| Issue | When a piece of code does not comply with a rule, an issue is logged on the **snapshot**. An issue can be logged on a source file or a unit test file. There are 3 types of issue: **Bugs**, **Code Smells** and **Vulnerabilities** |
| Measure | The value of a **metric** for a given file or project at a given time. For example, 125 lines of code on class MyClass or density of duplicated lines of 30.5% on project myProject |
| Metric | A type of measurement. Metrics can have varying values, or **measures**, over time. Examples: number of lines of code, complexity, etc. A metric may be either _qualitative_ (gives a quality indication on the component, E.G. density of duplicated lines, line coverage by tests, etc.) or _quantitative_ (does not give a quality indication on the component, E.G. number of lines of code, complexity, etc.) |
-| New Code definition | A changeset or period that you're keeping a close watch on for the introduction of new problems in the code. Ideally this is since the `previous_version`, but if you don't use a Maven-like versioning scheme you may need to set a time period such as 21 days, since a specific anaylsis, or use a reference branch. |
+| New Code definition | A changeset or period that you're keeping a close watch on for the introduction of new problems in the code. Ideally this is since the `previous_version`, but if you don't use a Maven-like versioning scheme you may need to set a time period such as 21 days, since a specific analysis, or use a reference branch. |
| Quality Profile | A set of **rules**. Each **snapshot** is based on a single Quality Profile. See also [Quality Profiles](/instance-administration/quality-profiles/) |
| Rule | A coding standard or practice which should be followed. Not complying with coding rules leads to **Bugs**, **Vulnerabilities**, **Security Hotspots**, and **Code Smells**. Rules can check quality on code files or unit tests. |
| Remediation Cost | The estimated time required to fix Vulnerability and Reliability Issues. |