re = 'From=/\\S<[-\\w\\.]+\\@[-\\w\\.]+>/X',
score = 1.0,
mime_only = true,
- description = 'No space in from header',
+ description = 'No space in From header',
group = 'headers'
mime_only = true,
--- Detects missing Message-Id
+-- Detects missing Message-ID
local has_mid = 'header_exists(Message-Id)'
reconf['MISSING_MID'] = {
re = '!header_exists(Message-Id)',
score = 2.5,
- description = 'Message id is missing',
+ description = 'Message-ID header is missing',
group = 'headers',
mime_only = true,
re = string.format('!is_empty_body() & content_type_is_type(text) & content_type_is_subtype(plain) & !content_type_has_param(charset) & !%s',
score = 0.5,
- description = 'Charset is missing in a message',
+ description = 'Charset header is missing',
group = 'headers',
mime_only = true,
re = string.format('!%s & %s & %s', yahoo_bulk, outlook_mua, 'has_only_html_part()'),
score = 5.0,
- description = 'Forged outlook HTML signature',
+ description = 'Forged Outlook HTML signature',
group = 'headers',
mime_only = true,
reconf['FROM_EXCESS_BASE64'] = {
re = string.format('%s & !%s', from_encoded_b64, from_needs_mime),
score = 1.5,
- description = 'From that contains encoded characters while base 64 is not needed as all symbols are 7bit',
+ description = 'From header is unnecessarily encoded in base64',
group = 'excessb64',
mime_only = true,
reconf['FROM_EXCESS_QP'] = {
re = string.format('%s & !%s', from_encoded_qp, from_needs_mime),
score = 1.2,
- description = 'From that contains encoded characters while quoted-printable is not needed as all symbols are 7bit',
+ description = 'From header is unnecessarily encoded in quoted-printable',
group = 'excessqp'
reconf['TO_EXCESS_BASE64'] = {
re = string.format('%s & !%s', to_encoded_b64, to_needs_mime),
score = 1.5,
- description = 'To that contains encoded characters while base 64 is not needed as all symbols are 7bit',
+ description = 'To header is unnecessarily encoded in base64',
group = 'excessb64'
reconf['TO_EXCESS_QP'] = {
re = string.format('%s & !%s', to_encoded_qp, to_needs_mime),
score = 1.2,
- description = 'To that contains encoded characters while quoted-printable is not needed as all symbols are 7bit',
+ description = 'To header is unnecessarily encoded in quoted-printable',
group = 'excessqp'
reconf['REPLYTO_EXCESS_BASE64'] = {
re = string.format('%s & !%s', replyto_encoded_b64, replyto_needs_mime),
score = 1.5,
- description = 'Reply-To that contains encoded characters while base 64 is not needed as all symbols are 7bit',
+ description = 'Reply-To header is unnecessarily encoded in base64',
group = 'excessb64'
reconf['REPLYTO_EXCESS_QP'] = {
re = string.format('%s & !%s', replyto_encoded_qp, replyto_needs_mime),
score = 1.2,
- description = 'Reply-To that contains encoded characters while quoted-printable is not needed as all symbols are 7bit',
+ description = 'Reply-To header is unnecessarily encoded in quoted-printable',
group = 'excessqp'
reconf['CC_EXCESS_BASE64'] = {
re = string.format('%s & !%s', cc_encoded_b64, cc_needs_mime),
score = 1.5,
- description = 'Cc that contains encoded characters while base 64 is not needed as all symbols are 7bit',
+ description = 'Cc header is unnecessarily encoded in base64',
group = 'excessb64'
reconf['CC_EXCESS_QP'] = {
re = string.format('%s & !%s', cc_encoded_qp, cc_needs_mime),
score = 1.2,
- description = 'Cc that contains encoded characters while quoted-printable is not needed as all symbols are 7bit',
+ description = 'Cc header is unnecessarily encoded in quoted-printable',
group = 'excessqp'
reconf['SUBJ_EXCESS_BASE64'] = {
re = string.format('%s & !%s', subj_encoded_b64, subj_needs_mime),
score = 1.5,
- description = 'Subject is unnecessarily encoded in base64',
+ description = 'Subject header is unnecessarily encoded in base64',
group = 'excessb64'
reconf['SUBJ_EXCESS_QP'] = {
re = string.format('%s & !%s', subj_encoded_qp, subj_needs_mime),
score = 1.2,
- description = 'Subject is unnecessarily encoded in quoted-printable',
+ description = 'Subject header is unnecessarily encoded in quoted-printable',
group = 'excessqp'
re = string.format('(%s | %s) & !%s & !%s & !%s',
forged_oe, forged_outlook_dollars, fmo_excl_o3416, fmo_excl_oe3790, vista_msgid),
score = 3.0,
- description = 'Forged outlook MUA',
+ description = 'Forged Outlook MUA',
group = 'mua'
re = 'Content-Type=/^\\s*multipart.+boundary="----=_NextPart_000_[A-Z\\d]{4}_(00EBFFA4|0102FFA4|32C6FFA4|3302FFA4)\\.[A-Z\\d]{8}"[\\r\\n]*$/siX',
score = 5.0,
- description = 'Suspicious boundary in header Content-Type',
+ description = 'Suspicious boundary in Content-Type header',
group = 'mua'
-- Forged OE/MSO boundary
re = 'Content-Type=/^\\s*multipart.+boundary="----=_NextPart_000_[A-Z\\d]{4}_(01C6527E)\\.[A-Z\\d]{8}"[\\r\\n]*$/siX',
score = 4.0,
- description = 'Suspicious boundary in header Content-Type',
+ description = 'Suspicious boundary in Content-Type header',
group = 'mua'
-- Forged OE/MSO boundary
re = 'Content-Type=/^\\s*multipart.+boundary="-----000-00\\d\\d-01C[\\dA-F]{5}-[\\dA-F]{8}"[\\r\\n]*$/siX',
score = 3.0,
- description = 'Suspicious boundary in header Content-Type',
+ description = 'Suspicious boundary in Content-Type header',
group = 'mua'
-- Forged OE/MSO boundary
re = string.format('(%s) & (%s)', suspicious_boundary_01C4, suspicious_boundary_01C4_date),
score = 4.0,
- description = 'Suspicious boundary in header Content-Type',
+ description = 'Suspicious boundary in Content-Type header',
group = 'mua'
group = 'mua'
-- Message id validity
local sane_msgid = 'Message-Id=/^<?[^<>\\\\ \\t\\n\\r\\x0b\\x80-\\xff]+\\@[^<>\\\\ \\t\\n\\r\\x0b\\x80-\\xff]+>?\\s*$/H'
local msgid_comment = 'Message-Id=/\\(.*\\)/H'
reconf['INVALID_MSGID'] = {
re = string.format('(%s) & !((%s) | (%s))', has_mid, sane_msgid, msgid_comment),
score = 1.7,
- description = 'Message id is incorrect',
+ description = 'Message-ID header is incorrect',
group = 'headers'
-- Only Content-Type header without other MIME headers
local cd = 'header_exists(Content-Disposition)'
local cte = 'header_exists(Content-Transfer-Encoding)'
group = 'headers'
-- Forged Exchange messages
local msgid_dollars_ok = 'Message-Id=/[0-9a-f]{4,}\\$[0-9a-f]{4,}\\$[0-9a-f]{4,}\\@\\S+/H'
local mimeole_ms = 'X-MimeOLE=/^Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE/H'
reconf['STOX_REPLY_TYPE'] = {
re = 'Content-Type=/text\\/plain; .* reply-type=original/H',
score = 1.0,
- description = 'Reply-type in content-type',
+ description = 'Reply-type in Content-Type header',
group = 'headers'
reconf['FORGED_MSGID_YAHOO'] = {
re = string.format('(%s) & !(%s)', at_yahoo_msgid, from_yahoo_com),
score = 2.0,
- description = 'Forged yahoo msgid',
+ description = 'Forged Yahoo Message-ID header',
group = 'headers'
reconf['MAIL_RU_MAILER'] = {
re = string.format('(%s) & (%s)', xm_mail_ru_mailer_1_0, rcvd_e_mail_ru),
score = 0.0,
- description = 'Sent with Mail.Ru web-mail',
+ description = 'Sent with Mail.Ru webmail',
group = 'headers'
reconf['YANDEX_RU_MAILER'] = {
re = string.format('(%s) & (%s)', xm_yandex_ru_mailer_5_0, rcvd_web_yandex_ru),
score = 0.0,
- description = 'Sent with web-mail',
+ description = 'Sent with Yandex webmail',
group = 'headers'
reconf['RCVD_DOUBLE_IP_SPAM'] = {
re = string.format('(%s) | (%s)', double_ip_spam_1, double_ip_spam_2),
score = 2.0,
- description = 'Two received headers with ip addresses',
+ description = 'Has two Received headers containing bare IP addresses',
group = 'headers'
reconf['REPTO_QUOTE_YAHOO'] = {
re = string.format('(%s) & ((%s) | (%s))', repto_quote, from_yahoo_com, at_yahoo_msgid),
score = 2.0,
- description = 'Quoted reply-to from yahoo (seems to be forged)',
+ description = 'Quoted Reply-To header from Yahoo (seems to be forged)',
group = 'headers'
re = string.format('(%s)', 'lua:check_from_delim_empty'),
score = 1.0,
- description = 'Header From has no delimiter between header name and header value',
+ description = 'From header has no delimiter between header name and header value',
group = 'headers',
functions = {
check_from_delim_empty = gen_check_header_delimiter_empty('From')
re = string.format('(%s)', 'lua:check_to_delim_empty'),
score = 1.0,
- description = 'Header To has no delimiter between header name and header value',
+ description = 'To header has no delimiter between header name and header value',
group = 'headers',
functions = {
check_to_delim_empty = gen_check_header_delimiter_empty('To')
re = string.format('(%s)', 'lua:check_cc_delim_empty'),
score = 1.0,
- description = 'Header Cc has no delimiter between header name and header value',
+ description = 'Cc header has no delimiter between header name and header value',
group = 'headers',
functions = {
check_cc_delim_empty = gen_check_header_delimiter_empty('Cc')
re = string.format('(%s)', 'lua:check_repto_delim_empty'),
score = 1.0,
- description = 'Header Reply-To has no delimiter between header name and header value',
+ description = 'Reply-To header has no delimiter between header name and header value',
group = 'headers',
functions = {
check_repto_delim_empty = gen_check_header_delimiter_empty('Reply-To')
re = string.format('(%s)', 'lua:check_date_delim_empty'),
score = 1.0,
- description = 'Header Date has no delimiter between header name and header value',
+ description = 'Date header has no delimiter between header name and header value',
group = 'headers',
functions = {
check_date_delim_empty = gen_check_header_delimiter_empty('Date')
reconf['RCVD_ILLEGAL_CHARS'] = {
re = 'Received=/[\\x80-\\xff]/X',
score = 4.0,
- description = 'Header Received has raw illegal character',
+ description = 'Received header has raw illegal character',
group = 'headers'
re = string.format('(%s) & !(((%s) | (%s)) & (%s))',
MAIL_RU_Received, MAIL_RU_Return_Path, MAIL_RU_X_Envelope_From, MAIL_RU_From),
score = 4.0,
- description = 'Fake helo in header Received from non sender address',
+ description = 'Fake HELO in Received header from sender address',
group = 'headers'
RECEIVED_smtp_yandex_ru_6, RECEIVED_smtp_yandex_ru_7, RECEIVED_smtp_yandex_ru_8,
score = 4.0,
- description = 'Fake Received',
+ description = 'Fake Received header',
group = 'headers'
re = 'Received=/^\\s*(.+\\n)*from \\[\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\] by (([\\w\\d-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}|\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}); \\w{3}, \\d+ \\w{3} 20\\d\\d \\d\\d\\:\\d\\d\\:\\d\\d [+-]\\d\\d\\d0/X',
score = 3.6,
- description = 'Forged generic Received',
+ description = 'Forged generic Received header',
group = 'headers'
re = 'Received=/^\\s*(.+\\n)*from \\[\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\] by ([\\w\\d-]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,6} id [\\w\\d]{12}; \\w{3}, \\d+ \\w{3} 20\\d\\d \\d\\d\\:\\d\\d\\:\\d\\d [+-]\\d\\d\\d0/X',
score = 3.6,
- description = 'Forged generic Received',
+ description = 'Forged generic Received header',
group = 'headers'
re = 'Received=/^\\s*(.+\\n)*by \\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3} with SMTP id [a-zA-Z]{14}\\.\\d{13};[\\r\\n\\s]*\\w{3}, \\d+ \\w{3} 20\\d\\d \\d\\d\\:\\d\\d\\:\\d\\d [+-]\\d\\d\\d0 \\(GMT\\)/X',
score = 3.6,
- description = 'Forged generic Received',
+ description = 'Forged generic Received header',
group = 'headers'
re = 'Received=/^\\s*(.+\\n)*from localhost by \\S+;\\s+\\w{3}, \\d+ \\w{3} 20\\d\\d \\d\\d\\:\\d\\d\\:\\d\\d [+-]\\d\\d\\d0[\\s\\r\\n]*$/X',
score = 3.6,
- description = 'Forged generic Received',
+ description = 'Forged generic Received header',
group = 'headers'
re = 'Received=/ \\(Postfix\\) with ESMTP id [A-Z\\d]+([\\s\\r\\n]+for <\\S+?>)?;[\\s\\r\\n]*[A-Z][a-z]{2}, \\d{1,2} [A-Z][a-z]{2} \\d\\d\\d\\d \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d [\\+\\-]\\d\\d\\d\\d$/X',
score = 3.0,
- description = 'Invalid Postfix Received',
+ description = 'Invalid Postfix Received header',
group = 'headers'
reconf['CT_EXTRA_SEMI'] = {
re = 'Content-Type=/;$/X',
- description = 'Content-Type ends with a semi-colon',
+ description = 'Content-Type header ends with a semi-colon',
score = 1.0,
group = 'headers'
re = 'Subject=/!\\s*$/H',
- description = 'Subject ends with an exclamation',
+ description = 'Subject ends with an exclamation mark',
score = 0.0,
group = 'headers'
re = string.format('%s & !%s', 'Subject=/!/H', 'Subject=/!\\s*$/H'),
- description = 'Subject contains an exclamation',
+ description = 'Subject contains an exclamation mark',
score = 0.0,
group = 'headers'
re = 'Subject=/\\?\\s*$/Hu',
- description = 'Subject ends with a question',
+ description = 'Subject ends with a question mark',
score = 1.0,
group = 'headers'
re = string.format('%s & !%s', 'Subject=/\\?/H', 'Subject=/\\?\\s*$/Hu'),
- description = 'Subject contains a question',
+ description = 'Subject contains a question mark',
score = 0.0,
group = 'headers'
- description = 'X-Mailer/User-Agent has no version',
+ description = 'X-Mailer/User-Agent header has no version number',
score = 0.01,
group = 'experimental'
reconf['OLD_X_MAILER'] = {
- description = 'X-Mailer has a very old MUA version',
+ description = 'X-Mailer header has a very old MUA version',
re = string.format('X-Mailer=/^(?:%s)/{header}', table.concat(old_x_mailers, '|')),
score = 2.0,
group = 'headers',