- <s1 title="Deutschspeche (German)">
+ <s1 title="Deutsch (German)">
- <s1 title="No freaking idea">
+ <s1 title="Japanese">
- If you can read one of these languages, send mail to the list
- telling us what language it is and we'll categorize it!
+ If anyone knows how to spell Japanese in a way that Japanese
+ speakers (who don't recognize the English -- I hope to one day
+ have the site translated into other lanugages -- volunteers?)
+ can recognize it without making everyone download new
+ charactersets just to view the page please step up and send in a
+ patch to the poi-dev list!
- What's new with java
+ What's new with java?
</link> - gimlay.org
+ </s1>
+ <s1 title="No freaking idea">
+ <p>
+ If you can read one of these languages, send mail to the list
+ telling us what language it is and we'll categorize it!
+ </p>