+ <target name="release-prep0" depends="-init-svn" description="check to make sure the release tag doesn't exist yet">
+ <!-- verify that svn username/password are valid ... -->
+ <fail message="Unable to connect to SVN repo. Verify apache-id username and password.">
+ <condition>
+ <!-- FIXME: svnExists doesn't work with https here. -->
+ <not><svnExists refid="svn.settings" target="http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/"/></not>
+ </condition>
+ </fail>
+ <!-- verify that the release tag that we're about to create in release-prep1 does not already exist (no overwriting tags!) -->
+ <fail message="Cannot create release tag. https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/tags/${RELEASE_TAG} already exists. Verify the requested release version.">
+ <condition>
+ <!-- FIXME: svnExists doesn't work with https here. -->
+ <svnExists refid="svn.settings" target="http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/tags/${RELEASE_TAG}/"/>
+ </condition>
+ </fail>
+ </target>
<!-- experimental release preparation ... tbd. ... -->
- <target name="release-prep1" depends="-init-svn" description="update the documentation and create the svn tag - needs Java7+">
+ <target name="release-prep1" depends="-init-svn,release-prep0" description="update the documentation and create the svn tag - needs Java7+">
<local name="tstamp_rel"/>
<local name="tstamp_next"/>
<local name="rel_next"/>