api.updated_on user.updated_on
api.last_login_on user.last_login_on
api.passwd_changed_on user.passwd_changed_on
+ api.avatar_url gravatar_url(user.mail, {rating: nil, size: nil, default: Setting.gravatar_default}) if Setting.gravatar_enabled?
api.twofa_scheme user.twofa_scheme
render_api_custom_values user.visible_custom_field_values, api
api.updated_on @user.updated_on
api.last_login_on @user.last_login_on
api.passwd_changed_on @user.passwd_changed_on
+ api.avatar_url gravatar_url(@user.mail, {rating: nil, size: nil, default: Setting.gravatar_default}) if Setting.gravatar_enabled?
api.twofa_scheme @user.twofa_scheme if User.current.admin? || (User.current == @user)
api.api_key @user.api_key if User.current.admin? || (User.current == @user)
api.status @user.status if User.current.admin?
test "GET /users.xml should return users" do
users = User.active.order('login')
users.last.update(twofa_scheme: 'totp')
- get '/users.xml', :headers => credentials('admin')
+ Redmine::Configuration.with 'avatar_server_url' => 'https://gravatar.com' do
+ with_settings :gravatar_enabled => '1', :gravatar_default => 'mm' do
+ get '/users.xml', :headers => credentials('admin')
+ end
+ end
assert_response :success
assert_equal 'application/xml', response.media_type
# No one has changed password.
assert_select user_element, 'passwd_changed_on', :text => ''
+ assert_select user_element, 'avatar_url', :text => %r|\Ahttps://gravatar.com/avatar/\h{32}\?default=mm|
if user == users.last
assert_select user_element, 'twofa_scheme', :text => 'totp'
test "GET /users/:id.xml should return the user" do
- get '/users/2.xml'
+ Redmine::Configuration.with 'avatar_server_url' => 'https://gravatar.com' do
+ with_settings :gravatar_enabled => '1', :gravatar_default => 'robohash' do
+ get '/users/2.xml'
+ end
+ end
assert_response :success
assert_select 'user id', :text => '2'
assert_select 'user updated_on', :text => Time.zone.parse('2006-07-19T20:42:15Z').iso8601
assert_select 'user passwd_changed_on', :text => ''
+ assert_select 'user avatar_url', :text => %r|\Ahttps://gravatar.com/avatar/\h{32}\?default=robohash|
test "GET /users/:id.json should return the user" do