to Ant (simply copy junit.jar into Ant's lib directory).
+The build will then report error(s) if the high-level APIs for Driver and the Transcoders fail.
+The tests do not check the output, but only ensure that something is generated and without exceptions.</p>
+ </section>
<section id="functional">
<title>Functional Testing</title>
+ <warning>The "functional" testing section on this page is currently inoperative.</warning>
<title>Running and Using Tests</title>