| - master
| - feature/*
+| steps:
| # Prepare Analysis Configuration task
| - task: SonarQubePrepare@4
| inputs:
| - master
| - feature/*
+| steps:
| # Prepare Analysis Configuration task
| - task: SonarQubePrepare@4
| inputs:
| ## Other (JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, Python, PHP, etc.)
| 1. In Azure DevOps, create or edit a **Build Pipeline**, and add a new **Prepare Analysis Configuration** task _before_ your build task:
| - Select the SonarQube server endpoint you created in the **Adding a new SonarQube Service Endpoint** section.
-| - Under **Choose a way to run the analysis**, select **Integrate with MSBuild**.
+| - Under **Choose a way to run the analysis**, select **Use standalone scanner**.
| - Select the **Manually provide configuration** mode.
| - In the **project key** field, enter your project key.
| 1. Add a new **Run Code Analysis** task _after_ your build task.
| - master
| - feature/*
+| steps:
| # Prepare Analysis Configuration task
| - task: SonarQubePrepare@4
| inputs:
| SonarQube: 'YourSonarqubeServerEndpoint'
| scannerMode: 'CLI'
| configMode: 'manual'
+| cliProjectKey: 'YourProjectKey'
| # Run Code Analysis task
| - task: SonarQubeAnalyze@4