* The purpose of this script is to invoke the Fogbugz API and update a case when\r
* push is received based.\r
* \r
- * Example URL - http://bugs.salsalabs.com/fogbugz/cvsSubmit.asp?ixBug=bugID&sFile=file&sPrev=x&sNew=y&ixRepository=206\r
+ * Example URL - http://bugs.yourdomain.com/fogbugz/cvsSubmit.asp?ixBug=bugID&sFile=file&sPrev=x&sNew=y&ixRepository=206\r
* \r
* The Post-Receive hook is executed AFTER the pushed commits have been applied\r
* to the Git repository. This is the appropriate point to trigger an\r
* def myCustomField = repository.customFields.myCustomField\r
* \r
* Cusom Fileds Used by This script\r
- * fogbugzUrl - base URL to Fogbugz (ie. https://bugs.salsalabs.com/fogbugz/)\r
+ * fogbugzUrl - base URL to Fogbugz (ie. https://bugs.yourdomain.com/fogbugz/)\r
* fogbugzRepositoryId - (ixRepository value from Fogbugz Source Control configuration screen)\r
* fogbugzCommitMessageRegex - regex pattern used to match on bug id\r