for i,tok in ipairs(ct) do
lua_util.debugm(N, task, "metatoken: %s = %s",
mt.names[i], tok)
- if tok ~= tok or tok == math.huge() then
+ if tok ~= tok or tok == math.huge then
logger.errx(task, 'metatoken %s returned %s; replace it with 0 for sanity',
mt.names[i], tok)
tok = 0.0
for _,n in ipairs(names) do
if metatokens_by_name[n] then
local tok = metatokens_by_name[n](task)
- if tok ~= tok or tok == math.huge() then
+ if tok ~= tok or tok == math.huge then
logger.errx(task, 'metatoken %s returned %s; replace it with 0 for sanity',
n, tok)
tok = 0.0
for _,mt in ipairs(metafunctions) do
local ct = mt.cb(task)
for i,tok in ipairs(ct) do
- if tok ~= tok or tok == math.huge() then
+ if tok ~= tok or tok == math.huge then
logger.errx(task, 'metatoken %s returned %s; replace it with 0 for sanity',
mt.names[i], tok)
tok = 0.0