Fetch with protocol V2 failed under the following conditions
- fetch uses bidirectional protocol (git, ssh) which uses a shortcut
to determine invalid wants
- not all wants are advertised
- race condition: wanted ref is updated during fetch by another thread
after the thread serving upload-pack determined wants and before it
checks not advertised wants
Fix this by calling
`new ReachableCommitRequestValidator().checkWants(up, wants)`
instead of throwing WantNotValidException in [1]
if this race happened in the same way like it's done for unidirectional
protocols (http) [2].
[1] https://github.com/eclipse-jgit/jgit/blob/stable-6.10/org.eclipse.jgit/src/org/eclipse/jgit/transport/UploadPack.java#L2002
[2] https://github.com/eclipse-jgit/jgit/blob/stable-6.10/org.eclipse.jgit/src/org/eclipse/jgit/transport/UploadPack.java#L2000
Bug: jgit-48
Change-Id: I32f28502923815dc49781aab5d810c9afbe7e7e6
public void checkWants(UploadPack up, List<ObjectId> wants)
throws PackProtocolException, IOException {
- if (!up.isBiDirectionalPipe())
+ if (!up.isBiDirectionalPipe() || !wants.isEmpty()) {
new ReachableCommitRequestValidator().checkWants(up, wants);
- else if (!wants.isEmpty())
- throw new WantNotValidException(wants.iterator().next());
+ }