strcat(infoText, scratch);
strcat(infoText, "\n");
+ // TRANSLATORS: Will be filled in with a string describing the
+ // protocol pixel format in a fairly language neutral way, 100);
snprintf(scratch, sizeof(scratch),
_("Pixel format: %s"), pfStr);
strcat(infoText, scratch);
strcat(infoText, "\n");
+ // TRANSLATORS: Similar to the earlier "Pixel format" string
serverPF.print(pfStr, 100);
snprintf(scratch, sizeof(scratch),
_("(server default %s)"), pfStr);
lastServerEncoding = encoding;
if (!Decoder::supported(encoding)) {
+ // TRANSLATORS: Refers to a VNC protocol encoding type
vlog.error(_("Unknown rect encoding %d"), encoding);
throw Exception(_("Unknown rect encoding"));
if (format[i].depth == fl_visual->depth) break;
if (i == nformats)
+ // TRANSLATORS: "pixmap" is an X11 concept and may not be suitable
+ // to translate.
throw rfb::Exception(_("Display lacks pixmap format for default depth"));
switch (format[i].bits_per_pixel) {
bpp = format[i].bits_per_pixel;
+ // TRANSLATORS: "pixmap" is an X11 concept and may not be suitable
+ // to translate.
throw rfb::Exception(_("Couldn't find suitable pixmap format"));
#ifndef WIN32
/* Specifying -via and -listen together is nonsense */
if (listenMode && strlen(via.getValueStr()) > 0) {
+ // TRANSLATORS: "Parameters" are command line arguments, or settings
+ // from a file or the Windows registry.
vlog.error(_("Parameters -listen and -via are incompatible"));
fl_alert(_("Parameters -listen and -via are incompatible"));