Keep the generic stream classes clean and general.
inline S16 readS16() { return (S16)readU16(); }
inline S32 readS32() { return (S32)readU32(); }
- // readCompactLength() reads 1..3 bytes representing length of the data
- // following. This method is used by the Tight decoder.
- inline unsigned int readCompactLength() {
- U8 b = readU8();
- int result = (int)b & 0x7F;
- if (b & 0x80) {
- b = readU8();
- result |= ((int)b & 0x7F) << 7;
- if (b & 0x80) {
- b = readU8();
- result |= ((int)b & 0xFF) << 14;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
// readString() reads a string - a U32 length followed by the data.
// Returns a null-terminated string - the caller should delete[] it
// afterwards.
inline U32 readOpaque32() { check(4); U32 r; ((U8*)&r)[0] = *ptr++;
((U8*)&r)[1] = *ptr++; ((U8*)&r)[2] = *ptr++;
((U8*)&r)[3] = *ptr++; return r; }
- inline U32 readOpaque24A() { check(3); U32 r=0; ((U8*)&r)[0] = *ptr++;
- ((U8*)&r)[1] = *ptr++; ((U8*)&r)[2] = *ptr++;
- return r; }
- inline U32 readOpaque24B() { check(3); U32 r=0; ((U8*)&r)[1] = *ptr++;
- ((U8*)&r)[2] = *ptr++; ((U8*)&r)[3] = *ptr++;
- return r; }
// pos() returns the position in the stream.
inline void writeS16(S16 s) { writeU16((U16)s); }
inline void writeS32(S32 s) { writeU32((U32)s); }
- // writeCompactLength() writes 1..3 bytes representing length of the data
- // following. This method is used by the Tight encoder.
- inline void writeCompactLength(unsigned int len) {
- U8 b = len & 0x7F;
- if (len <= 0x7F) {
- writeU8(b);
- } else {
- writeU8(b | 0x80);
- b = len >> 7 & 0x7F;
- if (len <= 0x3FFF) {
- writeU8(b);
- } else {
- writeU8(b | 0x80);
- writeU8(len >> 14 & 0xFF);
- }
- }
- }
// writeString() writes a string - a U32 length followed by the data. The
// given string should be null-terminated (but the terminating null is not
// written to the stream).
*ptr++ = ((U8*)&u)[1];
*ptr++ = ((U8*)&u)[2];
*ptr++ = ((U8*)&u)[3]; }
- inline void writeOpaque24A(U32 u) { check(3); *ptr++ = ((U8*)&u)[0];
- *ptr++ = ((U8*)&u)[1];
- *ptr++ = ((U8*)&u)[2]; }
- inline void writeOpaque24B(U32 u) { check(3); *ptr++ = ((U8*)&u)[1];
- *ptr++ = ((U8*)&u)[2];
- *ptr++ = ((U8*)&u)[3]; }
// length() returns the length of the stream.
tightDecode32(r); break;
+rdr::U32 TightDecoder::readCompact(rdr::InStream* is)
+ rdr::U8 b;
+ rdr::U32 result;
+ b = is->readU8();
+ result = (int)b & 0x7F;
+ if (b & 0x80) {
+ b = is->readU8();
+ result |= ((int)b & 0x7F) << 7;
+ if (b & 0x80) {
+ b = is->readU8();
+ result |= ((int)b & 0xFF) << 14;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
virtual void readRect(const Rect& r, CMsgHandler* handler);
+ rdr::U32 readCompact(rdr::InStream* is);
void tightDecode8(const Rect& r);
void tightDecode16(const Rect& r);
void tightDecode32(const Rect& r);
os->writeBytes(, mos.length());
+void TightEncoder::writeCompact(rdr::OutStream* os, rdr::U32 value)
+ rdr::U8 b;
+ b = value & 0x7F;
+ if (value <= 0x7F) {
+ os->writeU8(b);
+ } else {
+ os->writeU8(b | 0x80);
+ b = value >> 7 & 0x7F;
+ if (value <= 0x3FFF) {
+ os->writeU8(b);
+ } else {
+ os->writeU8(b | 0x80);
+ os->writeU8(value >> 14 & 0xFF);
+ }
+ }
void sendRectSimple(const Rect& r);
void writeSubrect(const Rect& r, bool forceSolid = false);
+ void writeCompact(rdr::OutStream* os, rdr::U32 value);
void compressData(const void *buf, unsigned int length,
rdr::ZlibOutStream *zos, int zlibLevel,
rdr::OutStream *os);
using namespace rfb;
+static inline rdr::U32 readOpaque24A(rdr::InStream* is)
+ is->check(3);
+ rdr::U32 r=0;
+ ((rdr::U8*)&r)[0] = is->readU8();
+ ((rdr::U8*)&r)[1] = is->readU8();
+ ((rdr::U8*)&r)[2] = is->readU8();
+ return r;
+static inline rdr::U32 readOpaque24B(rdr::InStream* is)
+ is->check(3);
+ rdr::U32 r=0;
+ ((rdr::U8*)&r)[1] = is->readU8();
+ ((rdr::U8*)&r)[2] = is->readU8();
+ ((rdr::U8*)&r)[3] = is->readU8();
+ return r;
#define EXTRA_ARGS CMsgHandler* handler
#define FILL_RECT(r, p) handler->fillRect(r, p)
#define IMAGE_RECT(r, p) handler->imageRect(r, p)
IntParameter zlibLevel("ZlibLevel","Zlib compression level",-1);
+static inline void writeOpaque24A(rdr::OutStream* os, rdr::U32 u)
+ os->check(3);
+ os->writeU8(((rdr::U8*)&u)[0]);
+ os->writeU8(((rdr::U8*)&u)[1]);
+ os->writeU8(((rdr::U8*)&u)[2]);
+static inline void writeOpaque24B(rdr::OutStream* os, rdr::U32 u)
+ os->check(3);
+ os->writeU8(((rdr::U8*)&u)[1]);
+ os->writeU8(((rdr::U8*)&u)[2]);
+ os->writeU8(((rdr::U8*)&u)[3]);
#define EXTRA_ARGS ImageGetter* ig
#define GET_IMAGE_INTO_BUF(r,buf) ig->getImage(buf, r);
#define BPP 8
if (dataSize < TIGHT_MIN_TO_COMPRESS) {
input = is;
} else {
- int length = is->readCompactLength();
+ int length = readCompact(is);
streamId = comp_ctl & 0x03;
zis[streamId].setUnderlying(is, length);
input = &zis[streamId];
// Read length
- int compressedLen = is->readCompactLength();
+ int compressedLen = readCompact(is);
if (compressedLen <= 0) {
throw Exception("Incorrect data received from the server.\n");
zos->writeBytes(buf, length);
- os->writeCompactLength(mem_os.length());
+ writeCompact(os, mem_os.length());
os->writeBytes(, mem_os.length());
jc.compress((rdr::U8 *)buf, stride, r, clientpf,
jpegQuality, jpegSubsampling);
os->writeU8(0x09 << 4);
- os->writeCompactLength(jc.length());
+ writeCompact(os, jc.length());
os->writeBytes(, jc.length());
#endif // #if (BPP != 8)
#ifdef CPIXEL
#define PIXEL_T rdr::CONCAT2E(U,BPP)
-#define READ_PIXEL CONCAT2E(readOpaque,CPIXEL)
+#define READ_PIXEL(is) CONCAT2E(readOpaque,CPIXEL)(is)
#define PIXEL_T rdr::CONCAT2E(U,BPP)
-#define READ_PIXEL CONCAT2E(readOpaque,BPP)
+#define READ_PIXEL(is) is->CONCAT2E(readOpaque,BPP)()
#define ZRLE_DECODE CONCAT2E(zrleDecode,BPP)
PIXEL_T palette[128];
for (int i = 0; i < palSize; i++) {
- palette[i] = zis->READ_PIXEL();
+ palette[i] = READ_PIXEL(zis);
if (palSize == 1) {
#ifdef CPIXEL
for (PIXEL_T* ptr = buf; ptr < buf+t.area(); ptr++) {
- *ptr = zis->READ_PIXEL();
+ *ptr = READ_PIXEL(zis);
zis->readBytes(buf, t.area() * (BPP / 8));
PIXEL_T* ptr = buf;
PIXEL_T* end = ptr + t.area();
while (ptr < end) {
- PIXEL_T pix = zis->READ_PIXEL();
+ PIXEL_T pix = READ_PIXEL(zis);
int len = 1;
int b;
do {
#ifdef CPIXEL
#define PIXEL_T rdr::CONCAT2E(U,BPP)
-#define WRITE_PIXEL CONCAT2E(writeOpaque,CPIXEL)
+#define WRITE_PIXEL(os, u) CONCAT2E(writeOpaque,CPIXEL)(os, u)
#define BPPOUT 24
#define PIXEL_T rdr::CONCAT2E(U,BPP)
-#define WRITE_PIXEL CONCAT2E(writeOpaque,BPP)
+#define WRITE_PIXEL(os, u) os->CONCAT2E(writeOpaque,BPP)(u)
#define ZRLE_ENCODE CONCAT2E(zrleEncode,BPP)
#define ZRLE_ENCODE_TILE CONCAT2E(zrleEncodeTile,BPP)
#define BPPOUT BPP
if (palette.size() == 1) {
- os->WRITE_PIXEL(palette.getColour(0));
+ WRITE_PIXEL(os, palette.getColour(0));
os->writeU8((useRle ? 128 : 0) | palette.size());
for (int i = 0; i < palette.size(); i++) {
- os->WRITE_PIXEL(palette.getColour(i));
+ WRITE_PIXEL(os, palette.getColour(i));
if (useRle) {
int index = palette.lookup(pix);
os->writeU8(index | 128);
} else {
- os->WRITE_PIXEL(pix);
+ WRITE_PIXEL(os, pix);
len -= 1;
while (len >= 255) {
#ifdef CPIXEL
for (PIXEL_T* ptr = data; ptr < data+w*h; ptr++) {
- os->WRITE_PIXEL(*ptr);
+ WRITE_PIXEL(os, *ptr);
os->writeBytes(data, w*h*(BPP/8));