<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ In order to build this project you need Ant 1.4 or higher. The following
+ optional jar files should be installed into the ant lib directory:
+ ======= ========
+ junit TODO
+ xerces
+ jdepend
+ * Fix logo's in site build.
+ * Add gump build
+ * Add jar target
+ -->
<project name="POI Build" default="compile" basedir=".">
+ <description>
+ The POI project Ant build.
+ </description>
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="repository" value="http://www.ibiblio.org/maven"/>
<echo file="${contrib.testokfile}" append="false" message="testok"/>
- <target name="docs" depends="init" description="Builds the POI website">
+ <target name="-check-docs">
+ <uptodate property="main.docs.notRequired" targetfile="${build.site}/index.html" >
+ <srcfiles dir= "${main.documentation}"/>
+ </uptodate>
+ </target>
+ <target name="docs" depends="init,-check-docs" unless="main.docs.notRequired"
+ description="Builds the POI website">
<ant antfile="${forrest.home}/forrest.antproxy.xml" target="site">
<property name="project.home" value="${basedir}"/>
- <target name="reports" depends="test" description="Creates junit,jdepend and javadoc reports">
+ <!-- Checks whether reports are required to be run. If nothing has changed then they dont. -->
+ <target name="-check-reports">
+ <condition property="reports.notRequired">
+ <and>
+ <equals arg1="${main.test.notRequired}" arg2="true"/>
+ <equals arg1="${scratchpad.test.notRequired}" arg2="true"/>
+ <equals arg1="${contrib.test.notRequired}" arg2="true"/>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+ <target name="reports" depends="test,-check-reports" unless="reports.notRequired"
+ description="Creates junit,jdepend and javadoc reports">
<junitreport todir="${junit.report.dir}">
<fileset dir="${main.reports.test}">
<include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
- <target name="site" depends="docs,reports" description="generate the documentation and reports"/>
+ <target name="site" depends="docs,reports"
+ description="generate the documentation and reports"/>
- <target name="dist" depends="compile,site" >
+ <target name="jar" depends="compile" description="Creates jar files for distribution">
<jar basedir="${main.output.dir}" destfile="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-${version.id}.jar"/>
<jar basedir="${contrib.output.dir}" destfile="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}.jar"/>
<jar basedir="${scratchpad.output.dir}" destfile="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}.jar"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="dist" depends="clean,compile,site,jar" description="Creates the entire distribution into build/dist">
<zip destfile="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-bin-${version.id}.zip">
<zipfileset dir="${build.site}" prefix="docs" />