'Failed asserting that user 3 still has access to test.txt after expiration date has been set.'
+ protected function getShareByValidToken($token) {
+ $row = OCP\Share::getShareByToken($token);
+ $this->assertInternalType(
+ 'array',
+ $row,
+ "Failed asserting that a share for token $token exists."
+ );
+ return $row;
+ }
+ public function testShareItemWithLink() {
+ OC_User::setUserId($this->user1);
+ $token = OCP\Share::shareItem('test', 'test.txt', OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, null, OCP\PERMISSION_READ);
+ $this->assertInternalType(
+ 'string',
+ $token,
+ 'Failed asserting that user 1 successfully shared text.txt as link with token.'
+ );
+ // testGetShareByTokenNoExpiration
+ $row = $this->getShareByValidToken($token);
+ $this->assertEmpty(
+ $row['expiration'],
+ 'Failed asserting that the returned row does not have an expiration date.'
+ );
+ // testGetShareByTokenExpirationValid
+ $this->assertTrue(
+ OCP\Share::setExpirationDate('test', 'test.txt', $this->dateInFuture),
+ 'Failed asserting that user 1 successfully set a future expiration date for the test.txt share.'
+ );
+ $row = $this->getShareByValidToken($token);
+ $this->assertNotEmpty(
+ $row['expiration'],
+ 'Failed asserting that the returned row has an expiration date.'
+ );
+ // testGetShareByTokenExpirationExpired
+ $this->assertTrue(
+ OCP\Share::setExpirationDate('test', 'test.txt', $this->dateInPast),
+ 'Failed asserting that user 1 successfully set a past expiration date for the test.txt share.'
+ );
+ $this->assertFalse(
+ OCP\Share::getShareByToken($token),
+ 'Failed asserting that an expired share could not be found.'
+ );
+ }