jQuery.attrFix = jQuery.propFix;
// Use this for any attribute on a form in IE6/7
- formHook = jQuery.attrHooks.name = jQuery.valHooks.button = {
+ formHook = jQuery.attrHooks.name = jQuery.attrHooks.title = jQuery.valHooks.button = {
get: function( elem, name ) {
var ret;
ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
test("attr(String)", function() {
- expect(40);
+ expect(42);
equals( jQuery("#text1").attr("type"), "text", "Check for type attribute" );
equals( jQuery("#radio1").attr("type"), "radio", "Check for type attribute" );
equals( jQuery("#table").attr("test:attrib"), undefined, "Retrieving a non-existent attribute on a table with a colon does not throw an error." );
equals( jQuery("#table").attr("test:attrib", "foobar").attr("test:attrib"), "foobar", "Setting an attribute on a table with a colon does not throw an error." );
- ok( jQuery("<div/>").attr("doesntexist") === undefined, "Make sure undefined is returned when no attribute is found." );
- ok( jQuery().attr("doesntexist") === undefined, "Make sure undefined is returned when no element is there." );
var $form = jQuery("<form class='something'></form>").appendTo("#qunit-fixture");
equal( $form.attr("class"), "something", "Retrieve the class attribute on a form." );
var $a = jQuery("<a href='#' onclick='something()'>Click</a>").appendTo("#qunit-fixture");
equal( $a.attr("onclick"), "something()", "Retrieve ^on attribute without anonymous function wrapper." );
+ ok( jQuery("<div/>").attr("doesntexist") === undefined, "Make sure undefined is returned when no attribute is found." );
+ ok( jQuery("<div/>").attr("title") === undefined, "Make sure undefined is returned when no attribute is found." );
+ equal( jQuery("<div/>").attr("title", "something").attr("title"), "something", "Set the title attribute." );
+ ok( jQuery().attr("doesntexist") === undefined, "Make sure undefined is returned when no element is there." );
if ( !isLocal ) {