# Add list and boolean custom fields as available criteria
custom_fields = (@project.nil? ? IssueCustomField.for_all : @project.all_issue_custom_fields)
custom_fields.select {|cf| %w(list bool).include? cf.field_format }.each do |cf|
- @available_criteria["cf_#{cf.id}"] = {:sql => "(SELECT c.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} c WHERE c.custom_field_id = #{cf.id} AND c.customized_type = 'Issue' AND c.customized_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id)",
+ @available_criteria["cf_#{cf.id}"] = {:sql => "(SELECT c.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} c WHERE c.custom_field_id = #{cf.id} AND c.customized_type = 'Issue' AND c.customized_id = #{Issue.table_name}.id ORDER BY c.value LIMIT 1)",
:format => cf.field_format,
:label => cf.name}
end if @project
# Add list and boolean time entry custom fields
TimeEntryCustomField.find(:all).select {|cf| %w(list bool).include? cf.field_format }.each do |cf|
- @available_criteria["cf_#{cf.id}"] = {:sql => "(SELECT c.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} c WHERE c.custom_field_id = #{cf.id} AND c.customized_type = 'TimeEntry' AND c.customized_id = #{TimeEntry.table_name}.id)",
+ @available_criteria["cf_#{cf.id}"] = {:sql => "(SELECT c.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} c WHERE c.custom_field_id = #{cf.id} AND c.customized_type = 'TimeEntry' AND c.customized_id = #{TimeEntry.table_name}.id ORDER BY c.value LIMIT 1)",
:format => cf.field_format,
:label => cf.name}
# Add list and boolean time entry activity custom fields
TimeEntryActivityCustomField.find(:all).select {|cf| %w(list bool).include? cf.field_format }.each do |cf|
- @available_criteria["cf_#{cf.id}"] = {:sql => "(SELECT c.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} c WHERE c.custom_field_id = #{cf.id} AND c.customized_type = 'Enumeration' AND c.customized_id = #{TimeEntry.table_name}.activity_id)",
+ @available_criteria["cf_#{cf.id}"] = {:sql => "(SELECT c.value FROM #{CustomValue.table_name} c WHERE c.custom_field_id = #{cf.id} AND c.customized_type = 'Enumeration' AND c.customized_id = #{TimeEntry.table_name}.activity_id ORDER BY c.value LIMIT 1)",
:format => cf.field_format,
:label => cf.name}
assert_equal "162.90", "%.2f" % assigns(:report).total_hours
+ def test_report_custom_field_criteria_with_multiple_values
+ field = TimeEntryCustomField.create!(:name => 'multi', :field_format => 'list', :possible_values => ['value1', 'value2'])
+ entry = TimeEntry.create!(:project => Project.find(1), :hours => 1, :activity_id => 10, :user => User.find(2), :spent_on => Date.today)
+ CustomValue.create!(:customized => entry, :custom_field => field, :value => 'value1')
+ CustomValue.create!(:customized => entry, :custom_field => field, :value => 'value2')
+ get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'day', :criteria => ["cf_#{field.id}"]
+ assert_response :success
+ end
def test_report_one_day
get :report, :project_id => 1, :columns => 'day', :from => "2007-03-23", :to => "2007-03-23", :criteria => ["member", "activity"]
assert_response :success