mode=snapshot.project_snapshot.send "period#{period_index}_mode"
mode_param=snapshot.project_snapshot.send "period#{period_index}_param"
- label=''
+ label=nil
if mode
if mode=='days'
- label = "%s previous days" % mode_param
+ label = "%s days ago" % mode_param
elsif mode=='version'
label = "Version %s" % mode_param
elsif mode=='previous_analysis'
"Compare to previous analysis"
elsif property =~ /^[\d]+(\.[\d]+){0,1}$/
# is integer
- "Compare to previous #{property} days"
+ "Compare to #{property} days ago"
elsif property =~ /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/
"Compare to #{property}"
elsif !property.blank?
<form method="GET" action="<%= url_for :only_path=>true, :overwrite_params => {:period => nil} -%>" style="display: inline">
<select id="select-comparison" name="period" onchange="submit()" class="small">
- <option value="">Display trends</option>
+ <option value="">Compare to...</option>
<%= period_select_options(@snapshot, 1) -%>
<%= period_select_options(@snapshot, 2) -%>
<%= period_select_options(@snapshot, 3) -%>
<div class="operations">
<form action="<%= url_for :overwrite_params => {:period => nil} -%>" style="display: inline" method="get">
<select name="period" onchange="submit()" class="small">
- <option value="">Trends</option>
+ <option value="">Compare to...</option>
<% period_names.each_with_index do |name, index| %>
<option value="<%= index+1 -%>" <%= 'selected' if @filter_context.period_index==index+1 -%>><%= name -%></value>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @filter.projects_homepage? %>
- <a href="<%= url_for :controller => :feeds, :action => 'projects', :id => EventCategory::KEY_ALERT -%>" class="nolink"><%= image_tag 'feed-icon-14x14.png' %></a>
+ <a href="<%= url_for :controller => :feeds, :action => 'projects', :id => EventCategory::KEY_ALERT -%>" class="nolink"><%= image_tag 'rss-12x12.png' %></a>
<a href="<%= url_for :controller => :feeds, :action => 'projects', :id => EventCategory::KEY_ALERT -%>" class="action">Alerts feed</a>
<% end %>