-#----- Microsoft SQLServer 2008/2012/2014 and SQL Azure
+#----- Microsoft SQLServer 2012/2014 and SQL Azure
# A database named sonar must exist and its collation must be case-sensitive (CS) and accent-sensitive (AS)
# Use the following connection string if you want to use integrated security with Microsoft Sql Server
# Do not set sonar.jdbc.username or sonar.jdbc.password property if you are using Integrated Security
public class DatabaseChecker implements Startable {
private static final Map<String, Version> MINIMAL_SUPPORTED_DB_VERSIONS = ImmutableMap.of(
- // MsSQL 2008 is 10.x
// MsSQL 2012 is 11.x
// MsSQL 2014 is 12.x
// https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/321185
- MsSql.ID, Version.create(10, 0, 0),
+ MsSql.ID, Version.create(11, 0, 0),
MySql.ID, Version.create(5, 6, 0),
Oracle.ID, Version.create(11, 0, 0),
PostgreSql.ID, Version.create(8, 0, 0));