test("jQuery()", function() {
- expect(23);
+ expect(24);
+ strictEqual( commonJSDefined, jQuery, "CommonJS registered (Bug #7102)" );
// Basic constructor's behavior
test = jQuery("#main").eq(0);
equals( test.selector, "#main.slice(0,1)", "#main eq Selector" );
equals( test.context, document, "#main eq Context" );
var d = "<div />";
// The use case that we want to match
ok(jQuery.isPlainObject({}), "{}");
// Not objects shouldn't be matched
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(""), "string");
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(0) && !jQuery.isPlainObject(1), "number");
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(true) && !jQuery.isPlainObject(false), "boolean");
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(null), "null");
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(undefined), "undefined");
// Arrays shouldn't be matched
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject([]), "array");
// Instantiated objects shouldn't be matched
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(new Date), "new Date");
var fn = function(){};
// Functions shouldn't be matched
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(fn), "fn");
// Again, instantiated objects shouldn't be matched
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(new fn), "new fn (no methods)");
// Makes the function a little more realistic
// (and harder to detect, incidentally)
fn.prototype = {someMethod: function(){}};
// Again, instantiated objects shouldn't be matched
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(new fn), "new fn");
// DOM Element
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(document.createElement("div")), "DOM Element");
// Window
ok(!jQuery.isPlainObject(window), "window");
document.body.removeChild( iframe );
var doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
doc.write("<body onload='window.parent.iframeDone(Object);'>");
// Fixed at [5998], #3641
same( parse([-2,-1], [0,1,2]), [-2,-1,0,1,2], "Second array including a zero (falsy)");
// After fixing #5527
same( parse([], [null, undefined]), [null, undefined], "Second array including null and undefined values");
same( parse({length:0}, [1,2]), {length:2, 0:1, 1:2}, "First array like");
equals( deep1.foo2, document, "Make sure that a deep clone was not attempted on the document" );
ok( jQuery.extend(true, {}, nestedarray).arr !== arr, "Deep extend of object must clone child array" );
// #5991
ok( jQuery.isArray( jQuery.extend(true, { arr: {} }, nestedarray).arr ), "Cloned array heve to be an Array" );
ok( jQuery.isPlainObject( jQuery.extend(true, { arr: arr }, { arr: {} }).arr ), "Cloned object heve to be an plain object" );
empty = {};
jQuery.extend(true, empty, optionsWithCustomObject);
ok( empty.foo && empty.foo.date === customObject, "Custom objects copy correctly (no methods)" );
// Makes the class a little more realistic
myKlass.prototype = { someMethod: function(){} };
empty = {};
jQuery.extend(true, empty, optionsWithCustomObject);
ok( empty.foo && empty.foo.date === customObject, "Custom objects copy correctly" );
var ret = jQuery.extend(true, { foo: 4 }, { foo: new Number(5) } );
ok( ret.foo == 5, "Wrapped numbers copy correctly" );
test("jQuery.isEmptyObject", function(){
equals(true, jQuery.isEmptyObject({}), "isEmptyObject on empty object literal" );
equals(false, jQuery.isEmptyObject({a:1}), "isEmptyObject on non-empty object literal" );
// What about this ?
// equals(true, jQuery.isEmptyObject(null), "isEmptyObject on null" );
test("jQuery.parseJSON", function(){
equals( jQuery.parseJSON(), null, "Nothing in, null out." );
equals( jQuery.parseJSON( null ), null, "Nothing in, null out." );
equals( jQuery.parseJSON( "" ), null, "Nothing in, null out." );
same( jQuery.parseJSON("{}"), {}, "Plain object parsing." );
same( jQuery.parseJSON('{"test":1}'), {"test":1}, "Plain object parsing." );
same( jQuery.parseJSON('\n{"test":1}'), {"test":1}, "Make sure leading whitespaces are handled." );
try {
ok( false, "Test malformed JSON string." );
} catch( e ) {
ok( true, "Test malformed JSON string." );
try {
ok( false, "Test malformed JSON string." );