# Validated demos. name -> git url
demos = {
- "dashboard" : ("https://github.com/vaadin/dashboard-demo.git","7.7"),
+ "dashboard" : ("https://github.com/vaadin/dashboard-demo.git", "7.7"),
"parking" : ("https://github.com/vaadin/parking-demo.git", "7.7"),
"addressbook" : ("https://github.com/vaadin/addressbook.git", "7.7"),
- "grid-gwt" : ("https://github.com/vaadin/grid-gwt.git", "7.7"),
"sampler" : ("demos/sampler", "7.7")
# "my-demo" : ("my_demo_url_or_path", "my-demo-dev-branch")
+# List of built archetypes
+archetypes = [
+ "vaadin-archetype-widget",
+ "vaadin-archetype-application",
+ "vaadin-archetype-application-example",
+ "vaadin-archetype-application-multimodule"
status_dump = {"messages": []}
def dump_status(error_occurred):
def log_status(log_string):
+ sys.stdout.flush()
def checkout(folder, url, repoBranch = "master"):
Repo.clone_from(url, join(resultPath, folder), branch = repoBranch)
log_status("BuildDemos depends on gitpython. Install it with `pip install gitpython`")
- from BuildHelpers import updateRepositories, mavenValidate, copyWarFiles, getLogFile, removeDir, getArgs, mavenInstall, resultPath, readPomFile, parser
+ from BuildHelpers import mavenValidate, copyWarFiles, getLogFile, removeDir, getArgs, resultPath, parser, dockerWrap, generateArchetype
from DeployHelpers import deployWar
# Add command line agrument for ignoring failing demos
parser.add_argument("--ignore", type=str, help="Ignored demos", default="")
+ # Control to skip demos and archetypes
+ parser.add_argument("--skipDemos", action="store_true", help="Skip building demos")
+ parser.add_argument("--skipArchetypes", action="store_true", help="Skip building archetypes")
args = getArgs()
demosFailed = False
ignoredDemos = args.ignore.split(",")
wars = []
- for demo in demos:
- print("Validating demo %s" % (demo))
- try:
- repo = demos[demo]
- if (isinstance(repo, tuple)):
- checkout(demo, repo[0], repo[1])
- else:
- checkout(demo, repo)
- if hasattr(args, "fwRepo") and args.fwRepo is not None:
- updateRepositories(join(resultPath, demo), args.fwRepo)
- if hasattr(args, "pluginRepo") and args.pluginRepo is not None:
- updateRepositories(join(resultPath, demo), args.pluginRepo, postfix="plugin")
- mavenValidate(demo, logFile=getLogFile(demo))
- wars.extend(copyWarFiles(demo))
- log_status("%s demo validation succeeded!" % (demo))
- except Exception as e:
- log_status("%s demo validation failed: %s" % (demo, e))
- if demo not in ignoredDemos:
- demosFailed = True
- except EnvironmentError as e:
- log_status("%s demo validation failed: %s" % (demo, e))
- if demo not in ignoredDemos:
+ if not args.skipDemos:
+ for demo in demos:
+ print("Validating demo %s" % (demo))
+ try:
+ repo = demos[demo]
+ if (isinstance(repo, tuple)):
+ checkout(demo, repo[0], repo[1])
+ else:
+ checkout(demo, repo)
+ mavenValidate(demo, logFile=getLogFile(demo))
+ wars.extend(copyWarFiles(demo))
+ log_status("%s demo validation succeeded!" % (demo))
+ except Exception as e:
+ log_status("%s demo validation failed: %s" % (demo, e))
+ if demo not in ignoredDemos:
+ demosFailed = True
+ except EnvironmentError as e:
+ log_status("%s demo validation failed: %s" % (demo, e))
+ if demo not in ignoredDemos:
+ demosFailed = True
+ try:
+ removeDir(demo)
+ except:
+ pass
+ log_status("")
+ if not args.skipArchetypes:
+ for archetype in archetypes:
+ artifactId = "test-%s-%s" % (archetype, args.version.replace(".", "-"))
+ try:
+ log = getLogFile(archetype)
+ generateArchetype(archetype, artifactId, args.pluginRepo, log)
+ mavenValidate(artifactId, logFile=log)
+ wars.extend(copyWarFiles(artifactId, name=archetype))
+ log_status("%s validation succeeded!" % (archetype))
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Archetype %s build failed:" % (archetype), e)
+ if archetype not in ignoredDemos:
+ demosFailed = True
+ try:
+ removeDir(artifactId)
+ except:
+ pass
+ log_status("")
+ if args.deploy_mode:
+ for war in wars:
+ try:
+ deployWar(war)
+ except Exception as e:
+ log_status("War %s failed to deploy: %s" % (war, e))
demosFailed = True
- try:
- removeDir(demo)
- except:
- pass
- print("")
- for war in wars:
- try:
- deployWar(war)
- except Exception as e:
- log_status("War %s failed to deploy: %s" % (war, e))
- demosFailed = True
+ else:
+ dockerWrap(args.version)
if demosFailed:
from glob import glob
# Directory where the resulting war files are stored
-# TODO: deploy results
resultPath = join("result", "demos")
if not exists(resultPath):
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
-# Function for determining the path for maven executable
-def getMavenCommand():
+# Function for determining the path for an executable
+def getCommand(command):
# This method uses .split("\n")[0] which basically chooses the first result where/which returns.
# Fixes the case with multiple maven installations available on PATH
if platform.system() == "Windows":
- return subprocess.check_output(["where", "mvn.cmd"], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0]
+ return subprocess.check_output(["where", "%s.cmd" % (command)], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0]
- return subprocess.check_output(["where", "mvn.bat"], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0]
+ return subprocess.check_output(["where", "%s.bat" % (command)], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0]
- print("Unable to locate mvn with where. Is the maven executable in your PATH?")
+ print("Unable to locate command %s with where. Is it in your PATH?" % (command))
- return subprocess.check_output(["which", "mvn"], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0]
+ return subprocess.check_output(["which", command], universal_newlines=True).split("\n")[0]
- print("Unable to locate maven executable with which. Is the maven executable in your PATH?")
+ print("Unable to locate command %s with which. Is it in your PATH?" % (command))
return None
-mavenCmd = getMavenCommand()
+mavenCmd = getCommand("mvn")
+dockerCmd = getCommand("docker")
# Get command line arguments. Parses arguments if needed.
def getArgs():
copiedWars.append(join(resultDir, deployName))
return copiedWars
-def readPomFile(pomFile):
- # pom.xml namespace workaround
- root = ElementTree.parse(pomFile).getroot()
- nameSpace = root.tag[1:root.tag.index('}')]
- ElementTree.register_namespace('', nameSpace)
- # Read the pom.xml correctly
- return ElementTree.parse(pomFile), nameSpace
-# Recursive pom.xml update script
-def updateRepositories(path, repoUrl = None, version = None, postfix = "staging"):
- # If versions are not supplied, parse arguments
- if version is None:
- version = getArgs().version
- # Read pom.xml
- pomXml = join(path, "pom.xml")
- if isfile(pomXml):
- # Read the pom.xml correctly
- tree, nameSpace = readPomFile(pomXml)
- # NameSpace needed for finding the repositories node
- repoNode = tree.getroot().find("{%s}repositories" % (nameSpace))
- else:
- return
- if repoNode is not None:
- print("Add staging repositories to " + pomXml)
- # Add framework staging repository
- addRepo(repoNode, "repository", "vaadin-%s-%s" % (version, postfix), repoUrl)
- # Find the correct pluginRepositories node
- pluginRepo = tree.getroot().find("{%s}pluginRepositories" % (nameSpace))
- if pluginRepo is None:
- # Add pluginRepositories node if needed
- pluginRepo = ElementTree.SubElement(tree.getroot(), "pluginRepositories")
- # Add plugin staging repository
- addRepo(pluginRepo, "pluginRepository", "vaadin-%s-%s" % (version, postfix), repoUrl)
- # Overwrite the modified pom.xml
- tree.write(pomXml, encoding='UTF-8')
- # Recursive pom.xml search.
- for i in listdir(path):
- file = join(path, i)
- if isdir(file):
- updateRepositories(join(path, i), repoUrl, version, postfix)
+# Generates and modifies a maven pom file
+def generateArchetype(archetype, artifactId, repo, logFile, group="testpkg", archetypeGroup="com.vaadin"):
+ # Generate the required command line for archetype generation
+ args = getArgs()
+ cmd = [mavenCmd, "archetype:generate"]
+ cmd.append("-DarchetypeGroupId=%s" % (archetypeGroup))
+ cmd.append("-DarchetypeArtifactId=%s" % (archetype))
+ cmd.append("-DarchetypeVersion=%s" % (args.version))
+ if repo is not None:
+ cmd.append("-DarchetypeRepository=%s" % repo)
+ cmd.append("-DgroupId=%s" % (group))
+ cmd.append("-DartifactId=%s" % (artifactId))
+ cmd.append("-Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT")
+ cmd.append("-DinteractiveMode=false")
+ if hasattr(args, "maven") and args.maven is not None:
+ cmd.extend(args.maven.strip('"').split(" "))
+ # Generate pom.xml
+ print("Generating archetype %s" % (archetype))
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=resultPath, stdout=logFile)
# Add a repository of repoType to given repoNode with id and URL
def addRepo(repoNode, repoType, id, url):
rmtree(join(resultPath, subdir))
-def mavenInstall(pomFile, jarFile = None, mvnCmd = mavenCmd, logFile = sys.stdout):
- cmd = [mvnCmd, "install:install-file"]
- cmd.append("-Dfile=%s" % (jarFile if jarFile is not None else pomFile))
- cmd.append("-DpomFile=%s" % (pomFile))
- print("executing: %s" % (" ".join(cmd)))
- subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=logFile)
+def dockerWrap(imageVersion, imageName = "demo-validation"):
+ dockerFileContent = """FROM jtomass/alpine-jre-bash:latest
+LABEL maintainer="FrameworkTeam"
+COPY ./*.war /var/lib/jetty/webapps/
+USER root
+RUN mkdir /opt
+RUN chown -R jetty:jetty /opt
+COPY ./index-generate.sh /opt/
+RUN chmod +x /opt/index-generate.sh
+USER jetty
+RUN /opt/index-generate.sh
+RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/jetty/webapps/root && \
+ cp /opt/index.html /var/lib/jetty/webapps/root && \
+ chmod 644 /var/lib/jetty/webapps/root/index.html
+EXPOSE 8080
+ indexGenerateScript = """#!/bin/ash
+echo "<UL>" > $OUTPUT
+cd $wars
+for war in `ls -1 *.war`; do
+ nowar=`echo "$war" | sed -e 's/\(^.*\)\(.war$\)/\\1/'`
+ echo "<LI><a href=\"/$nowar/\">$nowar</a></LI>" >> $OUTPUT
+echo "</UL>" >> $OUTPUT
+ with open(join(resultPath, "Dockerfile"), "w") as dockerFile:
+ dockerFile.write(dockerFileContent)
+ with open(join(resultPath, "index-generate.sh"), "w") as indexScript:
+ indexScript.write(indexGenerateScript)
+ # build image
+ cmd = [dockerCmd, "build", "-t", "%s:%s" % (imageName, imageVersion), resultPath]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+ # save to tgz
+ cmd = [dockerCmd, "save", imageName]
+ dockerSave = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ subprocess.check_call(["gzip"], stdin=dockerSave.stdout, stdout=open(join(resultPath, "%s-%s.tgz" % (imageName, imageVersion)), "w"))
+ dockerSave.wait()
+ # delete from docker
+ cmd = [dockerCmd, "rmi", "%s:%s" % (imageName, imageVersion)]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd)
from BuildHelpers import parser, getArgs
from time import sleep
-parser.add_argument("--deployUrl", help="Wildfly management URL")
-parser.add_argument("--deployUser", help="Deployment user", default=None)
-parser.add_argument("--deployPass", help="Deployment password", default=None)
+group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+group.add_argument("--deploy", dest="deploy_mode", help="Deploy to a remote Wildfly instance", action="store_true")
+group.add_argument("--docker", dest="deploy_mode", help="Wrap results into a Docker image", action="store_false")
+parser.add_argument("--deployUrl", help="Wildfly management URL to use with --deploy")
+parser.add_argument("--deployUser", help="Deployment user to use with --deploy", default=None)
+parser.add_argument("--deployPass", help="Deployment password to use with --deploy", default=None)
serverUp = None
# Read the deploy url file and return the url
def getUrl():
return getArgs().deployUrl
from BuildDemos import demos
-from BuildArchetypes import archetypes, getDeploymentContext
import argparse, requests, json, subprocess, re, pickle
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("version", type=str, help="Vaadin version that was just built")
-parser.add_argument("deployUrl", type=str, help="Base url of the deployment server")
parser.add_argument("teamcityUser", type=str, help="Teamcity username to use")
parser.add_argument("teamcityPassword", type=str, help="Password for given teamcity username")
parser.add_argument("buildTypeId", type=str, help="The ID of this build step")
parser.add_argument("buildId", type=str, help="ID of the build to generate this report for")
-parser.add_argument("frameworkRepoUrl", type=str, help="URL to the framework staging repository")
-parser.add_argument("archetypeRepoUrl", type=str, help="URL to the archetype staging repository")
-parser.add_argument("pluginRepoUrl", type=str, help="URL to the plugin staging repository")
+parser.add_argument("stagingRepoUrl", type=str, help="URL to the staging repository")
args = parser.parse_args()
buildResultUrl = "http://{}/viewLog.html?buildId={}&tab=buildResultsDiv&buildTypeId={}".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.buildId, args.buildTypeId)
return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="red"), "Test status: there are " + str(test_failures_json["count"]) + " failing tests, <a href={}>check the build report</a>".format(buildResultUrl))
-def getDemoValidationStatusHtml():
- status = pickle.load(open("result/demo_validation_status.pickle", "rb"))
- if status["error"]:
- return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="red"), getHtmlList(status["messages"]))
- else:
- return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="green"), getHtmlList(status["messages"]))
-def getDemoLinksHtml():
- demos_html = "Try demos"
- link_list = list(map(lambda demo: "<a href='{url}/{demoName}-{version}'>{demoName}</a>".format(url=args.deployUrl, demoName=demo, version=args.version), demos))
- return demos_html + getHtmlList(link_list)
-def getArchetypeLinksHtml():
- archetypes_html = "Try archetypes"
- link_list = list(map(lambda archetype: "<a href='{url}/{context}'>{archetypeName}</a>".format(url=args.deployUrl, archetypeName=archetype, context=getDeploymentContext(archetype, args.version)), archetypes))
- return archetypes_html + getHtmlList(link_list)
+def getApiDiffHtml():
+ apidiff_html = "Check API diff"
+ modules = [
+ "client", "client-compiler",
+ "server", "shared", "widgets"
+ ]
+ link_list = list(map(lambda module: "<a href='http://{}/repository/download/{}/{}:id/apidiff/{}/japicmp.html'>{}</a>".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.buildTypeId, args.buildId, module, module), modules))
+ return apidiff_html + getHtmlList(link_list)
def getDirs(url):
page = requests.get(url)
allowedDirs = getAllowedArtifactPaths(allowedArtifacts)
return set(dirs) == set(allowedDirs)
-def getStagingContentsHtml(repoUrl, allowedArtifacts, name):
+def getStagingContentsHtml(repoUrl, allowedArtifacts):
if checkStagingContents(repoUrl, allowedArtifacts):
- return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="green"), "No extra artifacts found in the {} staging repository. <a href=\"{}\">Link to the repository.</a>".format(name, repoUrl))
+ return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="green"), "Expected artifacts found in the staging repository. <a href=\"{}\">Link to the repository.</a>".format(repoUrl))
- return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="red"), "Extra artifacts found in the {} staging repository. <a href=\"{}\">Link to the repository.</a>".format(name, repoUrl))
+ return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="red"), "Extraneous or missing artifacts in the staging repository. <a href=\"{}\">Link to the repository.</a>".format(repoUrl))
def completeArtifactName(artifactId, version):
return 'com/vaadin/' + artifactId + '/' + version
return list(map(lambda x: completeArtifactName(x, version), artifactIds))
-allowedPluginArtifacts = completeArtifactNames([ 'vaadin-maven-plugin' ], args.version)
-allowedArchetypeArtifacts = completeArtifactNames([ 'vaadin-archetypes', 'vaadin-archetype-application', 'vaadin-archetype-application-multimodule', 'vaadin-archetype-application-example', 'vaadin-archetype-widget', 'vaadin-archetype-liferay-portlet' ], args.version)
-allowedFrameworkArtifacts = completeArtifactNames([ 'vaadin-root', 'vaadin-bom', 'vaadin-shared', 'vaadin-server', 'vaadin-client', 'vaadin-client-compiler', 'vaadin-client-compiled', 'vaadin-push', 'vaadin-themes', 'vaadin-widgets' ], args.version)
+allowedArtifacts = completeArtifactNames([ 'vaadin-maven-plugin', 'vaadin-archetypes', 'vaadin-archetype-application', 'vaadin-archetype-application-multimodule', 'vaadin-archetype-application-example', 'vaadin-archetype-widget', 'vaadin-archetype-liferay-portlet', 'vaadin-root', 'vaadin-shared', 'vaadin-server', 'vaadin-client', 'vaadin-client-compiler', 'vaadin-client-compiled', 'vaadin-push', 'vaadin-themes', 'vaadin-widgets', 'vaadin-testbench-api', 'vaadin-bom' ], args.version)
content = "<html><head></head><body><table>"
traffic_light = "<svg width=\"20px\" height=\"20px\" style=\"padding-right:5px\"><circle cx=\"10\" cy=\"10\" r=\"10\" fill=\"{color}\"/></svg>"
raise e
# check staging repositories don't contain extra artifacts
-content += getStagingContentsHtml(args.frameworkRepoUrl, allowedFrameworkArtifacts, "framework")
-content += getStagingContentsHtml(args.archetypeRepoUrl, allowedArchetypeArtifacts, "archetype")
-content += getStagingContentsHtml(args.pluginRepoUrl, allowedPluginArtifacts, "plugin")
+content += getStagingContentsHtml(args.stagingRepoUrl, allowedArtifacts)
content += createTableRow("", "<h2>Manual checks before publishing</h2>")
-# try demos
-content += createTableRow("", getDemoLinksHtml())
-content += createTableRow("", getArchetypeLinksHtml())
+content += createTableRow("", "If changing between branches or phases (stable, maintenance, alpha, beta, rc), check the phase change checklist")
# link to release notes
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"http://{}/repository/download/{}/{}:id/release-notes/release-notes.html\">Check release notes</a>".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.buildTypeId, args.buildId))
# link to api diff
-content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"http://{}/repository/download/{}/{}:id/apidiff/changes.html\">API Diff</a>".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.buildTypeId, args.buildId))
+content += createTableRow("", getApiDiffHtml())
+# check that GitHub issues are in the correct status
+content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"https://github.com/vaadin/framework/issues?q=is%3Aclosed+sort%3Aupdated-desc\">Check that closed GitHub issues have correct milestone</a>")
-# check that trac tickets are in the correct status
-content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"https://dev.vaadin.com/query?status=closed&status=pending-release&component=Core+Framework&resolution=fixed&group=milestone&col=id&col=summary&col=component&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&order=priority\">Check that trac tickets have correct status</a>")
-# pending release tickets without milestone
-content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"https://dev.vaadin.com/query?status=pending-release&milestone=\">Pending-release tickets without milestone</a>")
+content += createTableRow("", "Check demos from docker image:<br><pre>zcat < demo-validation-{version}.tgz |docker load && docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 demo-validation:{version} || docker rmi demo-validation:{version}</pre>".format(version=args.version))
content += createTableRow("", "<h2>Preparations before publishing</h2>")
-# close trac milestone
-content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"https://dev.vaadin.com/milestone/Vaadin {version}\">Close Trac Milestone (deselect \"retarget tickets\")</a>".format(version=args.version))
-# verify pending release tickets still have milestone
-content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"https://dev.vaadin.com/query?status=pending-release&component=Core+Framework&resolution=fixed&col=id&col=summary&col=component&col=milestone&col=status&col=type\">Verify pending release tickets still have milestone {version}</a>".format(version=args.version))
# link to build dependencies tab to initiate publish step
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"http://{}/viewLog.html?buildId={}&buildTypeId={}&tab=dependencies\"><h2>Start Publish Release from dependencies tab</h2></a>".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.buildId, args.buildTypeId))
(major, minor, maintenance) = args.version.split(".", 2)
prerelease = "." in maintenance
+def checkUrlStatus(url):
+ r = requests.get(url)
+ return r.status_code == 200
def createTableRow(*columns):
- html = "<tr>"
- for column in columns:
- html += "<td>" + column + "</td>"
- return html + "</tr>"
+ html = "<tr>"
+ for column in columns:
+ html += "<td>" + column + "</td>"
+ return html + "</tr>"
traffic_light = "<svg width=\"20px\" height=\"20px\" style=\"padding-right:5px\"><circle cx=\"10\" cy=\"10\" r=\"10\" fill=\"{color}\"/></svg>"
-content = "<html><head></head><body><table>"
+def getTrafficLight(b):
+ return traffic_light.format(color="green") if b else traffic_light.format(color="red")
-# Batch update tickets in trac
-content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"https://dev.vaadin.com/query?status=pending-release&component=Core+Framework&resolution=fixed&milestone=Vaadin {version}&col=id&col=summary&col=component&col=milestone&col=status&col=type\">Batch update tickets in Trac</a>")
+def checkArchetypeMetaData(archetypeMetadataUrl, version):
+ archetype_metadata_request = requests.get(archetypeMetadataUrl)
+ if archetype_metadata_request.status_code != 200:
+ return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="black"), "Check archetype metadata: <a href='{url}'>unable to retrieve metadata from {url}</a>".format(url=archetypeMetadataUrl))
+ else:
+ if "version=\"{version}\"".format(version=version) in archetype_metadata_request.content:
+ return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="green"), "Check archetype metadata: <a href='{url}'>metadata is correct for {url}</a>".format(url=archetypeMetadataUrl))
+ else:
+ return createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="red"), "Check archetype metadata: <a href='{url}'>metadata seems to be incorrect for {url}</a>".format(url=archetypeMetadataUrl))
-# Create milestone for next release
-content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"https://dev.vaadin.com/milestone?action=new\">Create milestone for next release</a>")
+content = "<html><head></head><body><table>"
+tagOk = checkUrlStatus("https://github.com/vaadin/framework/releases/tag/{ver}".format(ver=args.version))
+content += createTableRow(getTrafficLight(tagOk), "Tag ok on github.com")
# Tag and pin build
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"{url}\">Tag and pin build</a>".format(url=buildResultUrl))
# Traffic light for archetype metadata
-archetypeMetadataUrl = ""
-if not prerelease:
- archetypeMetadataUrl = "http://vaadin.com/download/maven-archetypes.xml"
- archetypeMetadataUrl ="http://vaadin.com/download/maven-archetypes-prerelease.xml"
-archetype_metadata_request = requests.get(archetypeMetadataUrl)
-if archetype_metadata_request.status_code != 200:
- content += createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="black"), "<a href='{url}'>Check archetype metadata: unable to retrieve metadata</a>".format(url=archetypeMetadataUrl))
- if "version=\"{version}\"".format(version=args.version) in archetype_metadata_request.content:
- content += createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="green"), "<a href='{url}'>Check archetype metadata: metadata is correct</a>".format(url=archetypeMetadataUrl))
- else:
- content += createTableRow(traffic_light.format(color="red"), "<a href='{url}'>Check archetype metadata: metadata is incorrect</a>".format(url=archetypeMetadataUrl))
-# TODO GitHub milestones
+content += checkArchetypeMetaData("http://vaadin.com/download/eclipse-maven-archetypes.xml", args.version)
+if prerelease:
+ content += checkArchetypeMetaData("http://vaadin.com/download/maven-archetypes-prerelease.xml", args.version)
+content += createTableRow("", "Optionally check that <a href=\"http://vaadin.com/download/maven-archetypes.xml\">old Eclipse metadata</a> still refers to Vaadin 7")
+content += createTableRow("", "Note that archetype metadata checks do not verify that the relevant sections are not commented out when changing from pre-release to stable and back!")
+content += createTableRow("", "Build and deploy new sampler if necessary")
# Inform marketing and PO
content += createTableRow("", "Inform marketing and PO about the release")
content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"http://{}/admin/editProject.html?projectId={}&tab=projectParams\">Update vaadin.version.latest and vaadin.version.next parameters in TeamCity</a>".format(args.teamcityUrl, args.projectId))
# Link to GH release notes
-content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin/releases/new\">Write release notes in GH</a>")
+content += createTableRow("", "<a href=\"https://github.com/vaadin/framework/releases\">Finish and publish release notes in GH</a>")
content += "</table></body></html>"
with open("result/report.html", "wb") as f:
- f.write(content)
+ f.write(content)
from os import makedirs
metadataChecks = {
- 'https://vaadin.com/download/LATEST7': '^7\..*',
- 'https://vaadin.com/download/VERSIONS_7': '^7\..*',
- 'https://vaadin.com/download/release/7.7/LATEST': '^7\..*',
+ 'https://vaadin.com/download/LATEST8': '^8\..*',
'https://vaadin.com/download/LATEST': '^6\..*',
- 'https://vaadin.com/download/PRERELEASES': '^8\..*'
+ 'https://vaadin.com/download/LATEST7': '^{ver}',
+ 'https://vaadin.com/download/VERSIONS_7': '^{ver}',
+ 'https://vaadin.com/download/release/7.7/LATEST':'^{ver}'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Post-publish report generator")
print("Result path is not a directory.")
+# Latest 7 checks based on current version number.
(major, minor, maintenance) = args.version.split(".", 2)
-prerelease = "." in maintenance
-if prerelease:
- maintenance = maintenance.split('.')[0]
+prerelease = ',' in maintenance
def checkUrlContents(url, regexp):
r = requests.get(url)
metadataOk = True
for url in metadataChecks:
- metadataOk = metadataOk and checkUrlContents(url, metadataChecks[url].format(ver=args.version))
+ pattern = metadataChecks[url].format(ver=args.version)
+ print("Checking: %s with pattern %s" % (url, pattern))
+ metadataOk = metadataOk and checkUrlContents(url, pattern)
-tagOk = checkUrlStatus("https://github.com/vaadin/vaadin/releases/tag/{ver}".format(ver=args.version))
+tagOk = checkUrlStatus("https://github.com/vaadin/framework/releases/tag/{ver}".format(ver=args.version))
if not prerelease:
downloadPageOk = checkUrlStatus("https://vaadin.com/download/release/{maj}.{min}/{ver}/".format(maj=major, min=minor, ver=args.version))
<tr><td>{metadataOk}</td><td>Metadata ok on vaadin.com</td></tr>
-<tr><td>{tagOk}</td><td>Tag ok on github.com</td></tr>
<tr><td>{downloadPageOk}</td><td>Download folder on vaadin.com contains the version</td></tr>
-""".format(metadataOk=getTrafficLight(metadataOk), tagOk=getTrafficLight(tagOk), downloadPageOk=getTrafficLight(downloadPageOk))
+""".format(metadataOk=getTrafficLight(metadataOk), downloadPageOk=getTrafficLight(downloadPageOk))
mavenUrl = ""
if not prerelease:
- mavenUrl = "http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/vaadin/vaadin-server/{ver}".format(ver=args.version)
+ mavenUrl = "http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/vaadin/vaadin-server/"
content += "<tr><td></td><td><a href='{mvnUrl}'>Check {ver} is published to maven.org (might take a while)</td></tr>".format(ver=args.version, mvnUrl=mavenUrl)
- mavenUrl = "http://maven.vaadin.com/vaadin-prereleases/com/vaadin/vaadin-server/{ver}".format(ver=args.version)
+ mavenUrl = "http://maven.vaadin.com/vaadin-prereleases/com/vaadin/vaadin-server/"
content += "<tr><td></td><td><a href='{mvnUrl}'>Check {ver} is published as prerelease to maven.vaadin.com</td></tr>".format(ver=args.version, mvnUrl=mavenUrl)
-content += "<tr><td></td><td><a href=\"https://dev.vaadin.com/admin/ticket/versions\">Add version {version} to Trac</a></td></tr>".format(version=args.version)
+content += "<tr><td></td><td><a href=\"https://github.com/vaadin/framework/milestones\">Create milestone for next version in GitHub</a></td></tr>"
-if not prerelease:
- content += '<tr><td></td><td><a href="https://dev.vaadin.com/admin/ticket/versions">Set latest version to default</a></td></tr>'
-content += """
-<tr><td></td><td><a href="http://test.vaadin.com/{version}/run/LabelModes?restartApplication">Verify uploaded to test.vaadin.com</a></td></tr>
+#content += """
+#<tr><td></td><td><a href="http://test.vaadin.com/{version}/run/LabelModes?restartApplication">Verify uploaded to test.vaadin.com</a></td></tr>
if not prerelease:
content += '<tr><td></td><td><a href="http://vaadin.com/api">Verify API version list updated</a></td></tr>'
+content += "<tr><td></td><td>Run the generated tag_repositories.sh script</td></tr>"
+# close GitHub milestone
+content += "<tr><td></td><td><a href=\"https://github.com/vaadin/framework/milestones\">Close GitHub Milestone and create one for next version</a></td></tr>"
+# release notes
+content += "<tr><td></td><td><a href=\"https://github.com/vaadin/framework/releases/new\">Prepare release notes in GH</a></td></tr>"
content += """
<tr><td></td><td><a href="http://{teamcityUrl}/viewLog.html?buildId={buildId}&buildTypeId={buildTypeId}&tab=dependencies"><h2>Start Post-Publish Release from dependencies tab</a></td></tr>