equals( jQuery("#sap").text(), "foobar", 'Check for merged text of more then one element.' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var testWrap = function(val) {
equals( defaultText, result, 'Check for wrapping of on-the-fly html' );
ok( jQuery('#first').parent().parent().is('.red'), 'Check if wrapper has class "red"' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var defaultText = 'Try them out:'
var result = jQuery('#first').wrap(val( document.getElementById('empty') )).parent();
ok( result.is('ol'), 'Check for element wrapping' );
equals( result.text(), defaultText, 'Check for element wrapping' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery('#check1').click(function() {
var checkbox = this;
ok( checkbox.checked, "Checkbox's state is erased after wrap() action, see #769" );
equals( jQuery("#first").parent().parent()[0].previousSibling, prev, "Correct Previous Sibling" );
equals( jQuery("#first").parent().parent()[0].parentNode, p, "Correct Parent" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var prev = jQuery("#firstp")[0].previousSibling;
var p = jQuery("#first")[0].parentNode;
var result = jQuery('#firstp,#first').wrapAll(val( document.getElementById('empty') ));
ok( jQuery("#first").children().is(".red"), "Verify Right Element" );
equals( jQuery("#first").children().children().children().length, num, "Verify Elements Intact" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var num = jQuery("#first").html("foo<div>test</div><div>test2</div>").children().length;
var result = jQuery('#first').wrapInner(val('<div class="red"><div id="tmp"></div></div>'));
equals( jQuery("#first").children().length, 1, "Only one child" );
ok( jQuery("#first").children().is(".red"), "Verify Right Element" );
equals( jQuery("#first").children().children().children().length, num, "Verify Elements Intact" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var num = jQuery("#first").children().length;
var result = jQuery('#first').wrapInner(val(document.getElementById('empty')));
equals( jQuery("#first").children().length, 1, "Only one child" );
equals( result.text(), defaultText + 'buga', 'Check if text appending works' );
equals( jQuery('#select3').append(valueObj('<option value="appendTest">Append Test</option>')).find('option:last-child').attr('value'), 'appendTest', 'Appending html options to select element');
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:";
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of element" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:Yahoo";
jQuery('#sap').append(valueObj([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('yahoo')]));
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of array of elements" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogYahooTry them out:";
jQuery('#sap').append(valueObj(jQuery("#first, #yahoo")));
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of jQuery object" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery("#sap").append(valueObj( 5 ));
ok( jQuery("#sap")[0].innerHTML.match( /5$/ ), "Check for appending a number" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery("#sap").append(valueObj( " text with spaces " ));
ok( jQuery("#sap")[0].innerHTML.match(/ text with spaces $/), "Check for appending text with spaces" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
ok( jQuery("#sap").append(valueObj( [] )), "Check for appending an empty array." );
ok( jQuery("#sap").append(valueObj( "" )), "Check for appending an empty string." );
ok( jQuery("#sap").append(valueObj( document.getElementsByTagName("foo") )), "Check for appending an empty nodelist." );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery("form").append(valueObj('<input name="radiotest" type="radio" checked="checked" />'));
jQuery("form input[name=radiotest]").each(function(){
ok( jQuery(this).is(':checked'), "Append checked radio");
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery("form").append(valueObj('<input name="radiotest" type="radio" checked = \'checked\' />'));
jQuery("form input[name=radiotest]").each(function(){
ok( jQuery(this).is(':checked'), "Append alternately formated checked radio");
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery("form").append(valueObj('<input name="radiotest" type="radio" checked />'));
jQuery("form input[name=radiotest]").each(function(){
ok( jQuery(this).is(':checked'), "Append HTML5-formated checked radio");
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery("#sap").append(valueObj( document.getElementById('form') ));
equals( jQuery("#sap>form").size(), 1, "Check for appending a form" ); // Bug #910
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var pass = true;
try {
jQuery( jQuery("#iframe")[0].contentWindow.document.body ).append(valueObj( "<div>test</div>" ));
ok( pass, "Test for appending a DOM node to the contents of an IFrame" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery('<fieldset/>').appendTo('#form').append(valueObj( '<legend id="legend">test</legend>' ));
t( 'Append legend', '#legend', ['legend'] );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery('#select1').append(valueObj( '<OPTION>Test</OPTION>' ));
equals( jQuery('#select1 option:last').text(), "Test", "Appending <OPTION> (all caps)" );
jQuery('#table colgroup').append(valueObj( '<col/>' ));
ok( jQuery('#table colgroup col').length, "Append col" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery('#table').append(valueObj( '<caption></caption>' ));
ok( jQuery('#table caption').length, "Append caption" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
.append(valueObj( '<select id="appendSelect1"></select>' ))
.append(valueObj( '<select id="appendSelect2"><option>Test</option></select>' ));
return '<option value="appendTest">Append Test</option>';
}).find('option:last-child').attr('value'), 'appendTest', 'Appending html options to select element');
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:";
old = jQuery("#sap").html();
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of element" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:Yahoo";
old = jQuery("#sap").html();
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of array of elements" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogYahooTry them out:";
old = jQuery("#sap").html();
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of jQuery object" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
old = jQuery("#sap").html();
jQuery("#sap").append(function(i, val){
ok( jQuery("#sap")[0].innerHTML.match( /5$/ ), "Check for appending a number" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
test("appendTo(String|Element|Array<Element>|jQuery)", function() {
equals( jQuery("#first").text(), defaultText + 'buga', 'Check if text appending works' );
equals( jQuery('<option value="appendTest">Append Test</option>').appendTo('#select3').parent().find('option:last-child').attr('value'), 'appendTest', 'Appending html options to select element');
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var l = jQuery("#first").children().length + 2;
equals( jQuery("#first").children().length, l, "Make sure the elements were inserted." );
equals( jQuery("#first").children().last()[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "strong", "Verify the last element." );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:";
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of element" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogTry them out:Yahoo";
jQuery([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('yahoo')]).appendTo('#sap');
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of array of elements" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
ok( jQuery(document.createElement("script")).appendTo("body").length, "Make sure a disconnected script can be appended." );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's WeblogYahooTry them out:";
jQuery("#first, #yahoo").appendTo('#sap');
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for appending of jQuery object" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
t( 'Append select', '#foo select', ['select1'] );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var div = jQuery("<div/>").click(function(){
ok(true, "Running a cloned click.");
jQuery("#main div:last").click();
jQuery("#moretests div:last").click();
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var div = jQuery("<div/>").appendTo("#main, #moretests");
equals( div.length, 2, "appendTo returns the inserted elements" );
ok( jQuery("#main div:last").hasClass("test"), "appendTo element was modified after the insertion" );
ok( jQuery("#moretests div:last").hasClass("test"), "appendTo element was modified after the insertion" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
div = jQuery("<div/>");
jQuery("<span>a</span><b>b</b>").filter("span").appendTo( div );
equals( jQuery("#main div").length, num, "Make sure all the removed divs were inserted." );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var testPrepend = function(val) {
equals( result.text(), 'buga' + defaultText, 'Check if text prepending works' );
equals( jQuery('#select3').prepend(val( '<option value="prependTest">Prepend Test</option>' )).find('option:first-child').attr('value'), 'prependTest', 'Prepending html options to select element');
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var expected = "Try them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
jQuery('#sap').prepend(val( document.getElementById('first') ));
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for prepending of element" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "Try them out:YahooThis link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
jQuery('#sap').prepend(val( [document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('yahoo')] ));
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for prepending of array of elements" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "YahooTry them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
jQuery('#sap').prepend(val( jQuery("#first, #yahoo") ));
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for prepending of jQuery object" );
return '<option value="prependTest">Prepend Test</option>';
}).find('option:first-child').attr('value'), 'prependTest', 'Prepending html options to select element');
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var expected = "Try them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
old = jQuery('#sap').html();
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for prepending of element" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "Try them out:YahooThis link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
old = jQuery('#sap').html();
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for prepending of array of elements" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "YahooTry them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
old = jQuery('#sap').html();
equals( jQuery('#first').text(), 'buga' + defaultText, 'Check if text prepending works' );
equals( jQuery('<option value="prependTest">Prepend Test</option>').prependTo('#select3').parent().find('option:first-child').attr('value'), 'prependTest', 'Prepending html options to select element');
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var expected = "Try them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for prepending of element" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "Try them out:YahooThis link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
jQuery([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('yahoo')]).prependTo('#sap');
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for prepending of array of elements" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "YahooTry them out:This link has class=\"blog\": Simon Willison's Weblog";
jQuery("#first, #yahoo").prependTo('#sap');
equals( expected, jQuery('#sap').text(), "Check for prepending of jQuery object" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery('<select id="prependSelect1"></select>').prependTo('form:last');
jQuery('<select id="prependSelect2"><option>Test</option></select>').prependTo('form:last');
jQuery('#yahoo').before(val( '<b>buga</b>' ));
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), 'Insert String before' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:Yahoo";
jQuery('#yahoo').before(val( document.getElementById('first') ));
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert element before" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:diveintomarkYahoo";
jQuery('#yahoo').before(val( [document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('mark')] ));
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert array of elements before" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This is a normal link: diveintomarkTry them out:Yahoo";
jQuery('#yahoo').before(val( jQuery("#first, #mark") ));
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert jQuery before" );
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), 'Insert String before' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:Yahoo";
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert element before" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This is a normal link: Try them out:diveintomarkYahoo";
jQuery([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('mark')]).insertBefore('#yahoo');
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert array of elements before" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This is a normal link: diveintomarkTry them out:Yahoo";
jQuery("#first, #mark").insertBefore('#yahoo');
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert jQuery before" );
jQuery('#yahoo').after(val( '<b>buga</b>' ));
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), 'Insert String after' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:";
jQuery('#yahoo').after(val( document.getElementById('first') ));
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert element after" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:diveintomark";
jQuery('#yahoo').after(val( [document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('mark')] ));
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert array of elements after" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This is a normal link: YahoodiveintomarkTry them out:";
jQuery('#yahoo').after(val( jQuery("#first, #mark") ));
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert jQuery after" );
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), 'Insert String after' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:";
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert element after" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This is a normal link: YahooTry them out:diveintomark";
jQuery([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('mark')]).insertAfter('#yahoo');
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert array of elements after" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
expected = "This is a normal link: YahoodiveintomarkTry them out:";
jQuery("#first, #mark").insertAfter('#yahoo');
equals( expected, jQuery('#en').text(), "Insert jQuery after" );
ok( jQuery("#replace")[0], 'Replace element with string' );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after string' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery('#yahoo').replaceWith(val( document.getElementById('first') ));
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], 'Replace element with element' );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after element' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery("#main").append('<div id="bar"><div id="baz">Foo</div></div>');
equals( jQuery("#bar").text(),"Baz", 'Replace element with text' );
ok( !jQuery("#baz")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after element' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery('#yahoo').replaceWith(val( [document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('mark')] ));
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], 'Replace element with array of elements' );
ok( jQuery("#mark")[0], 'Replace element with array of elements' );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after array of elements' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery('#yahoo').replaceWith(val( jQuery("#first, #mark") ));
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], 'Replace element with set of elements' );
ok( jQuery("#mark")[0], 'Replace element with set of elements' );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after set of elements' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var tmp = jQuery("<div/>").appendTo("body").click(function(){ ok(true, "Newly bound click run." ); });
var y = jQuery('<div/>').appendTo("body").click(function(){ ok(true, "Previously bound click run." ); });
var child = y.append("<b>test</b>").find("b").click(function(){ ok(true, "Child bound click run." ); return false; });
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
y = jQuery('<div/>').appendTo("body").click(function(){ ok(true, "Previously bound click run." ); });
var child2 = y.append("<u>test</u>").find("u").click(function(){ ok(true, "Child 2 bound click run." ); return false; });
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var set = jQuery("<div/>").replaceWith(val("<span>test</span>"));
equals( set[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(), "span", "Replace the disconnected node." );
equals( this, y, "Make sure the context is coming in correctly." );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
test("replaceWith(string) for more than one element", function(){
ok( jQuery("#replace")[0], 'Replace element with string' );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after string' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], 'Replace element with element' );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after element' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery([document.getElementById('first'), document.getElementById('mark')]).replaceAll("#yahoo");
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], 'Replace element with array of elements' );
ok( jQuery("#mark")[0], 'Replace element with array of elements' );
ok( !jQuery("#yahoo")[0], 'Verify that original element is gone, after array of elements' );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery("#first, #mark").replaceAll("#yahoo");
ok( jQuery("#first")[0], 'Replace element with set of elements' );
ok( jQuery("#mark")[0], 'Replace element with set of elements' );
equals( jQuery("#main").children().length, 1, "Make sure there is a child element." );
equals( jQuery("#main").children()[0].nodeName.toUpperCase(), "STYLE", "And that a style element was inserted." );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents();
equals( map[0].childNodes.length, 1, "The area was inserted." );
equals( map[0].firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase(), "area", "The area was inserted." );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
jQuery("#main").html(valueObj('<script type="something/else">ok( false, "Non-script evaluated." );</script><script type="text/javascript">ok( true, "text/javascript is evaluated." );</script><script>ok( true, "No type is evaluated." );</script><div><script type="text/javascript">ok( true, "Inner text/javascript is evaluated." );</script><script>ok( true, "Inner No type is evaluated." );</script><script type="something/else">ok( false, "Non-script evaluated." );</script></div>'));
ok( pass, "Set HTML" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
// using contents will get comments regular, text, and comment nodes
var j = jQuery("#nonnodes").contents();
old = j.map(function(){ return jQuery(this).html(); });
equals( first.data("foo"), method == "remove" ? null : "bar" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
ok( jQuery("#ap").text().length > 10, "Check text is not removed" );
equals( jQuery("#ap").children().length, 1, "Check filtered remove" );
equals( jQuery("#nonnodes").contents().length, 0, "Check node,textnode,comment remove works" );
- reset();
+ QUnit.reset();
var count = 0;
var first = jQuery("#ap").children(":first");