// Update referenced fonts (fonts which are not to be embedded)
+ // Update font cache if it has changed
+ if (fontCache != null && fontCache.hasChanged()) {
+ fontCache.save();
+ }
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Finished font configuration in "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms");
boolean strict = factory.validateUserConfigStrictly();
- FontCache fontCache = fontManager.getFontCache();
//Read font configuration
FontInfoConfigurator fontInfoConfigurator
= new FontInfoConfigurator(cfg, fontManager, fontResolver, listener, strict);
List/*<EmbedFontInfo>*/ fontInfoList = new java.util.ArrayList/*<EmbedFontInfo>*/();
- if (fontCache != null && fontCache.hasChanged()) {
- fontCache.save();
- }
return fontInfoList;