Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang
+== 2019-06-10 v3.4.11
+=== [Administration]
+* Defect #31125: Don't output ImageMagick version information to stdout
+=== [Code cleanup/refactoring]
+* Defect #30811: "rake db:fixtures:load" does not work
+=== [Email receiving]
+* Defect #30457: MailHandler.safe_receive does not output any error log
+* Defect #31503: Undefined local variable sender_email in MailHandler#receive_message_reply
+=== [Issues filter]
+* Patch #31276: Serialize group_by and totalable_names in Query#as_params
+=== [SCM]
+* Defect #31120: Garbage lines in the output of 'git branch' break git adapter
+=== [Security]
+* Defect #31520: Persistent XSS in textile formatting
+=== [Translations]
+* Defect #31264: Conflicting translation between "track" and "watch" in Simplified Chinese
+=== [UI - Responsive]
+* Defect #31153: Display horizontal scroll bar of files table when overflow occurs on small screen
+* Defect #31311: admin/info page: text cut off in pre tag on mobile
+=== [Wiki]
+* Patch #31334: Do not lose content when updating a wiki page that has been renamed in the meantime
== 2019-03-31 v3.4.10
=== [Administration]