<li><link href="mailto:wlight@weatherlight.com">Rhett Aultman</link></li>
<li><link href="mailto:bowditch_chris@hotmail.com">Chris Bowditch</link></li>
<li><link href="mailto:a_l.delmelle@pandora.be">Andreas Delmelle</link></li>
- <li><link href="mailto:cleeds@medata.com">Clay Leeds</link> (CL)
+ <li><link href="mailto:pherweg@web.de">Peter Herweg</link> has been busy
+ integrating the jfor project's RTF support into the upcoming FOP 1.0 version.
+ Born in 1978, he has been serving as an application developer for a small industrial
+ company in Germany since 1999.</li>
+ <li><link href="mailto:cleeds@medata.com">Clay Leeds</link>
is a web/WAP/Palm developer from Laguna Beach, California, USA. A
recent XML/XSL-FO convert, he has been nit-picking FAQs & assorted web
pages since his first webmaster position @brain.com in 1996. Most