#11448 is fixed in a different way for 7.1 because the tooltip event
handling has been slightly refactored.
Change-Id: I50db48ffdce22cdf6598daafcb022fc43ed11cf4
public void setWindowOrderAndPosition() {
- public TooltipInfo getTooltipInfo(com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element element) {
+ @Override
- * Override method to make AbstractComponentConnector.hasTooltip()
- * return true so there's a top level handler that takes care of hiding
- * tooltips whenever the mouse is moved somewhere else.
++ public boolean hasTooltip() {
+ /*
- return super.getTooltipInfo(element);
++ * Tooltip event handler always needed on the window widget to make sure
++ * tooltips are properly hidden. (#11448)
+ */
++ return true;
+ }