--- /dev/null
+/* *******************************************************************
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 IBM Corporation
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution and is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
+ *
+ * ******************************************************************/
+package org.aspectj.systemtest.incremental.model;
+import java.io.File;
+import junit.framework.Test;
+import org.aspectj.ajde.ui.StructureModelUtil;
+import org.aspectj.asm.AsmManager;
+import org.aspectj.testing.XMLBasedAjcTestCase;
+public class IncrementalModelTests extends org.aspectj.testing.XMLBasedAjcTestCase {
+ public static Test suite() {
+ return XMLBasedAjcTestCase.loadSuite(IncrementalModelTests.class);
+ }
+ protected File getSpecFile() {
+ return new File("../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/incremental/model/incremental-model.xml");
+ }
+ // This first test doesnt do a lot currently, but is ready too...
+ public void test001() throws Exception {
+ runTest("Testing incremental structure model: Intertype declarations (and a declare parents)");
+ nextIncrement(false);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/CloneablePoint.20.java","src/introduction/CloneablePoint.java");
+ nextIncrement(false);
+ copyFile("changes/Point.30.java","src/introduction/Point.java");
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/HashablePoint.30.java","src/introduction/HashablePoint.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("declare parents=2");
+ }
+ public void test002() throws Exception {
+ runTest("Testing incremental structure model: Intertype field declarations");
+ nextIncrement(false);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/secondary/BetaA.20.java","src/secondary/BetaA.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("inter-type field=2,RelationshipMapSize=3");
+ nextIncrement(false);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/secondary/BetaA.30.java","src/secondary/BetaA.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("inter-type field=1,RelationshipMapSize=2");
+ }
+ public void test003() throws Exception{
+ runTest("Testing incremental structure model: Weaving handlers");
+ // <!-- BetaA has a new piece of handler advice added -->
+ nextIncrement(false);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/primary/BetaA.20.java","src/primary/BetaA.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("code=1,advice=1,RelationshipMapSize=2");
+ // <!-- secondary.GammaA added, also advises the same handler -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/secondary/GammaA.30.java","src/secondary/GammaA.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("code=1,advice=2,RelationshipMapSize=3");
+ // <!-- primary.BetaA deleted -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ deleteFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("src/primary/BetaA.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("code=1,advice=1,RelationshipMapSize=2");
+ }
+ public void test004() throws Exception {
+ runTest("Testing incremental structure model: Weaving");
+ // <!-- BetaA has a new piece of advice added -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/primary/BetaA.20.java","src/primary/BetaA.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("code=2,advice=2,java source file=3,RelationshipMapSize=4");
+ // <!-- BetaA has a piece of advice removed -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/primary/BetaA.30.java","src/primary/BetaA.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("code=1,advice=1,RelationshipMapSize=2");
+ // <!-- BetaA other piece of advice removed (now empty) -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/primary/BetaA.40.java","src/primary/BetaA.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("code=0,RelationshipMapSize=0,advice=0");
+ }
+ public void test005() throws Exception {
+ runTest("Testing incremental structure model: Updating files");
+ // <!-- Beta changed, method added -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/primary/Beta.20.java","src/primary/Beta.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("java source file=5,method=4,class=3,FileMapSize=4");
+ // <!-- Delta changed, class added -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/secondary/Delta.30.java","src/secondary/Delta.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("java source file=5,method=4,class=4,advice=1");
+ // <!-- Gamma changed, advice added -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/secondary/Gamma.40.java","src/secondary/Gamma.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("advice=2");
+ // <!-- Gamma changed, pointcut added -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/secondary/Gamma.50.java","src/secondary/Gamma.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("advice=2,pointcut=1");
+ // <!-- Gamma changed, both advice removed -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/secondary/Gamma.60.java","src/secondary/Gamma.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("advice=0,pointcut=1");
+ }
+ public void test006() throws Exception {
+ runTest("Testing incremental structure model: Adding and removing files");
+ // <!-- Adds primary.Beta class -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/primary/Beta.20.java","src/primary/Beta.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("java source file=3,FileMapSize=2");
+ // <!-- Adds secondary.Gamma aspect -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/secondary/Gamma.30.java","src/secondary/Gamma.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("java source file=4");
+ // <!-- Adds secondary.Delta class -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ copyFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("changes/secondary/Delta.40.java","src/secondary/Delta.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("java source file=5,package=2,FileMapSize=4");
+ // <!-- Deletes Gamma aspect -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ deleteFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("src/secondary/Gamma.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("java source file=4,package=2");
+ // <!-- Deletes Beta and Delta classes -->
+ nextIncrement(true);
+ deleteFile("src/primary/Beta.java");
+ deleteFileAndDoIncrementalBuild("src/secondary/Delta.java");
+ StructureModelUtil.checkModel("java source file=2,FileMapSize=1");
+ }
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ AsmManager.attemptIncrementalModelRepairs = true;
+ }
+ protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
+ // To see the model after a test, uncomment these lines...
+// AsmManager.ModelInfo mi = AsmManager.ModelInfo.summarizeModel();
+// System.err.println(mi.toString());
+ super.tearDown();
+ AsmManager.attemptIncrementalModelRepairs = false;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ In order for these tests to pass you have to flip this flag to true:
+ AsmManager.attemptIncrementalModelRepairs
+ If you want to debug the output from the tests, you might want uncomment
+ the static initializer in AsmManager which will enable you to collect
+ detailed information on model processing.
+ These tests utilise the inc-compile test harness option but I've extended it
+ with a checkModel option which enables me to check information about the model
+ after a incremental compilation step.
+ asm relationships for inter type declarations are tricky things.
+ Today, because type mungers don't remember where they came from in attribute form,
+ the relationships for ITDs are created during source compilation. When building incrementally,
+ we are really doing a binary weave of 'everything else' with the source for the file that
+ has changed. In this case the relationships for ITDs are not added. This makes managing
+ them incrementally in the model rather tough!
+ The solution is to make them remember where they came from. This would mean we can create
+ the relationships during weave time and so they will be created when either doing a
+ source compilation or a binary weave. The support is in ResolvedTypeMunger to remember
+ where they came from (you just have to flick a switch) but I haven't switched it on
+ because we need to version *all* aspectj attributes properly so that we don't end up with
+ a migration nightmare. If ITD attributes remembered their location in a particular version
+ of AspectJ then everyone would need to recompile their code from source with that version.
+ If we keep changing the attributes, we keep having this problem. If we include a *version*
+ number in every attribute we can make the compiler more robust to coping with 'old' attributes
+ that might be missing certain options or values.
+ Hence the first test here is not complete...
+ <ajc-test dir="incremental/model/introduction"
+ title="Testing incremental structure model: Intertype declarations (and a declare parents)"
+ keywords="incremental-test,model-test" >
+ <compile staging="true" options="-incremental,-emacssym" sourceroots="src"/>
+ <inc-compile tag="20"/> <!-- Just 'touched' one file -->
+ <inc-compile tag="30"/> <!-- Just 'touched another aspect -->
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="incremental/model/intertype"
+ title="Testing incremental structure model: Intertype field declarations"
+ keywords="incremental-test,model-test" >
+ <compile staging="true" options="-incremental,-emacssym" sourceroots="src"/>
+ <inc-compile tag="20" checkModel="inter-type field=2,RelationshipMapSize=3"/> <!-- BetaA intertypes int i and String s -->
+ <inc-compile tag="30" checkModel="inter-type field=1,RelationshipMapSize=2"/> <!-- BetaA takes the String intertype away -->
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="incremental/model/weaving2"
+ title="Testing incremental structure model: Weaving handlers"
+ keywords="incremental-test,model-test" >
+ <compile staging="true" options="-incremental,-emacssym" sourceroots="src"/>
+ <inc-compile tag="20" checkModel="code=1,advice=1,RelationshipMapSize=2"/> <!-- BetaA has a new piece of handler advice added -->
+ <inc-compile tag="30" checkModel="code=1,advice=2,RelationshipMapSize=3"/> <!-- secondary.GammaA added, also advises the same handler -->
+ <inc-compile tag="40" checkModel="code=1,advice=1,RelationshipMapSize=2"/> <!-- primary.BetaA deleted -->
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="incremental/model/weaving"
+ title="Testing incremental structure model: Weaving"
+ keywords="incremental-test,model-test" >
+ <compile staging="true" options="-incremental,-emacssym" sourceroots="src"/>
+ <inc-compile tag="20" checkModel="code=2,advice=2,java source file=3,RelationshipMapSize=4"/> <!-- BetaA has a new piece of advice added -->
+ <inc-compile tag="30" checkModel="code=1,advice=1,RelationshipMapSize=2"/> <!-- BetaA has a piece of advice removed -->
+ <inc-compile tag="40" checkModel="code=0,RelationshipMapSize=0,advice=0"/> <!-- BetaA other piece of advice removed (now empty) -->
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="incremental/model/sourcefiles_updating"
+ title="Testing incremental structure model: Updating files"
+ keywords="incremental-test,model-test" >
+ <compile staging="true" options="-incremental,-emacssym" sourceroots="src"/>
+ <!-- On first compile, 5 source files in model, 'root','Alpha','Beta','Gamma','Delta' -->
+ <inc-compile tag="20" checkModel="java source file=5,method=4,class=3,FileMapSize=4"/> <!-- Beta changed, method added -->
+ <inc-compile tag="30" checkModel="java source file=5,method=4,class=4,advice=1"/> <!-- Delta changed, class added -->
+ <inc-compile tag="40" checkModel="advice=2"/> <!-- Gamma changed, advice added -->
+ <inc-compile tag="50" checkModel="advice=2,pointcut=1"/> <!-- Gamma changed, pointcut added -->
+ <inc-compile tag="60" checkModel="advice=0,pointcut=1"/> <!-- Gamma changed, both advice removed -->
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="incremental/model/sourcefiles_addremove"
+ title="Testing incremental structure model: Adding and removing files"
+ keywords="incremental-test,model-test" >
+ <compile staging="true" options="-incremental,-emacssym" sourceroots="src"/>
+ <!-- On first compile, two source files in model, 'root' and 'Alpha' -->
+ <inc-compile tag="20" checkModel="java source file=3,FileMapSize=2"/> <!-- Adds primary.Beta class -->
+ <inc-compile tag="30" checkModel="java source file=4"/> <!-- Adds secondary.Gamma aspect -->
+ <inc-compile tag="40" checkModel="java source file=5,package=2,FileMapSize=4"/> <!-- Adds seconday.Delta class -->
+ <inc-compile tag="50" checkModel="java source file=4,package=2"/> <!-- Deletes Gamma aspect -->
+ <inc-compile tag="60" checkModel="java source file=2,FileMapSize=1"/> <!-- Deletes Beta and Delta classes -->
+ </ajc-test>
\ No newline at end of file