$this->session = $session;
$this->request = $request;
$this->principalPrefix = $principalPrefix;
+ // setup realm
+ $defaults = new \OCP\Defaults();
+ $this->realm = $defaults->getName();
private function setupUserFs($userId) {
Then the HTTP status code should be "401"
And there are no duplicate headers
And The following headers should be set
- |WWW-Authenticate|Basic realm="Nextcloud"|
+ |WWW-Authenticate|Basic realm="Nextcloud", Bearer realm="Nextcloud"|
Scenario: Unauthenticated call new dav path
Given using new dav path
Then the HTTP status code should be "401"
And there are no duplicate headers
And The following headers should be set
- |WWW-Authenticate|Basic realm="Nextcloud"|
+ |WWW-Authenticate|Basic realm="Nextcloud", Bearer realm="Nextcloud"|
Scenario: Moving a file
Given using old dav path