jQuery( "#simon1" ).click();
assert.equal( clickCounter, 1, "Check that click, triggers onclick event handler on an a tag also" );
- // test that special handlers do not blow up with VML elements (#7071)
- jQuery( "<xml:namespace ns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml' prefix='v' />" ).appendTo( "head" );
- jQuery( "<v:oval id='oval' style='width:100pt;height:75pt;' fillcolor='red'> </v:oval>" ).appendTo( "#form" );
- jQuery( "#oval" ).click().keydown();
} );
QUnit[ jQuery.fn.click ? "test" : "skip" ]( "Event aliases", function( assert ) {
} );
} );
+// Support: IE9 (remove when IE9 is no longer supported)
+// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh801223(v=vs.85).aspx
+QUnit.test( "VML with special event handlers (trac-7071)", function( assert ) {
+ assert.expect( 1 );
+ var ns = jQuery( "<xml:namespace ns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml' prefix='v' />" ).appendTo( "head" );
+ jQuery( "<v:oval id='oval' style='width:100pt;height:75pt;' fillcolor='red'> </v:oval>" ).appendTo( "#form" );
+ jQuery( "#form" ).on( "keydown", function() {
+ assert.ok( true, "no error was thrown" );
+ } );
+ jQuery( "#oval" ).trigger( "click" ).trigger( "keydown" );
+ ns.remove();
+} );
// These tests are unreliable in Firefox
if ( !( /firefox/i.test( window.navigator.userAgent ) ) ) {
QUnit.test( "Check order of focusin/focusout events", function( assert ) {