/* date format to be used while writing to the owncloud logfile */
'logdateformat' => 'F d, Y H:i:s',
+/* timezone used while writing to the owncloud logfile (default: UTC) */
+'logtimezone' => 'Europe/Berlin',
/* Append all database queries and parameters to the log file.
(watch out, this option can increase the size of your log file)*/
"log_query" => false,
$minLevel=min(OC_Config::getValue( "loglevel", OC_Log::WARN ), OC_Log::ERROR);
if($level>=$minLevel) {
// default to ISO8601
- $format = OC_Config::getValue('logdateformat', 'c');
- $time = date($format, time());
- $entry=array('app'=>$app, 'message'=>$message, 'level'=>$level, 'time'=> $time);
+ $format = OC_Config::getValue('logdateformat', 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
+ $logtimezone=OC_Config::getValue( "logtimezone", 'UTC' );
+ $timezone = new DateTimeZone($logtimezone);
+ $time = new DateTime(null, $timezone);
+ $entry=array('app'=>$app, 'message'=>$message, 'level'=>$level, 'time'=> $time->format($format));
$handle = @fopen(self::$logFile, 'a');
if ($handle) {
fwrite($handle, json_encode($entry)."\n");