@content.author = User.current
if @page.save_with_content(@content)
- attachments = Attachment.attach_files(@page, params[:attachments])
+ attachments = Attachment.attach_files(@page, params[:attachments] || (params[:wiki_page] && params[:wiki_page][:uploads]))
call_hook(:controller_wiki_edit_after_save, { :params => params, :page => @page})
assert_nil page.parent
+ test "PUT /projects/:project_id/wiki/:title.xml with attachment" do
+ set_tmp_attachments_directory
+ attachment = Attachment.create!(:file => uploaded_test_file("testfile.txt", "text/plain"), :author_id => 2)
+ assert_difference 'WikiPage.count' do
+ assert_difference 'WikiContent::Version.count' do
+ put '/projects/ecookbook/wiki/New_page_from_API.xml',
+ {:wiki_page => {:text => 'New content from API with Attachments', :comments => 'API create with Attachments',
+ :uploads => [:token => attachment.token, :filename => 'testfile.txt', :content_type => "text/plain"]}},
+ credentials('jsmith')
+ assert_response 201
+ end
+ end
+ page = WikiPage.order('id DESC').first
+ assert_equal 'New_page_from_API', page.title
+ assert_include attachment, page.attachments
+ assert_equal attachment.filename, page.attachments.first.filename
+ end
test "PUT /projects/:project_id/wiki/:title.xml with parent" do
assert_difference 'WikiPage.count' do
assert_difference 'WikiContent::Version.count' do