+-- Converts surbl module config to rbl module
+local function emails_section_convert(cfg, section)
+ local rbl_section = cfg.rbl.rbls
+ local wl = section.whitelist
+ for name,value in pairs(section.rules or {}) do
+ if not rbl_section[name] then
+ local converted = {
+ emails = true,
+ ignore_defaults = true,
+ }
+ if wl then
+ converted.whitelist = wl
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(value) do
+ -- Rename
+ if k == 'dnsbl' then k = 'rbl' end
+ if k == 'check_replyto' then k = 'replyto' end
+ if k == 'hashlen' then k = 'hash_len' end
+ if k == 'encoding' then k = 'hash_format' end
+ if k == 'domain_only' then k = 'emails_domainonly' end
+ if k == 'delimiter' then k = 'emails_delimiter' end
+ if k == 'skip_body' then
+ if v then
+ -- Hack
+ converted.emails = false
+ converted.replyto = true
+ end
+ end
+ converted[k] = lua_util.deepcopy(v)
+ end
+ rbl_section[name] = converted
+ else
+ logger.warnx(rspamd_config, 'conflicting names in emails and rbl rules: %s, ignore emails rule',
+ name)
+ end
+ end
return function(cfg)
local ret = false
cfg.surbl = {}
+ if cfg.emails then
+ if not cfg.rbl then
+ cfg.rbl = {
+ rbls = {}
+ }
+ end
+ if not cfg.rbl.rbls then
+ cfg.rbl.rbls = {}
+ end
+ emails_section_convert(cfg, cfg.emails)
+ logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'converted emails rules to rbl rules')
+ cfg.emails = {}
+ end
return ret, cfg