+asyncTest( "#8958: dialog can be opened while opening", function() {
+ expect( 1 );
+ var element = $( "<div>" ).dialog({
+ autoOpen: false,
+ modal: true,
+ open: function() {
+ equal( $( ".ui-widget-overlay" ).length, 1 );
+ start();
+ }
+ });
+ $( "#favorite-animal" )
+ // We focus the input to start the test. Once it receives focus, the
+ // dialog will open. Opening the dialog, will cause an element inside
+ // the dialog to gain focus, thus blurring the input.
+ .bind( "focus", function() {
+ element.dialog( "open" );
+ })
+ // When the input blurs, the dialog is in the process of opening. We
+ // try to open the dialog again, to make sure that dialogs properly
+ // handle a call to the open() method during the process of the dialog
+ // being opened.
+ .bind( "blur", function() {
+ element.dialog( "open" );
+ })
+ .focus();
test("#5531: dialog width should be at least minWidth on creation", function () {
expect( 4 );
var element = $("<div></div>").dialog({