<h2><%= @author.nil? ? l(:label_activity) : l(:label_user_activity, link_to_user(@author)) %></h2>
-<p class="subtitle"><%= "#{l(:label_date_from)} #{format_date(@date_to - @days)} #{l(:label_date_to).downcase} #{format_date(@date_to-1)}" %></p>
+<p class="subtitle"><%= l(:label_date_from_to, :start => format_date(@date_to - @days), :end => format_date(@date_to-1)) %></p>
<div id="activity">
<% @events_by_day.keys.sort.reverse.each do |day| %>
<%= link_to_remote(('« ' + l(:label_previous)),
{:update => "content", :url => params.merge(:from => @date_to - @days - 1), :method => :get, :complete => 'window.scrollTo(0,0)'},
{:href => url_for(params.merge(:from => @date_to - @days - 1)),
- :title => "#{l(:label_date_from)} #{format_date(@date_to - 2*@days)} #{l(:label_date_to).downcase} #{format_date(@date_to - @days - 1)}"}) %>
+ :title => l(:label_date_from_to, :start => format_date(@date_to - 2*@days), :end => format_date(@date_to - @days - 1))}) %>
<div style="float:right;">
<%= link_to_remote((l(:label_next) + ' »'),
{:update => "content", :url => params.merge(:from => @date_to + @days - 1), :method => :get, :complete => 'window.scrollTo(0,0)'},
{:href => url_for(params.merge(:from => @date_to + @days - 1)),
- :title => "#{l(:label_date_from)} #{format_date(@date_to)} #{l(:label_date_to).downcase} #{format_date(@date_to + @days - 1)}"}) unless @date_to >= Date.today %>
+ :title => l(:label_date_from_to, :start => format_date(@date_to), :end => format_date(@date_to + @days - 1))}) unless @date_to >= Date.today %>
<% other_formats_links do |f| %>
<%= radio_button_tag 'period_type', '2', @free_period %>
<span onclick="$('period_type_2').checked = true;">
-<%= l(:label_date_from) %>
-<%= text_field_tag 'from', @from, :size => 10 %> <%= calendar_for('from') %>
-<%= l(:label_date_to) %>
-<%= text_field_tag 'to', @to, :size => 10 %> <%= calendar_for('to') %>
+<%= l(:label_date_from_to, :start => (text_field_tag('from', @from, :size => 10) + calendar_for('from')),
+ :end => (text_field_tag('to', @to, :size => 10) + calendar_for('to'))) %>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_apply), :name => nil %>
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label_sort: Sort
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