shrink = false,
shards_count = 1,
max_gb_per_shard = 0, -- zero - disabled by default, if enabled - shards_count is ignored
- force_merge = true,
+ force_merge = false,
segments_count = 1,
cold = {
local function http_callback(err, code, body, _)
local push_done = false
- local push_errors = false
if err then
rspamd_logger.errx(log_object, 'cannot send logs to elastic (%s): %s; failed attempts: %s/%s',
push_url, err, buffer['errors'], settings['limits']['max_fail'])
local res, ucl_err = parser:parse_string(body)
if not ucl_err and res then
local obj = parser:get_object()
- if not obj['errors'] then
- push_done = true
- rspamd_logger.debugm(N, log_object, 'successfully sent payload with %s logs', nlogs_to_send)
- else
- push_errors = true
- for _, value in pairs(obj['items']) do
- if value['index']['status'] >= 400 then
- if value['index']['error'] then
- if value['index']['error']['type'] and value['index']['error']['reason'] then
- rspamd_logger.errx(log_object,
- 'cannot send logs to elastic (%s) due to error: %s status, %s type, due to: %s; failed attempts: %s/%s',
- push_url, value['index']['status'], value['index']['error']['type'], value['index']['error']['reason'],
- buffer['errors'], settings['limits']['max_fail'])
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ push_done = true
+ rspamd_logger.debugm(N, log_object, 'successfully sent payload with %s logs', nlogs_to_send)
+ if obj['errors'] then
+ rspamd_logger.debugm(N, log_object, 'faced errors while pushing logs to elastic (%s): %s', obj['errors'])
buffer['errors'] = 0
+ upstream:fail()
if buffer['errors'] >= settings['limits']['max_fail'] then
rspamd_logger.errx(log_object, 'failed to send %s log lines, failed attempts: %s/%s, removing failed logs from bugger',
nlogs_to_send, buffer['errors'], settings['limits']['max_fail'])
buffer['errors'] = buffer['errors'] + 1
- if push_errors then
- upstream:ok() -- we not assume upstream is failed if it return errors in response body
- else
- upstream:fail()
- end