# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class AttachmentsController < ApplicationController
- before_filter :find_project
- before_filter :file_readable, :read_authorize, :except => :destroy
+ before_filter :find_project, :except => :upload
+ before_filter :file_readable, :read_authorize, :only => [:show, :download]
before_filter :delete_authorize, :only => :destroy
+ before_filter :authorize_global, :only => :upload
- accept_api_auth :show, :download
+ accept_api_auth :show, :download, :upload
def show
respond_to do |format|
+ def upload
+ # Make sure that API users get used to set this content type
+ # as it won't trigger Rails' automatic parsing of the request body for parameters
+ unless request.content_type == 'application/octet-stream'
+ render :nothing => true, :status => 406
+ return
+ end
+ @attachment = Attachment.new(:file => request.body)
+ @attachment.author = User.current
+ @attachment.filename = "test" #ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(16)
+ if @attachment.save
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.api { render :action => 'upload', :status => :created }
+ end
+ else
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.api { render_validation_errors(@attachment) }
+ end
+ end
+ end
verify :method => :delete, :only => :destroy
def destroy
# Make sure association callbacks are called
def create
call_hook(:controller_issues_new_before_save, { :params => params, :issue => @issue })
- @issue.save_attachments(params[:attachments])
+ @issue.save_attachments(params[:attachments] || (params[:issue] && params[:issue][:uploads]))
if @issue.save
call_hook(:controller_issues_new_after_save, { :params => params, :issue => @issue})
respond_to do |format|
def update
return unless update_issue_from_params
- @issue.save_attachments(params[:attachments])
+ @issue.save_attachments(params[:attachments] || (params[:issue] && params[:issue][:uploads]))
saved = false
saved = @issue.save_issue_with_child_records(params, @time_entry)
unless incoming_file.nil?
@temp_file = incoming_file
if @temp_file.size > 0
- self.filename = sanitize_filename(@temp_file.original_filename)
- self.disk_filename = Attachment.disk_filename(filename)
- self.content_type = @temp_file.content_type.to_s.chomp
- if content_type.blank?
+ if @temp_file.respond_to?(:original_filename)
+ self.filename = @temp_file.original_filename
+ end
+ if @temp_file.respond_to?(:content_type)
+ self.content_type = @temp_file.content_type.to_s.chomp
+ end
+ if content_type.blank? && filename.present?
self.content_type = Redmine::MimeType.of(filename)
self.filesize = @temp_file.size
def file
+ def filename=(arg)
+ write_attribute :filename, sanitize_filename(arg.to_s)
+ if new_record? && disk_filename.blank?
+ self.disk_filename = Attachment.disk_filename(filename)
+ end
+ filename
+ end
# Copies the temporary file to its final location
# and computes its MD5 hash
def files_to_final_location
--- /dev/null
+api.upload do
+ api.token @attachment.token
:conditions => {:method => :get}
+ map.connect 'uploads.:format', :controller => 'attachments', :action => 'upload', :conditions => {:method => :post}
map.connect 'robots.txt', :controller => 'welcome',
:action => 'robots', :conditions => {:method => :get}
:journals => [:index, :diff],
:queries => :index,
:reports => [:issue_report, :issue_report_details]}
- map.permission :add_issues, {:issues => [:new, :create, :update_form]}
- map.permission :edit_issues, {:issues => [:edit, :update, :bulk_edit, :bulk_update, :update_form], :journals => [:new]}
+ map.permission :add_issues, {:issues => [:new, :create, :update_form], :attachments => :upload}
+ map.permission :edit_issues, {:issues => [:edit, :update, :bulk_edit, :bulk_update, :update_form], :journals => [:new], :attachments => :upload}
map.permission :manage_issue_relations, {:issue_relations => [:index, :show, :create, :destroy]}
map.permission :manage_subtasks, {}
map.permission :set_issues_private, {}
map.permission :set_own_issues_private, {}, :require => :loggedin
- map.permission :add_issue_notes, {:issues => [:edit, :update], :journals => [:new]}
+ map.permission :add_issue_notes, {:issues => [:edit, :update], :journals => [:new], :attachments => :upload}
map.permission :edit_issue_notes, {:journals => :edit}, :require => :loggedin
map.permission :edit_own_issue_notes, {:journals => :edit}, :require => :loggedin
map.permission :move_issues, {:issues => [:bulk_edit, :bulk_update]}, :require => :loggedin
+ context "POST /uploads" do
+ should "return the token" do
+ set_tmp_attachments_directory
+ assert_difference 'Attachment.count' do
+ post '/uploads.xml', 'File content', {'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream'}.merge(credentials('jsmith'))
+ assert_response :created
+ assert_equal 'application/xml', response.content_type
+ xml = Hash.from_xml(response.body)
+ assert_kind_of Hash, xml['upload']
+ token = xml['upload']['token']
+ assert_not_nil token
+ attachment = Attachment.first(:order => 'id DESC')
+ assert_equal token, attachment.token
+ assert_nil attachment.container
+ assert_equal 2, attachment.author_id
+ assert_equal 'File content'.size, attachment.filesize
+ assert attachment.content_type.blank?
+ assert attachment.filename.present?
+ assert_match /\d+_[0-9a-z]+/, attachment.diskfile
+ assert File.exist?(attachment.diskfile)
+ assert_equal 'File content', File.read(attachment.diskfile)
+ end
+ end
+ should "not accept other content types" do
+ set_tmp_attachments_directory
+ assert_no_difference 'Attachment.count' do
+ post '/uploads.xml', 'PNG DATA', {'Content-Type' => 'image/png'}.merge(credentials('jsmith'))
+ assert_response 406
+ end
+ end
+ end
assert_nil Issue.find_by_id(6)
+ def test_create_issue_with_uploaded_file
+ set_tmp_attachments_directory
+ # upload the file
+ assert_difference 'Attachment.count' do
+ post '/uploads.xml', 'test_create_with_upload', {'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream'}.merge(credentials('jsmith'))
+ assert_response :created
+ end
+ xml = Hash.from_xml(response.body)
+ token = xml['upload']['token']
+ attachment = Attachment.first(:order => 'id DESC')
+ # create the issue with the upload's token
+ assert_difference 'Issue.count' do
+ post '/issues.xml',
+ {:issue => {:project_id => 1, :subject => 'Uploaded file', :uploads => [{:token => token, :filename => 'test.txt', :content_type => 'text/plain'}]}},
+ credentials('jsmith')
+ assert_response :created
+ end
+ issue = Issue.first(:order => 'id DESC')
+ assert_equal 1, issue.attachments.count
+ assert_equal attachment, issue.attachments.first
+ attachment.reload
+ assert_equal 'test.txt', attachment.filename
+ assert_equal 'text/plain', attachment.content_type
+ assert_equal 'test_create_with_upload'.size, attachment.filesize
+ assert_equal 2, attachment.author_id
+ # get the issue with its attachments
+ get "/issues/#{issue.id}.xml", :include => 'attachments'
+ assert_response :success
+ xml = Hash.from_xml(response.body)
+ attachments = xml['issue']['attachments']
+ assert_kind_of Array, attachments
+ assert_equal 1, attachments.size
+ url = attachments.first['content_url']
+ assert_not_nil url
+ # download the attachment
+ get url
+ assert_response :success
+ end
+ def test_update_issue_with_uploaded_file
+ set_tmp_attachments_directory
+ # upload the file
+ assert_difference 'Attachment.count' do
+ post '/uploads.xml', 'test_upload_with_upload', {'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream'}.merge(credentials('jsmith'))
+ assert_response :created
+ end
+ xml = Hash.from_xml(response.body)
+ token = xml['upload']['token']
+ attachment = Attachment.first(:order => 'id DESC')
+ # update the issue with the upload's token
+ assert_difference 'Journal.count' do
+ put '/issues/1.xml',
+ {:issue => {:notes => 'Attachment added', :uploads => [{:token => token, :filename => 'test.txt', :content_type => 'text/plain'}]}},
+ credentials('jsmith')
+ assert_response :ok
+ end
+ issue = Issue.find(1)
+ assert_include attachment, issue.attachments
+ end
{ :method => 'delete', :path => "/attachments/1" },
{ :controller => 'attachments', :action => 'destroy', :id => '1' }
+ assert_routing(
+ { :method => 'post', :path => '/uploads.xml' },
+ { :controller => 'attachments', :action => 'upload', :format => 'xml' }
+ )
+ assert_routing(
+ { :method => 'post', :path => '/uploads.json' },
+ { :controller => 'attachments', :action => 'upload', :format => 'json' }
+ )
def save_attachments(attachments, author=User.current)
- if attachments && attachments.is_a?(Hash)
- attachments.each_value do |attachment|
+ if attachments.is_a?(Hash)
+ attachments = attachments.values
+ end
+ if attachments.is_a?(Array)
+ attachments.each do |attachment|
a = nil
if file = attachment['file']
- next unless file && file.size > 0
- a = Attachment.create(:file => file,
- :description => attachment['description'].to_s.strip,
- :author => author)
+ next unless file.size > 0
+ a = Attachment.create(:file => file, :author => author)
elsif token = attachment['token']
a = Attachment.find_by_token(token)
+ next unless a
+ a.filename = attachment['filename'] unless attachment['filename'].blank?
+ a.content_type = attachment['content_type']
next unless a
+ a.description = attachment['description'].to_s.strip
if a.new_record?
unsaved_attachments << a