The specification only states a single result byte and not any reason
after a TLS authentication failure.
if (!is->checkNoWait(1))
return false;
- if (is->readU8() == 0) {
- rdr::U32 result = is->readU32();
- CharArray reason;
- if (result == secResultFailed || result == secResultTooMany)
- reason.buf = is->readString();
- else
- reason.buf = strDup("protocol error");
- throw AuthFailureException(reason.buf);
- }
+ if (is->readU8() == 0)
+ throw AuthFailureException("Server failed to initialize TLS session");
if (gnutls_init(&session, GNUTLS_CLIENT) != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS)
throw AuthFailureException("gnutls_init failed");