# define our own action mapper here
struts.mapper.class = org.apache.archiva.web.mapper.RepositoryActionMapper
-#struts.objectFactory = org.codehaus.plexus.spring.Struts2PlexusInSpringObjectFactory
-## TODO olamy chech fix for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WW-3460
+## TODO olamy check fix for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WW-3460
## upgrade of struts version or use our own hacked ObjectFactory
struts.objectFactory = org.apache.struts2.spring.StrutsSpringObjectFactory
struts.objectFactory.spring.autoWire = type
# TODO: package up a theme and share with Continuum. Should contain everything from xhtml, and set templateDir to WEB-INF/themes
# Localization
- <repository>
- <id>p.apache.snapshots</id>
- <name>Old Apache Snapshots</name>
- <url>http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-snapshot-repository/</url>
- <releases>
- <enabled>false</enabled>
- </releases>
- <snapshots>
- <enabled>true</enabled>
- </snapshots>
- </repository>
- <pluginRepository>
- <id>p.apache.snapshots</id>
- <name>Old Apache Snapshots</name>
- <url>http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-snapshot-repository/</url>
- <releases>
- <enabled>false</enabled>
- </releases>
- <snapshots>
- <enabled>true</enabled>
- </snapshots>
- </pluginRepository>