--- /dev/null
+ "lib",
+ {
+ "Cannot write into \"config\" directory!" : "Ezin da idatzi \"config\" karpetan!",
+ "This can usually be fixed by giving the webserver write access to the config directory" : "Hau normalean konpondu daitekesweb zerbitzarira config karpetan idazteko baimenak emanez",
+ "See %s" : "Ikusi %s",
+ "This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the config directory%s." : "Hau normalean konpondu daiteke %sweb zerbitzarira config karpetan idazteko baimenak emanez%s.",
+ "Sample configuration detected" : "Adibide-ezarpena detektatua",
+ "It has been detected that the sample configuration has been copied. This can break your installation and is unsupported. Please read the documentation before performing changes on config.php" : "Detektatu da adibide-ezarpena kopiatu dela. Honek zure instalazioa apur dezake eta ez da onartzen. Irakurri dokumentazioa config.php fitxategia aldatu aurretik.",
+ "%1$s and %2$s" : "%1$s eta %2$s",
+ "%1$s, %2$s and %3$s" : "%1$s, %2$s eta %3$s",
+ "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s and %4$s" : "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s eta %4$s",
+ "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s and %5$s" : "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s eta %5$s",
+ "PHP %s or higher is required." : "PHP %s edo berriagoa behar da.",
+ "PHP with a version lower than %s is required." : "PHPren bertsioa %s baino txikiagoa izan behar da.",
+ "Following databases are supported: %s" : "Hurrengo datubaseak onartzen dira: %s",
+ "The command line tool %s could not be found" : "Komando lerroko %s tresna ezin da aurkitu",
+ "The library %s is not available." : "%s liburutegia ez dago eskuragarri.",
+ "Library %s with a version higher than %s is required - available version %s." : "%s liburutegiak %s baino bertsio handiagoa izan behar du - dagoen bertsioa %s.",
+ "Library %s with a version lower than %s is required - available version %s." : "%s liburutegiak %s baino bertsio txikiagoa izan behar du - dagoen bertsioa %s.",
+ "Following platforms are supported: %s" : "Hurrengo plataformak onartzen dira: %s",
+ "Unknown filetype" : "Fitxategi mota ezezaguna",
+ "Invalid image" : "Baliogabeko irudia",
+ "Avatar image is not square" : "Abatarreko irudia ez da karratua",
+ "today" : "gaur",
+ "yesterday" : "atzo",
+ "_%n day ago_::_%n days ago_" : ["orain dela egun %n","orain dela %n egun"],
+ "last month" : "joan den hilabetean",
+ "_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" : ["orain dela hilabete %n","orain dela %n hilabete"],
+ "last year" : "joan den urtean",
+ "_%n year ago_::_%n years ago_" : ["orain dela urte %n","orain dela %n urte"],
+ "_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" : ["orain dela ordu %n","orain dela %n ordu"],
+ "_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" : ["orain dela minutu %n","orain dela %n minutu"],
+ "seconds ago" : "segundu",
+ "Module with id: %s does not exist. Please enable it in your apps settings or contact your administrator." : "%s id duen modulua ez da existitzen. Mesedez, gaitu ezazu zure aplikazio ezarpenetan, edo jarri harremanetan administratzailearekin.",
+ "File name is a reserved word" : "Fitxategi izena hitz erreserbatua da",
+ "File name contains at least one invalid character" : "Fitxategi izenak behintzat baliogabeko karaktere bat du",
+ "File name is too long" : "Fitxategi-izena luzeegia da",
+ "Dot files are not allowed" : "Dot fitxategiak ez dira onartzen",
+ "Empty filename is not allowed" : "Fitxategiaren izena izin da hutsa izan",
+ "APCu" : "APCu",
+ "Redis" : "Redis",
+ "Server settings" : "Zerbitzariaren ezarpenak",
+ "Sharing" : "Partekatze",
+ "Encryption" : "Enkriptazio",
+ "Additional settings" : "Ezarpen gehiago",
+ "Tips & tricks" : "Aholkuak eta trikimailuak",
+ "%s enter the database username and name." : "%s sartu datu-basearen erabiltzaile-izena eta izena.",
+ "%s enter the database username." : "%s sartu datu basearen erabiltzaile izena.",
+ "%s enter the database name." : "%s sartu datu basearen izena.",
+ "%s you may not use dots in the database name" : "%s ezin duzu punturik erabili datu basearen izenean.",
+ "Oracle connection could not be established" : "Ezin da Oracle konexioa sortu",
+ "Oracle username and/or password not valid" : "Oracle erabiltzaile edota pasahitza ez dira egokiak.",
+ "DB Error: \"%s\"" : "DB errorea: \"%s\"",
+ "Offending command was: \"%s\"" : "Errorea komando honek sortu du: \"%s\"",
+ "You need to enter either an existing account or the administrator." : "Existitzen den kontu bat edo administradorearena jarri behar duzu.",
+ "Offending command was: \"%s\", name: %s, password: %s" : "Errorea komando honek sortu du: \"%s\", izena: %s, pasahitza: %s",
+ "PostgreSQL username and/or password not valid" : "PostgreSQL erabiltzaile edota pasahitza ez dira egokiak.",
+ "Mac OS X is not supported and %s will not work properly on this platform. Use it at your own risk! " : "Mac OS X-ek ez du sostengurik eta %s gaizki ibili daiteke plataforma honetan. Erabiltzekotan, zure ardurapean.",
+ "For the best results, please consider using a GNU/Linux server instead." : "Emaitza hobeak izateko, mesedez gogoan hartu GNU/Linux zerbitzari bat erabiltzea.",
+ "Please remove the open_basedir setting within your php.ini or switch to 64-bit PHP." : "Mesedez ezabatu open_basedir ezarpena zure php.ini-tik edo aldatu 64-biteko PHPra.",
+ "Set an admin username." : "Ezarri administraziorako erabiltzaile izena.",
+ "Set an admin password." : "Ezarri administraziorako pasahitza.",
+ "Can't create or write into the data directory %s" : "Ezin da %s datu karpeta sortu edo bertan idatzi ",
+ "%s shared »%s« with you" : "%s-ek »%s« zurekin partekatu du",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the backend does not allow shares from type %i" : "%s partekatzeak huts egin du, motorrak %i motako partekatzeak baimentzen ez dituelako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the file does not exist" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, fitxategia ez delako existitzen",
+ "You are not allowed to share %s" : "Ez zadue %s elkarbanatzeko baimendua",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the user %s does not exist" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, %s erabiltzailea existitzen ez delako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the user %s is not a member of any groups that %s is a member of" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, %s erabiltzailea ez delako %s partaide den talderen bateko partaidea",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, dagoeneko %s erabiltzailearekin elkarbanatuta dagoelako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the group %s does not exist" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, %s taldea ez delako existitzen",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because %s is not a member of the group %s" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, %s ez delako %s taldearen partaidea",
+ "You need to provide a password to create a public link, only protected links are allowed" : "Lotura publiko bat sortzeko pasahitza idatzi behar duzu, bakarrik babestutako loturak baimenduta daude",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because sharing with links is not allowed" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, lotura bidezko elkarbanatzea baimendua ez dagoelako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, could not find %s, maybe the server is currently unreachable." : "%s partekatzeak huts egin du, ezin da %s aurkitu, agian zerbitzaria orain ez dago eskuragarri.",
+ "Share type %s is not valid for %s" : "%s elkarbanaketa mota ez da %srentzako egokia",
+ "Setting permissions for %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" : "%srentzako baimenak ezartzea huts egin du, baimenak %sri emandakoak baino gehiago direlako",
+ "Setting permissions for %s failed, because the item was not found" : "%srentzako baimenak ezartzea huts egin du, aurkitu ez delako",
+ "Cannot set expiration date. Shares cannot expire later than %s after they have been shared" : "Ezin izan da jarri iraungitze data. Konpartitzea ezin da iraungi konpartitu eta %s ondoren.",
+ "Cannot set expiration date. Expiration date is in the past" : "Ezin da jarri iraungitze data. Iraungitze data iragan da.",
+ "Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "%s elkarbanaketa motorra OCP\\Share_Backend interfazea inplementatu behar du ",
+ "Sharing backend %s not found" : "Ez da %s elkarbanaketa motorra aurkitu",
+ "Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Ez da %srako elkarbanaketa motorrik aurkitu",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, baimenak %sri emandakoak baino gehiago direlako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, ber-elkarbanatzea baimenduta ez dagoelako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the sharing backend for %s could not find its source" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, %sren elkarbanaketa motorrak bere iturria aurkitu ezin duelako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, fitxategia katxean aurkitu ez delako",
+ "Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Ezin da \"%s\" kategoria aurkitu",
+ "Sunday" : "Igandea",
+ "Monday" : "Astelehena",
+ "Tuesday" : "Asteartea",
+ "Wednesday" : "Asteazkena",
+ "Thursday" : "Osteguna",
+ "Friday" : "Ostirala",
+ "Saturday" : "Larunbata",
+ "Sun." : "Ig.",
+ "Mon." : "Al.",
+ "Tue." : "Ar.",
+ "Wed." : "Az.",
+ "Thu." : "Og.",
+ "Fri." : "Ol.",
+ "Sat." : "Lr.",
+ "Su" : "Ig",
+ "Mo" : "Al",
+ "Tu" : "Ar",
+ "We" : "Az",
+ "Th" : "Og",
+ "Fr" : "Ol",
+ "Sa" : "Lr",
+ "January" : "Urtarrila",
+ "February" : "Otsaila",
+ "March" : "Martxoa",
+ "April" : "Apirila",
+ "May" : "Maiatza",
+ "June" : "Ekaina",
+ "July" : "Uztaila",
+ "August" : "Abuztua",
+ "September" : "Iraila",
+ "October" : "Urria",
+ "November" : "Azaroa",
+ "December" : "Abendua",
+ "Jan." : "Urt.",
+ "Feb." : "Ots.",
+ "Mar." : "Mar.",
+ "Apr." : "Api.",
+ "May." : "Mai.",
+ "Jun." : "Eka.",
+ "Jul." : "Uzt.",
+ "Aug." : "Abu.",
+ "Sep." : "Ira.",
+ "Oct." : "Urr.",
+ "Nov." : "Aza.",
+ "Dec." : "Abe.",
+ "Apps" : "Aplikazioak",
+ "A valid username must be provided" : "Baliozko erabiltzaile izena eman behar da",
+ "A valid password must be provided" : "Baliozko pasahitza eman behar da",
+ "The username is already being used" : "Erabiltzaile izena dagoeneko erabiltzen ari da",
+ "Login canceled by app" : "Aplikazioa saioa bertan behera utzi du",
+ "User disabled" : "Erabiltzaile desgaituta",
+ "Help" : "Laguntza",
+ "Personal" : "Pertsonala",
+ "Users" : "Erabiltzaileak",
+ "Admin" : "Admin",
+ "No app name specified" : "Ez da aplikazioaren izena zehaztu",
+ "Application is not enabled" : "Aplikazioa ez dago gaituta",
+ "Authentication error" : "Autentifikazio errorea",
+ "Token expired. Please reload page." : "Tokena iraungitu da. Mesedez birkargatu orria.",
+ "Unknown user" : "Erabiltzaile ezezaguna",
+ "No database drivers (sqlite, mysql, or postgresql) installed." : "Ez dago datubaseen (sqlite, mysql edo postgresql) driverrik instalatuta.",
+ "Cannot write into \"config\" directory" : "Ezin da idatzi \"config\" karpetan",
+ "Cannot write into \"apps\" directory" : "Ezin da idatzi \"apps\" karpetan",
+ "This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the apps directory%s or disabling the appstore in the config file." : "Hau normalean konpondu daiteke %sweb zerbitzarira apps karpetan idazteko baimenak emanez%s edo konfigurazio fitxategian appstorea ez gaituz.",
+ "Cannot create \"data\" directory (%s)" : "Ezin da \"data\" karpeta sortu (%s)",
+ "Permissions can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the root directory%s." : "Hau normalean konpondu daiteke %sweb zerbitzarira erro karpetan idazteko baimenak emanez%s.",
+ "Setting locale to %s failed" : "Lokala %sra ezartzeak huts egin du",
+ "Please install one of these locales on your system and restart your webserver." : "Instalatu hauetako lokal bat zure sisteman eta berrabiarazi zure web zerbitzaria.",
+ "Please ask your server administrator to install the module." : "Mesedez eskatu zure zerbitzariaren kudeatzaileari modulua instala dezan.",
+ "PHP module %s not installed." : "PHPren %s modulua ez dago instalaturik.",
+ "This is probably caused by a cache/accelerator such as Zend OPcache or eAccelerator." : "Hau ziur aski cache/accelerator batek eragin du, hala nola Zend OPcache edo eAccelerator.",
+ "PHP modules have been installed, but they are still listed as missing?" : "PHP moduluak instalatu dira, baina oraindik faltan bezala markatuta daude?",
+ "Please ask your server administrator to restart the web server." : "Mesedez eskatu zerbitzariaren kudeatzaileari web zerbitzaria berrabiarazteko.",
+ "PostgreSQL >= 9 required" : "PostgreSQL >= 9 behar da",
+ "Please upgrade your database version" : "Mesedez eguneratu zure datu basearen bertsioa",
+ "Please change the permissions to 0770 so that the directory cannot be listed by other users." : "Mesedez aldatu baimenak 0770ra beste erabiltzaileek karpetan sartu ezin izateko.",
+ "Data directory (%s) is readable by other users" : "Data karpeta (%s) beste erabiltzaileek irakur dezakete",
+ "Data directory (%s) is invalid" : "Datuen karpeta (%s) ez da baliogarria",
+ "Please check that the data directory contains a file \".ocdata\" in its root." : "Mesedez egiaztatu data karpeta \".ocdata\" fitxategia duela bere erroan.",
+ "Could not obtain lock type %d on \"%s\"." : "Ezin da lortu sarraia mota %d \"%s\"-an.",
+ "App directory already exists" : "Aplikazioaren karpeta dagoeneko existitzen da",
+ "Can't create app folder. Please fix permissions. %s" : "Ezin izan da aplikazioaren karpeta sortu. Mesdez konpondu baimenak. %s",
+ "No source specified when installing app" : "Ez da jatorririk zehaztu aplikazioa instalatzerakoan",
+ "No href specified when installing app from http" : "Ez da href parametrorik zehaztu http bidez aplikazioa instalatzerakoan",
+ "No path specified when installing app from local file" : "Ez da kokalekurik zehaztu fitxategi lokal moduan aplikazioa instalatzerakoan",
+ "Archives of type %s are not supported" : "%s motako fitxategiak ez dira onartzen",
+ "Failed to open archive when installing app" : "Fitxategia irekitzeak huts egin du aplikazioa instalatzerakoan",
+ "App does not provide an info.xml file" : "Aplikazioak ez du info.xml fitxategia",
+ "App can't be installed because of not allowed code in the App" : "Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu bertan duen baimendu gabeko kodea dela eta",
+ "App can't be installed because it contains the <shipped>true</shipped> tag which is not allowed for non shipped apps" : "Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu <shipped>true</shipped> etiketa duelako eta etiketa hau ez da onartzen banaketan ez datozen aplikazioetan",
+ "Logging" : "Erregistroa",
+ "Recommended" : "Aholkatuta",
+ "Microsoft Windows Platform is not supported" : "Microsoft Windows Platform ez da jasaten",
+ "Storage not available" : "Biltegia ez dago eskuragarri"
+"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
--- /dev/null
+{ "translations": {
+ "Cannot write into \"config\" directory!" : "Ezin da idatzi \"config\" karpetan!",
+ "This can usually be fixed by giving the webserver write access to the config directory" : "Hau normalean konpondu daitekesweb zerbitzarira config karpetan idazteko baimenak emanez",
+ "See %s" : "Ikusi %s",
+ "This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the config directory%s." : "Hau normalean konpondu daiteke %sweb zerbitzarira config karpetan idazteko baimenak emanez%s.",
+ "Sample configuration detected" : "Adibide-ezarpena detektatua",
+ "It has been detected that the sample configuration has been copied. This can break your installation and is unsupported. Please read the documentation before performing changes on config.php" : "Detektatu da adibide-ezarpena kopiatu dela. Honek zure instalazioa apur dezake eta ez da onartzen. Irakurri dokumentazioa config.php fitxategia aldatu aurretik.",
+ "%1$s and %2$s" : "%1$s eta %2$s",
+ "%1$s, %2$s and %3$s" : "%1$s, %2$s eta %3$s",
+ "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s and %4$s" : "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s eta %4$s",
+ "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s and %5$s" : "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s eta %5$s",
+ "PHP %s or higher is required." : "PHP %s edo berriagoa behar da.",
+ "PHP with a version lower than %s is required." : "PHPren bertsioa %s baino txikiagoa izan behar da.",
+ "Following databases are supported: %s" : "Hurrengo datubaseak onartzen dira: %s",
+ "The command line tool %s could not be found" : "Komando lerroko %s tresna ezin da aurkitu",
+ "The library %s is not available." : "%s liburutegia ez dago eskuragarri.",
+ "Library %s with a version higher than %s is required - available version %s." : "%s liburutegiak %s baino bertsio handiagoa izan behar du - dagoen bertsioa %s.",
+ "Library %s with a version lower than %s is required - available version %s." : "%s liburutegiak %s baino bertsio txikiagoa izan behar du - dagoen bertsioa %s.",
+ "Following platforms are supported: %s" : "Hurrengo plataformak onartzen dira: %s",
+ "Unknown filetype" : "Fitxategi mota ezezaguna",
+ "Invalid image" : "Baliogabeko irudia",
+ "Avatar image is not square" : "Abatarreko irudia ez da karratua",
+ "today" : "gaur",
+ "yesterday" : "atzo",
+ "_%n day ago_::_%n days ago_" : ["orain dela egun %n","orain dela %n egun"],
+ "last month" : "joan den hilabetean",
+ "_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" : ["orain dela hilabete %n","orain dela %n hilabete"],
+ "last year" : "joan den urtean",
+ "_%n year ago_::_%n years ago_" : ["orain dela urte %n","orain dela %n urte"],
+ "_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" : ["orain dela ordu %n","orain dela %n ordu"],
+ "_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" : ["orain dela minutu %n","orain dela %n minutu"],
+ "seconds ago" : "segundu",
+ "Module with id: %s does not exist. Please enable it in your apps settings or contact your administrator." : "%s id duen modulua ez da existitzen. Mesedez, gaitu ezazu zure aplikazio ezarpenetan, edo jarri harremanetan administratzailearekin.",
+ "File name is a reserved word" : "Fitxategi izena hitz erreserbatua da",
+ "File name contains at least one invalid character" : "Fitxategi izenak behintzat baliogabeko karaktere bat du",
+ "File name is too long" : "Fitxategi-izena luzeegia da",
+ "Dot files are not allowed" : "Dot fitxategiak ez dira onartzen",
+ "Empty filename is not allowed" : "Fitxategiaren izena izin da hutsa izan",
+ "APCu" : "APCu",
+ "Redis" : "Redis",
+ "Server settings" : "Zerbitzariaren ezarpenak",
+ "Sharing" : "Partekatze",
+ "Encryption" : "Enkriptazio",
+ "Additional settings" : "Ezarpen gehiago",
+ "Tips & tricks" : "Aholkuak eta trikimailuak",
+ "%s enter the database username and name." : "%s sartu datu-basearen erabiltzaile-izena eta izena.",
+ "%s enter the database username." : "%s sartu datu basearen erabiltzaile izena.",
+ "%s enter the database name." : "%s sartu datu basearen izena.",
+ "%s you may not use dots in the database name" : "%s ezin duzu punturik erabili datu basearen izenean.",
+ "Oracle connection could not be established" : "Ezin da Oracle konexioa sortu",
+ "Oracle username and/or password not valid" : "Oracle erabiltzaile edota pasahitza ez dira egokiak.",
+ "DB Error: \"%s\"" : "DB errorea: \"%s\"",
+ "Offending command was: \"%s\"" : "Errorea komando honek sortu du: \"%s\"",
+ "You need to enter either an existing account or the administrator." : "Existitzen den kontu bat edo administradorearena jarri behar duzu.",
+ "Offending command was: \"%s\", name: %s, password: %s" : "Errorea komando honek sortu du: \"%s\", izena: %s, pasahitza: %s",
+ "PostgreSQL username and/or password not valid" : "PostgreSQL erabiltzaile edota pasahitza ez dira egokiak.",
+ "Mac OS X is not supported and %s will not work properly on this platform. Use it at your own risk! " : "Mac OS X-ek ez du sostengurik eta %s gaizki ibili daiteke plataforma honetan. Erabiltzekotan, zure ardurapean.",
+ "For the best results, please consider using a GNU/Linux server instead." : "Emaitza hobeak izateko, mesedez gogoan hartu GNU/Linux zerbitzari bat erabiltzea.",
+ "Please remove the open_basedir setting within your php.ini or switch to 64-bit PHP." : "Mesedez ezabatu open_basedir ezarpena zure php.ini-tik edo aldatu 64-biteko PHPra.",
+ "Set an admin username." : "Ezarri administraziorako erabiltzaile izena.",
+ "Set an admin password." : "Ezarri administraziorako pasahitza.",
+ "Can't create or write into the data directory %s" : "Ezin da %s datu karpeta sortu edo bertan idatzi ",
+ "%s shared »%s« with you" : "%s-ek »%s« zurekin partekatu du",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the backend does not allow shares from type %i" : "%s partekatzeak huts egin du, motorrak %i motako partekatzeak baimentzen ez dituelako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the file does not exist" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, fitxategia ez delako existitzen",
+ "You are not allowed to share %s" : "Ez zadue %s elkarbanatzeko baimendua",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the user %s does not exist" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, %s erabiltzailea existitzen ez delako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the user %s is not a member of any groups that %s is a member of" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, %s erabiltzailea ez delako %s partaide den talderen bateko partaidea",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, dagoeneko %s erabiltzailearekin elkarbanatuta dagoelako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the group %s does not exist" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, %s taldea ez delako existitzen",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because %s is not a member of the group %s" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, %s ez delako %s taldearen partaidea",
+ "You need to provide a password to create a public link, only protected links are allowed" : "Lotura publiko bat sortzeko pasahitza idatzi behar duzu, bakarrik babestutako loturak baimenduta daude",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because sharing with links is not allowed" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, lotura bidezko elkarbanatzea baimendua ez dagoelako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, could not find %s, maybe the server is currently unreachable." : "%s partekatzeak huts egin du, ezin da %s aurkitu, agian zerbitzaria orain ez dago eskuragarri.",
+ "Share type %s is not valid for %s" : "%s elkarbanaketa mota ez da %srentzako egokia",
+ "Setting permissions for %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" : "%srentzako baimenak ezartzea huts egin du, baimenak %sri emandakoak baino gehiago direlako",
+ "Setting permissions for %s failed, because the item was not found" : "%srentzako baimenak ezartzea huts egin du, aurkitu ez delako",
+ "Cannot set expiration date. Shares cannot expire later than %s after they have been shared" : "Ezin izan da jarri iraungitze data. Konpartitzea ezin da iraungi konpartitu eta %s ondoren.",
+ "Cannot set expiration date. Expiration date is in the past" : "Ezin da jarri iraungitze data. Iraungitze data iragan da.",
+ "Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "%s elkarbanaketa motorra OCP\\Share_Backend interfazea inplementatu behar du ",
+ "Sharing backend %s not found" : "Ez da %s elkarbanaketa motorra aurkitu",
+ "Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Ez da %srako elkarbanaketa motorrik aurkitu",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, baimenak %sri emandakoak baino gehiago direlako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, ber-elkarbanatzea baimenduta ez dagoelako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the sharing backend for %s could not find its source" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, %sren elkarbanaketa motorrak bere iturria aurkitu ezin duelako",
+ "Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache" : "%s elkarbanatzeak huts egin du, fitxategia katxean aurkitu ez delako",
+ "Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Ezin da \"%s\" kategoria aurkitu",
+ "Sunday" : "Igandea",
+ "Monday" : "Astelehena",
+ "Tuesday" : "Asteartea",
+ "Wednesday" : "Asteazkena",
+ "Thursday" : "Osteguna",
+ "Friday" : "Ostirala",
+ "Saturday" : "Larunbata",
+ "Sun." : "Ig.",
+ "Mon." : "Al.",
+ "Tue." : "Ar.",
+ "Wed." : "Az.",
+ "Thu." : "Og.",
+ "Fri." : "Ol.",
+ "Sat." : "Lr.",
+ "Su" : "Ig",
+ "Mo" : "Al",
+ "Tu" : "Ar",
+ "We" : "Az",
+ "Th" : "Og",
+ "Fr" : "Ol",
+ "Sa" : "Lr",
+ "January" : "Urtarrila",
+ "February" : "Otsaila",
+ "March" : "Martxoa",
+ "April" : "Apirila",
+ "May" : "Maiatza",
+ "June" : "Ekaina",
+ "July" : "Uztaila",
+ "August" : "Abuztua",
+ "September" : "Iraila",
+ "October" : "Urria",
+ "November" : "Azaroa",
+ "December" : "Abendua",
+ "Jan." : "Urt.",
+ "Feb." : "Ots.",
+ "Mar." : "Mar.",
+ "Apr." : "Api.",
+ "May." : "Mai.",
+ "Jun." : "Eka.",
+ "Jul." : "Uzt.",
+ "Aug." : "Abu.",
+ "Sep." : "Ira.",
+ "Oct." : "Urr.",
+ "Nov." : "Aza.",
+ "Dec." : "Abe.",
+ "Apps" : "Aplikazioak",
+ "A valid username must be provided" : "Baliozko erabiltzaile izena eman behar da",
+ "A valid password must be provided" : "Baliozko pasahitza eman behar da",
+ "The username is already being used" : "Erabiltzaile izena dagoeneko erabiltzen ari da",
+ "Login canceled by app" : "Aplikazioa saioa bertan behera utzi du",
+ "User disabled" : "Erabiltzaile desgaituta",
+ "Help" : "Laguntza",
+ "Personal" : "Pertsonala",
+ "Users" : "Erabiltzaileak",
+ "Admin" : "Admin",
+ "No app name specified" : "Ez da aplikazioaren izena zehaztu",
+ "Application is not enabled" : "Aplikazioa ez dago gaituta",
+ "Authentication error" : "Autentifikazio errorea",
+ "Token expired. Please reload page." : "Tokena iraungitu da. Mesedez birkargatu orria.",
+ "Unknown user" : "Erabiltzaile ezezaguna",
+ "No database drivers (sqlite, mysql, or postgresql) installed." : "Ez dago datubaseen (sqlite, mysql edo postgresql) driverrik instalatuta.",
+ "Cannot write into \"config\" directory" : "Ezin da idatzi \"config\" karpetan",
+ "Cannot write into \"apps\" directory" : "Ezin da idatzi \"apps\" karpetan",
+ "This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the apps directory%s or disabling the appstore in the config file." : "Hau normalean konpondu daiteke %sweb zerbitzarira apps karpetan idazteko baimenak emanez%s edo konfigurazio fitxategian appstorea ez gaituz.",
+ "Cannot create \"data\" directory (%s)" : "Ezin da \"data\" karpeta sortu (%s)",
+ "Permissions can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the root directory%s." : "Hau normalean konpondu daiteke %sweb zerbitzarira erro karpetan idazteko baimenak emanez%s.",
+ "Setting locale to %s failed" : "Lokala %sra ezartzeak huts egin du",
+ "Please install one of these locales on your system and restart your webserver." : "Instalatu hauetako lokal bat zure sisteman eta berrabiarazi zure web zerbitzaria.",
+ "Please ask your server administrator to install the module." : "Mesedez eskatu zure zerbitzariaren kudeatzaileari modulua instala dezan.",
+ "PHP module %s not installed." : "PHPren %s modulua ez dago instalaturik.",
+ "This is probably caused by a cache/accelerator such as Zend OPcache or eAccelerator." : "Hau ziur aski cache/accelerator batek eragin du, hala nola Zend OPcache edo eAccelerator.",
+ "PHP modules have been installed, but they are still listed as missing?" : "PHP moduluak instalatu dira, baina oraindik faltan bezala markatuta daude?",
+ "Please ask your server administrator to restart the web server." : "Mesedez eskatu zerbitzariaren kudeatzaileari web zerbitzaria berrabiarazteko.",
+ "PostgreSQL >= 9 required" : "PostgreSQL >= 9 behar da",
+ "Please upgrade your database version" : "Mesedez eguneratu zure datu basearen bertsioa",
+ "Please change the permissions to 0770 so that the directory cannot be listed by other users." : "Mesedez aldatu baimenak 0770ra beste erabiltzaileek karpetan sartu ezin izateko.",
+ "Data directory (%s) is readable by other users" : "Data karpeta (%s) beste erabiltzaileek irakur dezakete",
+ "Data directory (%s) is invalid" : "Datuen karpeta (%s) ez da baliogarria",
+ "Please check that the data directory contains a file \".ocdata\" in its root." : "Mesedez egiaztatu data karpeta \".ocdata\" fitxategia duela bere erroan.",
+ "Could not obtain lock type %d on \"%s\"." : "Ezin da lortu sarraia mota %d \"%s\"-an.",
+ "App directory already exists" : "Aplikazioaren karpeta dagoeneko existitzen da",
+ "Can't create app folder. Please fix permissions. %s" : "Ezin izan da aplikazioaren karpeta sortu. Mesdez konpondu baimenak. %s",
+ "No source specified when installing app" : "Ez da jatorririk zehaztu aplikazioa instalatzerakoan",
+ "No href specified when installing app from http" : "Ez da href parametrorik zehaztu http bidez aplikazioa instalatzerakoan",
+ "No path specified when installing app from local file" : "Ez da kokalekurik zehaztu fitxategi lokal moduan aplikazioa instalatzerakoan",
+ "Archives of type %s are not supported" : "%s motako fitxategiak ez dira onartzen",
+ "Failed to open archive when installing app" : "Fitxategia irekitzeak huts egin du aplikazioa instalatzerakoan",
+ "App does not provide an info.xml file" : "Aplikazioak ez du info.xml fitxategia",
+ "App can't be installed because of not allowed code in the App" : "Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu bertan duen baimendu gabeko kodea dela eta",
+ "App can't be installed because it contains the <shipped>true</shipped> tag which is not allowed for non shipped apps" : "Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu <shipped>true</shipped> etiketa duelako eta etiketa hau ez da onartzen banaketan ez datozen aplikazioetan",
+ "Logging" : "Erregistroa",
+ "Recommended" : "Aholkatuta",
+ "Microsoft Windows Platform is not supported" : "Microsoft Windows Platform ez da jasaten",
+ "Storage not available" : "Biltegia ez dago eskuragarri"
+},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"Invalid mail address" : "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse",
"No valid group selected" : "Keine gültige Gruppe ausgewählt",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Ein Benutzer mit diesem Namen existiert bereits.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Um einen Passwort-Link an einen Benutzer zu versenden wird eine E-Mail-Adresse benötigt.",
"Unable to create user." : "Benutzer konnte nicht erstellt werden.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Dein %s-Konto wurde erstellt",
"Unable to delete user." : "Benutzer konnte nicht gelöscht werden.",
"Show last log in" : "Letzte Anmeldung anzeigen",
"Show user backend" : "Benutzer-Backend anzeigen",
"Send email to new user" : "E-Mail an neuen Benutzer senden",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Wenn das Passwort für den neuen Benutzer leer gelassen wird, wird an ihn eine Aktivierungs-E-Mail mit einem Link zur Passwortvergabe versandt.",
"Show email address" : "E-Mail-Adresse anzeigen",
"E-Mail" : "E-Mail",
"Create" : "Anlegen",
"Invalid mail address" : "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse",
"No valid group selected" : "Keine gültige Gruppe ausgewählt",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Ein Benutzer mit diesem Namen existiert bereits.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Um einen Passwort-Link an einen Benutzer zu versenden wird eine E-Mail-Adresse benötigt.",
"Unable to create user." : "Benutzer konnte nicht erstellt werden.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Dein %s-Konto wurde erstellt",
"Unable to delete user." : "Benutzer konnte nicht gelöscht werden.",
"Show last log in" : "Letzte Anmeldung anzeigen",
"Show user backend" : "Benutzer-Backend anzeigen",
"Send email to new user" : "E-Mail an neuen Benutzer senden",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Wenn das Passwort für den neuen Benutzer leer gelassen wird, wird an ihn eine Aktivierungs-E-Mail mit einem Link zur Passwortvergabe versandt.",
"Show email address" : "E-Mail-Adresse anzeigen",
"E-Mail" : "E-Mail",
"Create" : "Anlegen",
"Invalid mail address" : "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse",
"No valid group selected" : "Keine gültige Gruppe ausgewählt",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Ein Benutzer mit diesem Namen existiert bereits.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Um einen Passwort-Link an einen Benutzer zu versenden wird eine E-Mail-Adresse benötigt.",
"Unable to create user." : "Benutzer konnte nicht erstellt werden.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Ihr %s-Konto wurde erstellt",
"Unable to delete user." : "Benutzer konnte nicht gelöscht werden.",
"Error: this app cannot be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "Fehler: Diese App kann nicht aktiviert werden, da es den Server instabil macht.",
"Error: could not disable broken app" : "Fehler: Die beschädigte Anwendung konnte nicht deaktiviert werden",
"Error while disabling broken app" : "Beim Deaktivieren der defekten App ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
- "Updating...." : "Update…",
- "Error while updating app" : "Es ist ein Fehler während des Updates aufgetreten",
+ "Updating...." : "Aktualisiere…",
+ "Error while updating app" : "Es ist ein Fehler während der Aktualisierung aufgetreten",
"Updated" : "Aktualisiert",
"Uninstalling ...." : "Wird deinstalliert…",
"Error while uninstalling app" : "Fehler beim Deinstallieren der App",
"Not supported!" : "Nicht unterstützt!",
"Press ⌘-C to copy." : "⌘-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
"Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Ctrl-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
- "Error while loading browser sessions and device tokens" : "Fehler beim Laden der Browser-Sitzungen und Gerätetoken",
+ "Error while loading browser sessions and device tokens" : "Fehler beim Laden der Browser-Sitzungen und Geräte-Token",
"Error while creating device token" : "Fehler beim Erstellen des Geräte-Tokens",
"Error while deleting the token" : "Fehler beim Löschen des Geräte-Tokens",
"An error occurred. Please upload an ASCII-encoded PEM certificate." : "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte laden Sie ein ASCII-kodiertes PEM-Zertifikat hoch.",
"Only visible to local users" : "Nur für lokale Benutzer sichtbar",
"Only visible to you" : "Nur für Sie sichtbar",
"Contacts" : "Kontakte",
- "Visible to local users and to trusted servers" : "Sichtbar für lokale Nutzer und vertauenswürdige Server",
+ "Visible to local users and to trusted servers" : "Sichtbar für lokale Nutzer und vertrauenswürdige Server",
"Public" : "Öffentlich",
"Will be synced to a global and public address book" : "Wird mit einem globalen und einem öffentlichen Adressbuch synchronisiert",
"Select a profile picture" : "Wählen Sie ein Profilbild",
"no group" : "Keine Gruppe",
"Password successfully changed" : "Das Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert",
"Changing the password will result in data loss, because data recovery is not available for this user" : "Die Änderung des Passworts führt zu Datenverlust, weil die Datenwiederherstellung für diesen Benutzer nicht verfügbar ist",
- "Could not change the users email" : "Die E-Mail Adresse des Nutzers konnte nicht geändert werden",
+ "Could not change the users email" : "Die E-Mail-Adresse des Nutzers konnte nicht geändert werden",
"A valid username must be provided" : "Es muss ein gültiger Benutzername angegeben werden",
"Error creating user: {message}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen eines Benutzers: {message}",
"A valid password must be provided" : "Es muss ein gültiges Passwort angegeben werden",
"Sync clients" : "Sync-Clients",
"None" : "Keine",
"Login" : "Anmelden",
- "Plain" : "Plain",
- "NT LAN Manager" : "NT LAN Manager",
+ "Plain" : "Klartext",
+ "NT LAN Manager" : "NT-LAN-Manager",
"Email server" : "E-Mail-Server",
"Address" : "Adresse",
"Your postal address" : "Ihre Postadresse",
"Website" : "Webseite",
- "Your website" : "Ihre Webseite",
+ "Your website" : "Ihre Internetseite",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
- "Your Twitter handle" : "Ihr twitter-handle",
+ "Your Twitter handle" : "Ihr Twitter-Handle",
"You are member of the following groups:" : "Sie sind Mitglied folgender Gruppen:",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"Current password" : "Aktuelles Passwort",
"Show last log in" : "Letzte Anmeldung anzeigen",
"Show user backend" : "Benutzer-Backend anzeigen",
"Send email to new user" : "E-Mail an neuen Benutzer senden",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Wenn das Passwort für den neuen Benutzer leer gelassen wird, wird an ihn eine Aktivierungs-E-Mail mit einem Link zur Passwortvergabe versandt.",
"Show email address" : "E-Mail Adresse anzeigen",
"E-Mail" : "E-Mail",
"Create" : "Erstellen",
"Admins can't remove themself from the admin group" : "Administratoren können sich nicht selbst aus der admin-Gruppe löschen",
"Unable to add user to group %s" : "Der Benutzer konnte nicht zur Gruppe %s hinzugefügt werden",
"Unable to remove user from group %s" : "Der Benutzer konnte nicht aus der Gruppe %s entfernt werden",
- "Are you really sure you want add \"{domain}\" as trusted domain?" : "Sind Sie sich wirklich sicher, dass Sie »{domain}« als vertrauenswürdige Domain hinzufügen möchten?",
+ "Are you really sure you want add \"{domain}\" as trusted domain?" : "Sind Sie sich wirklich sicher, dass Sie \"{domain}\" als vertrauenswürdige Domain hinzufügen möchten?",
"Please wait...." : "Bitte warten…",
"add group" : "Gruppe hinzufügen",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" : "Alles (fatale Probleme, Fehler, Warnungen, Infos, Fehlerdiagnose)",
"Invalid mail address" : "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse",
"No valid group selected" : "Keine gültige Gruppe ausgewählt",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Ein Benutzer mit diesem Namen existiert bereits.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Um einen Passwort-Link an einen Benutzer zu versenden wird eine E-Mail-Adresse benötigt.",
"Unable to create user." : "Benutzer konnte nicht erstellt werden.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Ihr %s-Konto wurde erstellt",
"Unable to delete user." : "Benutzer konnte nicht gelöscht werden.",
"Error: this app cannot be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "Fehler: Diese App kann nicht aktiviert werden, da es den Server instabil macht.",
"Error: could not disable broken app" : "Fehler: Die beschädigte Anwendung konnte nicht deaktiviert werden",
"Error while disabling broken app" : "Beim Deaktivieren der defekten App ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
- "Updating...." : "Update…",
- "Error while updating app" : "Es ist ein Fehler während des Updates aufgetreten",
+ "Updating...." : "Aktualisiere…",
+ "Error while updating app" : "Es ist ein Fehler während der Aktualisierung aufgetreten",
"Updated" : "Aktualisiert",
"Uninstalling ...." : "Wird deinstalliert…",
"Error while uninstalling app" : "Fehler beim Deinstallieren der App",
"Not supported!" : "Nicht unterstützt!",
"Press ⌘-C to copy." : "⌘-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
"Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Ctrl-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
- "Error while loading browser sessions and device tokens" : "Fehler beim Laden der Browser-Sitzungen und Gerätetoken",
+ "Error while loading browser sessions and device tokens" : "Fehler beim Laden der Browser-Sitzungen und Geräte-Token",
"Error while creating device token" : "Fehler beim Erstellen des Geräte-Tokens",
"Error while deleting the token" : "Fehler beim Löschen des Geräte-Tokens",
"An error occurred. Please upload an ASCII-encoded PEM certificate." : "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte laden Sie ein ASCII-kodiertes PEM-Zertifikat hoch.",
"Only visible to local users" : "Nur für lokale Benutzer sichtbar",
"Only visible to you" : "Nur für Sie sichtbar",
"Contacts" : "Kontakte",
- "Visible to local users and to trusted servers" : "Sichtbar für lokale Nutzer und vertauenswürdige Server",
+ "Visible to local users and to trusted servers" : "Sichtbar für lokale Nutzer und vertrauenswürdige Server",
"Public" : "Öffentlich",
"Will be synced to a global and public address book" : "Wird mit einem globalen und einem öffentlichen Adressbuch synchronisiert",
"Select a profile picture" : "Wählen Sie ein Profilbild",
"no group" : "Keine Gruppe",
"Password successfully changed" : "Das Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert",
"Changing the password will result in data loss, because data recovery is not available for this user" : "Die Änderung des Passworts führt zu Datenverlust, weil die Datenwiederherstellung für diesen Benutzer nicht verfügbar ist",
- "Could not change the users email" : "Die E-Mail Adresse des Nutzers konnte nicht geändert werden",
+ "Could not change the users email" : "Die E-Mail-Adresse des Nutzers konnte nicht geändert werden",
"A valid username must be provided" : "Es muss ein gültiger Benutzername angegeben werden",
"Error creating user: {message}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen eines Benutzers: {message}",
"A valid password must be provided" : "Es muss ein gültiges Passwort angegeben werden",
"Sync clients" : "Sync-Clients",
"None" : "Keine",
"Login" : "Anmelden",
- "Plain" : "Plain",
- "NT LAN Manager" : "NT LAN Manager",
+ "Plain" : "Klartext",
+ "NT LAN Manager" : "NT-LAN-Manager",
"Email server" : "E-Mail-Server",
"Address" : "Adresse",
"Your postal address" : "Ihre Postadresse",
"Website" : "Webseite",
- "Your website" : "Ihre Webseite",
+ "Your website" : "Ihre Internetseite",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
- "Your Twitter handle" : "Ihr twitter-handle",
+ "Your Twitter handle" : "Ihr Twitter-Handle",
"You are member of the following groups:" : "Sie sind Mitglied folgender Gruppen:",
"Password" : "Passwort",
"Current password" : "Aktuelles Passwort",
"Show last log in" : "Letzte Anmeldung anzeigen",
"Show user backend" : "Benutzer-Backend anzeigen",
"Send email to new user" : "E-Mail an neuen Benutzer senden",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Wenn das Passwort für den neuen Benutzer leer gelassen wird, wird an ihn eine Aktivierungs-E-Mail mit einem Link zur Passwortvergabe versandt.",
"Show email address" : "E-Mail Adresse anzeigen",
"E-Mail" : "E-Mail",
"Create" : "Erstellen",
"Admins can't remove themself from the admin group" : "Administratoren können sich nicht selbst aus der admin-Gruppe löschen",
"Unable to add user to group %s" : "Der Benutzer konnte nicht zur Gruppe %s hinzugefügt werden",
"Unable to remove user from group %s" : "Der Benutzer konnte nicht aus der Gruppe %s entfernt werden",
- "Are you really sure you want add \"{domain}\" as trusted domain?" : "Sind Sie sich wirklich sicher, dass Sie »{domain}« als vertrauenswürdige Domain hinzufügen möchten?",
+ "Are you really sure you want add \"{domain}\" as trusted domain?" : "Sind Sie sich wirklich sicher, dass Sie \"{domain}\" als vertrauenswürdige Domain hinzufügen möchten?",
"Please wait...." : "Bitte warten…",
"add group" : "Gruppe hinzufügen",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" : "Alles (fatale Probleme, Fehler, Warnungen, Infos, Fehlerdiagnose)",
"Invalid mail address" : "Dirección de correo inválida",
"No valid group selected" : "No se ha seleccionado un grupo válido",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Ya existe un usuario con ese nombre.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Para enviar un enlace de contraseña al usuario, se requiere una dirección de correo electrónico.",
"Unable to create user." : "No se pudo crear el usuario.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Se ha creado su cuenta de %s",
"Unable to delete user." : "No se pudo eliminar el usuario.",
"Show last log in" : "Mostrar el último inicio de sesión",
"Show user backend" : "Mostrar motor de usuario",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar correo al usuario nuevo",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Cuando la contraseña del nuevo usuario se deja vacía, un correo electrónico de activación con un enlace para establecer la contraseña se envía al usuario",
"Show email address" : "Mostrar dirección de correo electrónico",
"E-Mail" : "Correo electrónico",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Invalid mail address" : "Dirección de correo inválida",
"No valid group selected" : "No se ha seleccionado un grupo válido",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Ya existe un usuario con ese nombre.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Para enviar un enlace de contraseña al usuario, se requiere una dirección de correo electrónico.",
"Unable to create user." : "No se pudo crear el usuario.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Se ha creado su cuenta de %s",
"Unable to delete user." : "No se pudo eliminar el usuario.",
"Show last log in" : "Mostrar el último inicio de sesión",
"Show user backend" : "Mostrar motor de usuario",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar correo al usuario nuevo",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Cuando la contraseña del nuevo usuario se deja vacía, un correo electrónico de activación con un enlace para establecer la contraseña se envía al usuario",
"Show email address" : "Mostrar dirección de correo electrónico",
"E-Mail" : "Correo electrónico",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Uninstalling ...." : "Desinstalatzen ...",
"Error while uninstalling app" : "Erroea izan da aplikazioa desinstalatzerakoan",
"Uninstall" : "Desinstalatu",
+ "Internet Explorer" : "Internet Explorer",
+ "Edge" : "Edge",
+ "Firefox" : "Firefox",
+ "Google Chrome" : "Google Chrome",
+ "Safari" : "Safari",
+ "Google Chrome for Android" : "Google Chrome for Android",
+ "iPhone iOS" : "iPhone iOS",
+ "iPad iOS" : "iPad iOS",
+ "iOS Client" : "iOS Client",
+ "Android Client" : "Android Client",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Sakatu ⌘-C kopiatzeko.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Sakatu Ctrl-C kopiatzeko.",
"Valid until {date}" : "{date} arte baliogarria",
"Delete" : "Ezabatu",
"Select a profile picture" : "Profilaren irudia aukeratu",
"Login" : "Saio hasiera",
"Plain" : "Arrunta",
"NT LAN Manager" : "NT LAN Manager",
+ "SSL/TLS" : "SSL/TLS",
"This is used for sending out notifications." : "Hau jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko erabiltzen da.",
"Send mode" : "Bidaltzeko modua",
"Encryption" : "Enkriptazioa",
"Restrict users to only share with users in their groups" : "Mugatu partekatzeak taldeko erabiltzaileetara",
"Exclude groups from sharing" : "Baztertu taldeak partekatzean",
"These groups will still be able to receive shares, but not to initiate them." : "Talde hauek oraindik jaso ahal izango dute partekatzeak, baina ezingo dute partekatu",
+ "Tips & tricks" : "Aholkuak eta trikimailuak",
+ "To migrate to another database use the command line tool: 'occ db:convert-type', or see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation ↗</a>." : "To migrate to another database use the command line tool: 'occ db:convert-type', or see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation ↗</a>.",
+ "How to do backups" : "Nola egin babes kopiak",
+ "Advanced monitoring" : "Monitorizazio aurreratua",
+ "Performance tuning" : "Errendimendu ezarpenak",
+ "Improving the config.php" : "config.php hobetzen",
+ "Theming" : "Itxura",
+ "Hardening and security guidance" : "Gogortze eta segurtasun gida",
+ "Developer documentation" : "Garatzailearen dokumentazioa",
+ "by %s" : "by %s",
+ "%s-licensed" : "%s-lizentziapean",
"Documentation:" : "Dokumentazioa:",
+ "User documentation" : "Erabiltzailearen dokumentazioa",
+ "Admin documentation" : "Administratzailearen dokumentazioa",
+ "Visit website" : "Web orria ikusi",
+ "Show description …" : "Erakutsi deskribapena ...",
+ "Hide description …" : "Ezkutatu deskribapena ...",
+ "This app has an update available." : "Aplikazio honek eguneraketa bat eskuragarri ditu.",
+ "This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.",
+ "This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.",
"This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu hurrengo menpekotasunak betetzen ez direlako:",
"Enable only for specific groups" : "Baimendu bakarri talde espezifikoetarako",
+ "Uninstall app" : "Desinstalatu aplikazioa",
+ "SSL Root Certificates" : "SSL Root Certificates",
"Common Name" : "Izen arrunta",
"Valid until" : "Data hau arte baliogarria",
"Issued By" : "Honek bidalita",
"Valid until %s" : "%s arte baliogarria",
+ "Import root certificate" : "Inportatu root ziurtagiria",
"Cheers!" : "Ongi izan!",
+ "Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that you now have a %s account.\n\nYour username: %s\nAccess it: %s\n\n" : "Kaixo,\n\nJakinarazi nahi dizugu, badaukazula %s kontua.\n\nZure erabiltzaile izena: %s \nSar zaitez: %s\n",
+ "Administrator documentation" : "Administratzaile dokumentazioa",
"Forum" : "Foroa",
"Profile picture" : "Profilaren irudia",
"Upload new" : "Igo berria",
"Uninstalling ...." : "Desinstalatzen ...",
"Error while uninstalling app" : "Erroea izan da aplikazioa desinstalatzerakoan",
"Uninstall" : "Desinstalatu",
+ "Internet Explorer" : "Internet Explorer",
+ "Edge" : "Edge",
+ "Firefox" : "Firefox",
+ "Google Chrome" : "Google Chrome",
+ "Safari" : "Safari",
+ "Google Chrome for Android" : "Google Chrome for Android",
+ "iPhone iOS" : "iPhone iOS",
+ "iPad iOS" : "iPad iOS",
+ "iOS Client" : "iOS Client",
+ "Android Client" : "Android Client",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Sakatu ⌘-C kopiatzeko.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Sakatu Ctrl-C kopiatzeko.",
"Valid until {date}" : "{date} arte baliogarria",
"Delete" : "Ezabatu",
"Select a profile picture" : "Profilaren irudia aukeratu",
"Login" : "Saio hasiera",
"Plain" : "Arrunta",
"NT LAN Manager" : "NT LAN Manager",
+ "SSL/TLS" : "SSL/TLS",
"This is used for sending out notifications." : "Hau jakinarazpenak bidaltzeko erabiltzen da.",
"Send mode" : "Bidaltzeko modua",
"Encryption" : "Enkriptazioa",
"Restrict users to only share with users in their groups" : "Mugatu partekatzeak taldeko erabiltzaileetara",
"Exclude groups from sharing" : "Baztertu taldeak partekatzean",
"These groups will still be able to receive shares, but not to initiate them." : "Talde hauek oraindik jaso ahal izango dute partekatzeak, baina ezingo dute partekatu",
+ "Tips & tricks" : "Aholkuak eta trikimailuak",
+ "To migrate to another database use the command line tool: 'occ db:convert-type', or see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation ↗</a>." : "To migrate to another database use the command line tool: 'occ db:convert-type', or see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation ↗</a>.",
+ "How to do backups" : "Nola egin babes kopiak",
+ "Advanced monitoring" : "Monitorizazio aurreratua",
+ "Performance tuning" : "Errendimendu ezarpenak",
+ "Improving the config.php" : "config.php hobetzen",
+ "Theming" : "Itxura",
+ "Hardening and security guidance" : "Gogortze eta segurtasun gida",
+ "Developer documentation" : "Garatzailearen dokumentazioa",
+ "by %s" : "by %s",
+ "%s-licensed" : "%s-lizentziapean",
"Documentation:" : "Dokumentazioa:",
+ "User documentation" : "Erabiltzailearen dokumentazioa",
+ "Admin documentation" : "Administratzailearen dokumentazioa",
+ "Visit website" : "Web orria ikusi",
+ "Show description …" : "Erakutsi deskribapena ...",
+ "Hide description …" : "Ezkutatu deskribapena ...",
+ "This app has an update available." : "Aplikazio honek eguneraketa bat eskuragarri ditu.",
+ "This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.",
+ "This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future.",
"This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Aplikazioa ezin da instalatu hurrengo menpekotasunak betetzen ez direlako:",
"Enable only for specific groups" : "Baimendu bakarri talde espezifikoetarako",
+ "Uninstall app" : "Desinstalatu aplikazioa",
+ "SSL Root Certificates" : "SSL Root Certificates",
"Common Name" : "Izen arrunta",
"Valid until" : "Data hau arte baliogarria",
"Issued By" : "Honek bidalita",
"Valid until %s" : "%s arte baliogarria",
+ "Import root certificate" : "Inportatu root ziurtagiria",
"Cheers!" : "Ongi izan!",
+ "Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that you now have a %s account.\n\nYour username: %s\nAccess it: %s\n\n" : "Kaixo,\n\nJakinarazi nahi dizugu, badaukazula %s kontua.\n\nZure erabiltzaile izena: %s \nSar zaitez: %s\n",
+ "Administrator documentation" : "Administratzaile dokumentazioa",
"Forum" : "Foroa",
"Profile picture" : "Profilaren irudia",
"Upload new" : "Igo berria",
"Invalid mail address" : "Adresse e-mail non valide",
"No valid group selected" : "Aucun groupe valide sélectionné",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Un utilisateur à ce nom existe déjà.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Pour envoyer un mot de passe par lien à l'utilisateur, une adresse mail est requise.",
"Unable to create user." : "Impossible de créer l'utilisateur.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Votre compte %s a été créé",
"Unable to delete user." : "Impossible de supprimer l'utilisateur.",
"Show last log in" : "Montrer la dernière connexion",
"Show user backend" : "Montrer la source de l'identifiant",
"Send email to new user" : "Envoyer un e-mail aux utilisateurs créés",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Quand le mot de passe du nouvel utilisateur est laissé vide, un mail d'activation avec un lien pour configurer le mot de passe est envoyé à l'utilisateur",
"Show email address" : "Afficher l'adresse e-mail",
"E-Mail" : "E-Mail",
"Create" : "Créer",
"Invalid mail address" : "Adresse e-mail non valide",
"No valid group selected" : "Aucun groupe valide sélectionné",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Un utilisateur à ce nom existe déjà.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Pour envoyer un mot de passe par lien à l'utilisateur, une adresse mail est requise.",
"Unable to create user." : "Impossible de créer l'utilisateur.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Votre compte %s a été créé",
"Unable to delete user." : "Impossible de supprimer l'utilisateur.",
"Show last log in" : "Montrer la dernière connexion",
"Show user backend" : "Montrer la source de l'identifiant",
"Send email to new user" : "Envoyer un e-mail aux utilisateurs créés",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Quand le mot de passe du nouvel utilisateur est laissé vide, un mail d'activation avec un lien pour configurer le mot de passe est envoyé à l'utilisateur",
"Show email address" : "Afficher l'adresse e-mail",
"E-Mail" : "E-Mail",
"Create" : "Créer",
"Invalid mail address" : "Nieprawidłowy adres email",
"No valid group selected" : "Nie wybrano poprawnej grupy",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Użytkownik o tej nazwie już istnieje.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Aby wysłać link z hasłem innemu użytkownikowi wymagany jest adres e-mail.",
"Unable to create user." : "Nie można utworzyć użytkownika.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Twoje konto %s zostało stworzone",
"Unable to delete user." : "Nie można usunąć użytkownika.",
"Show last log in" : "Pokaż ostatni login",
"Show user backend" : "Pokaż moduł użytkownika",
"Send email to new user" : "Wyślij email do nowego użytkownika",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Kiedy hasło nowego użytkownika jest puste użytkownikowi jest wysyłany e-mieil aktywacyjny z linkiem do ustawienia hasła",
"Show email address" : "Pokaż adres email",
"E-Mail" : "E-mail",
"Create" : "Utwórz",
"Invalid mail address" : "Nieprawidłowy adres email",
"No valid group selected" : "Nie wybrano poprawnej grupy",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Użytkownik o tej nazwie już istnieje.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Aby wysłać link z hasłem innemu użytkownikowi wymagany jest adres e-mail.",
"Unable to create user." : "Nie można utworzyć użytkownika.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Twoje konto %s zostało stworzone",
"Unable to delete user." : "Nie można usunąć użytkownika.",
"Show last log in" : "Pokaż ostatni login",
"Show user backend" : "Pokaż moduł użytkownika",
"Send email to new user" : "Wyślij email do nowego użytkownika",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Kiedy hasło nowego użytkownika jest puste użytkownikowi jest wysyłany e-mieil aktywacyjny z linkiem do ustawienia hasła",
"Show email address" : "Pokaż adres email",
"E-Mail" : "E-mail",
"Create" : "Utwórz",
"Invalid mail address" : "Endereço de e-mail inválido",
"No valid group selected" : "Nenhum grupo válido foi selecionado",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Um usuário com esse nome já existe.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Para envio da senha ao usuário um endereço de email é necessário.",
"Unable to create user." : "Não é possível criar usuário.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Sua conta %s foi criada",
"Unable to delete user." : "Não é possível excluir o usuário.",
"Show last log in" : "Mostrar o último acesso",
"Show user backend" : "Mostrar administrador do usuário",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar um email para o novo usuário",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Quando a senha do novo usuário é deixada em branco, um e-mail de ativação com um link para definir a senha é enviado para o usuário",
"Show email address" : "Mostrar o endereço de email",
"E-Mail" : "E-Mail",
"Create" : "Criar",
"Invalid mail address" : "Endereço de e-mail inválido",
"No valid group selected" : "Nenhum grupo válido foi selecionado",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Um usuário com esse nome já existe.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Para envio da senha ao usuário um endereço de email é necessário.",
"Unable to create user." : "Não é possível criar usuário.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Sua conta %s foi criada",
"Unable to delete user." : "Não é possível excluir o usuário.",
"Show last log in" : "Mostrar o último acesso",
"Show user backend" : "Mostrar administrador do usuário",
"Send email to new user" : "Enviar um email para o novo usuário",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Quando a senha do novo usuário é deixada em branco, um e-mail de ativação com um link para definir a senha é enviado para o usuário",
"Show email address" : "Mostrar o endereço de email",
"E-Mail" : "E-Mail",
"Create" : "Criar",
"Invalid mail address" : "Некорректный адрес электронной почты",
"No valid group selected" : "Не выбрана верная группа",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Пользователь с таким именем уже существует.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Для отправки пользователю запароленный ссылки требуется указать адрес эл.почты.",
"Unable to create user." : "Невозможно создать пользователя.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Учетная запись %s создана",
"Unable to delete user." : "Невозможно удалить пользователя.",
"Show last log in" : "Показать последний вход в систему",
"Show user backend" : "Показать механизм учёта пользователей",
"Send email to new user" : "Отправлять письмо новому пользователю",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Если поле пароля нового пользователя оставить пустым, то пользователю будет отправлено эл.письмо, содержащее ссылку на страницу установки пароля.",
"Show email address" : "Показывать адрес электронной почты",
"E-Mail" : "Почта",
"Create" : "Создать",
"Invalid mail address" : "Некорректный адрес электронной почты",
"No valid group selected" : "Не выбрана верная группа",
"A user with that name already exists." : "Пользователь с таким именем уже существует.",
+ "To send a password link to the user an email address is required." : "Для отправки пользователю запароленный ссылки требуется указать адрес эл.почты.",
"Unable to create user." : "Невозможно создать пользователя.",
"Your %s account was created" : "Учетная запись %s создана",
"Unable to delete user." : "Невозможно удалить пользователя.",
"Show last log in" : "Показать последний вход в систему",
"Show user backend" : "Показать механизм учёта пользователей",
"Send email to new user" : "Отправлять письмо новому пользователю",
+ "When the password of the new user is left empty an activation email with a link to set the password is send to the user" : "Если поле пароля нового пользователя оставить пустым, то пользователю будет отправлено эл.письмо, содержащее ссылку на страницу установки пароля.",
"Show email address" : "Показывать адрес электронной почты",
"E-Mail" : "Почта",
"Create" : "Создать",