1. In the login form, the new button **Log in with SAML** (or a custom name specified in the `sonar.auth.saml.providerName` setting) allows users to connect with their SAML account.
![SAML Azure AD SonarQube Login](/images/azure/saml-azure-sq-login.png)
+Before enabling the SAML authentication on SonarQube, you can verify that the configuration is correct by clicking on the “Test Configuration” button. A SAML login will be initiated and useful information about the SAML response obtained from the Identity provider will be returned.
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## SonarQube configuration
Configure the SAML authentication: **[Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Authentication > SAML](/#sonarqube-admin#/admin/settings?category=authentication)**
-* **Enabled**: *true*
* **Application ID**: The value of the "Client ID" you set in Keycloak (for example "sonarqube")
* **Provider ID**: The value of the `EntityDescriptor > entityID` attribute in the XML configuration file (e.g., "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/sonarqube")
* **SAML login url**: The value of `SingleSignOnService > Location` attribute in the XML configuration file (e.g., "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/sonarqube/protocol/saml")
You can find [here](https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man1/pkcs8.1ssl.html) some instructions to convert different key formats.
In the login form, the new button "Log in with SAML" allows users to connect with their SAML account.
+## Enabling and testing SAML authentication
+1. In the SonarQube SAML settings, enable SAML.
+ ![SAML OKTA SonarQube SAML](/images/saml-keycloak-sq-saml.png)
+Before enabling the SAML authentication on SonarQube, you can verify that the configuration is correct by clicking on the “Test Configuration” button. A SAML login will be initiated and useful information about the SAML response obtained from the Identity provider will be returned.
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Go to **[Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Authentication > SAML](/#sonarqube-admin#/admin/settings?category=authentication)**
-- **Enabled**: *true*.
- **Application ID**: The value of the *Audience URI (SP Entity ID)* you set in Okta (for example, `sonarqube`).
- **Provider ID**: The value of *Identity Provider Issuer* provided in **View SAML setup instructions** from Okta.
The service provider private key and certificate can be either a new self-signed pair or any existing pair available in your infrastructure.
In the login form, the new button **Log in with SAML** (or a custom name specified in the `sonar.auth.saml.providerName` setting) allows users to connect with their SAML account.
+## Enabling and testing SAML authentication
+1. In the SonarQube SAML settings, enable SAML.
+ ![SAML OKTA SonarQube SAML](/images/okta/saml-okta-sq-saml.png)
+Before enabling the SAML authentication on SonarQube, you can verify that the configuration is correct by clicking on the “Test Configuration” button. A SAML login will be initiated and useful information about the SAML response obtained from the Identity provider will be returned.