namespace OC\Files\Node;
use OC\DB\QueryBuilder\Literal;
+use OC\Files\Storage\Wrapper\Jail;
use OCA\Files_Sharing\SharedStorage;
use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder;
use OCP\Files\Config\ICachedMountInfo;
$mountMap = array_combine($storageIds, $mounts);
$folderMimetype = $mimetypeLoader->getId(FileInfo::MIMETYPE_FOLDER);
+ /*
+ * Construct an array of the storage id with their prefix path
+ * This helps us to filter in the final query
+ */
+ $filters = array_map(function (IMountPoint $mount) {
+ $storage = $mount->getStorage();
+ $storageId = $storage->getCache()->getNumericStorageId();
+ $prefix = '';
+ if ($storage->instanceOfStorage(Jail::class)) {
+ $prefix = $storage->getUnJailedPath('');
+ }
+ return [
+ 'storageId' => $storageId,
+ 'pathPrefix' => $prefix,
+ ];
+ }, $mounts);
// Search in batches of 500 entries
$searchLimit = 500;
$results = [];
$searchResultCount = 0;
$count = 0;
do {
- $searchResult = $this->recentSearch($searchLimit, $offset, $storageIds, $folderMimetype);
+ $searchResult = $this->recentSearch($searchLimit, $offset, $folderMimetype, $filters);
// Exit condition if there are no more results
if (count($searchResult) === 0) {
return array_slice($results, 0, $limit);
- private function recentSearch($limit, $offset, $storageIds, $folderMimetype) {
- $builder = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder();
+ private function recentSearch($limit, $offset, $folderMimetype, $filters) {
+ $dbconn = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection();
+ $builder = $dbconn->getQueryBuilder();
$query = $builder
- ->from('filecache', 'f')
- ->andWhere($builder->expr()->in('', $builder->createNamedParameter($storageIds, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)))
- ->andWhere($builder->expr()->orX(
+ ->from('filecache', 'f');
+ /*
+ * Here is where we construct the filtering.
+ * Note that this is expensive filtering as it is a lot of like queries.
+ * However the alternative is we do this filtering and parsing later in php with the risk of looping endlessly
+ */
+ $storageFilters = $builder->expr()->orX();
+ foreach ($filters as $filter) {
+ $storageFilter = $builder->expr()->andX(
+ $builder->expr()->eq('', $builder->createNamedParameter($filter['storageId']))
+ );
+ if ($filter['pathPrefix'] !== '') {
+ $storageFilter->add(
+ $builder->expr()->like('f.path', $builder->createNamedParameter($dbconn->escapeLikeParameter($filter['pathPrefix']) . '/%'))
+ );
+ }
+ $storageFilters->add($storageFilter);
+ }
+ $query->andWhere($storageFilters);
+ $query->andWhere($builder->expr()->orX(
// handle non empty folders separate
$builder->expr()->neq('f.mimetype', $builder->createNamedParameter($folderMimetype, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)),
$builder->expr()->eq('f.size', new Literal(0))
->orderBy('f.mtime', 'DESC')
return $query->execute()->fetchAll();