* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import {
+ ButtonSecondary,
+ ClipboardIconButton,
+ DeferredSpinner,
+ DestructiveIcon,
+ FlagMessage,
+ InputField,
+ InputSelect,
+ LabelValueSelectOption,
+ Link,
+ Modal,
+ TrashIcon,
+} from 'design-system';
import * as React from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { generateToken, getTokens, revokeToken } from '../../../api/user-tokens';
-import { Button, DeleteButton } from '../../../components/controls/buttons';
-import { ClipboardIconButton } from '../../../components/controls/clipboard';
-import SimpleModal from '../../../components/controls/SimpleModal';
-import { Alert } from '../../../components/ui/Alert';
-import DeferredSpinner from '../../../components/ui/DeferredSpinner';
import { translate, translateWithParameters } from '../../../helpers/l10n';
import {
- computeTokenExpirationDate,
+ computeTokenExpirationDate,
} from '../../../helpers/tokens';
import { hasGlobalPermission } from '../../../helpers/users';
import { TokenExpiration, TokenType } from '../../../types/token';
import { Component } from '../../../types/types';
import { LoggedInUser } from '../../../types/users';
-import Link from '../../common/Link';
-import Select from '../../controls/Select';
import { getUniqueTokenName } from '../utils';
+import { InlineSnippet } from './InlineSnippet';
import ProjectTokenScopeInfo from './ProjectTokenScopeInfo';
interface State {
handleTokenNameChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
- this.setState({
- tokenName: event.target.value,
- });
+ this.setState({ tokenName: event.currentTarget.value });
- handleTokenExpirationChange = ({ value }: { value: TokenExpiration }) => {
+ handleTokenExpirationChange = (value: TokenExpiration) => {
this.setState({ tokenExpiration: value });
- render() {
+ renderForm(type: TokenType) {
const { loading, token, tokenName, tokenExpiration, tokenExpirationOptions } = this.state;
- const type = this.getTokenType();
- const header = translate('onboarding.token.generate', type);
const intro = translate('onboarding.token.text', type);
return (
- <SimpleModal header={header} onClose={this.props.onClose} onSubmit={this.props.onClose}>
- {({ onCloseClick }) => (
+ <div className="sw-body-sm">
+ <FormattedMessage
+ defaultMessage={intro}
+ id={intro}
+ values={{
+ link: (
+ <Link target="_blank" to="/account/security">
+ {translate('onboarding.token.text.user_account')}
+ </Link>
+ ),
+ }}
+ />
+ {token ? (
- <div className="modal-head">
- <h2>{header}</h2>
+ <span>
+ {tokenName}
+ {': '}
+ </span>
+ <div>
+ <InlineSnippet snippet={token} />
+ <ClipboardIconButton
+ copyLabel={translate('copy_to_clipboard')}
+ className="sw-ml-2"
+ copyValue={token}
+ />
+ <DestructiveIcon
+ className="sw-ml-1"
+ Icon={TrashIcon}
+ aria-label={translate('onboarding.token.delete')}
+ onClick={this.handleTokenRevoke}
+ />
- <div className="modal-body">
- <p className="spacer-bottom">
- <FormattedMessage
- defaultMessage={intro}
- id={intro}
- values={{
- link: (
- <Link target="_blank" to="/account/security">
- {translate('onboarding.token.text.user_account')}
- </Link>
- ),
- }}
- />
- </p>
- {token ? (
- <>
- <span className="text-middle">
- {tokenName}
- {': '}
- </span>
- <div className="display-float-center">
- <code className="rule spacer-right">{token}</code>
- <ClipboardIconButton copyValue={token} />
- <DeleteButton
- aria-label={translate('onboarding.token.delete')}
- onClick={this.handleTokenRevoke}
+ <FlagMessage className="sw-mt-2" variant="warning">
+ {translateWithParameters('users.tokens.new_token_created', token)}
+ </FlagMessage>
+ </>
+ ) : (
+ <>
+ <div className="sw-flex sw-pt-4">
+ <DeferredSpinner loading={loading}>
+ <div className="sw-flex-col sw-mr-2">
+ <label className="sw-block" htmlFor="token-name">
+ {translate('onboarding.token.name.label')}
+ </label>
+ <InputField
+ aria-label={translate('onboarding.token.name.label')}
+ onChange={this.handleTokenNameChange}
+ id="token-name"
+ placeholder={translate('onboarding.token.name.placeholder')}
+ value={tokenName}
+ type="text"
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div className="sw-flex-col">
+ <label htmlFor="token-expiration">{translate('users.tokens.expires_in')}</label>
+ <div className="sw-flex">
+ <InputSelect
+ size="medium"
+ id="token-expiration"
+ isSearchable={false}
+ onChange={(data: LabelValueSelectOption<TokenExpiration>) =>
+ this.handleTokenExpirationChange(data.value)
+ }
+ options={tokenExpirationOptions}
+ value={tokenExpirationOptions.find(
+ (option) => option.value === tokenExpiration
+ )}
+ <ButtonSecondary
+ className="sw-ml-2"
+ disabled={!tokenName}
+ onClick={this.getNewToken}
+ >
+ {translate('onboarding.token.generate')}
+ </ButtonSecondary>
- <Alert className="big-spacer-top" variant="warning">
- {translateWithParameters('users.tokens.new_token_created', token)}
- </Alert>
- </>
- ) : (
- <>
- <div className="big-spacer-top display-flex-center">
- {loading ? (
- <DeferredSpinner />
- ) : (
- <>
- <div className="display-flex-column">
- <label className="text-bold little-spacer-bottom" htmlFor="token-name">
- {translate('onboarding.token.name.label')}
- </label>
- <input
- className="input-large spacer-right text-middle"
- onChange={this.handleTokenNameChange}
- required
- id="token-name"
- type="text"
- placeholder={translate('onboarding.token.name.placeholder')}
- value={tokenName}
- />
- </div>
- <div className="display-flex-column">
- <label
- className="text-bold little-spacer-bottom"
- htmlFor="token-expiration"
- >
- {translate('users.tokens.expires_in')}
- </label>
- <div className="display-flex-center">
- <Select
- id="token-expiration"
- className="abs-width-100 spacer-right"
- isSearchable={false}
- onChange={this.handleTokenExpirationChange}
- options={tokenExpirationOptions}
- value={tokenExpirationOptions.find(
- (option) => option.value === tokenExpiration
- )}
- />
- <Button
- className="text-middle"
- disabled={!tokenName}
- onClick={this.getNewToken}
- >
- {translate('onboarding.token.generate')}
- </Button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </>
- )}
- </div>
- {type === TokenType.Project && <ProjectTokenScopeInfo />}
- </>
- )}
- </div>
- <div className="modal-foot">
- <Button onClick={onCloseClick}>{translate('continue')}</Button>
+ </div>
+ </DeferredSpinner>
+ {type === TokenType.Project && <ProjectTokenScopeInfo />}
- </SimpleModal>
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ render() {
+ const { loading } = this.state;
+ const type = this.getTokenType();
+ const header = translate('onboarding.token.generate', type);
+ return (
+ <Modal
+ onClose={this.props.onClose}
+ headerTitle={header}
+ isOverflowVisible
+ loading={loading}
+ body={this.renderForm(type)}
+ secondaryButtonLabel={translate('continue')}
+ />